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2024 - 6 - 28

CNN Weekly News Quiz: June 27, 2024

CNN - failing dam - historic debate - infrastructure maintenance - multiple alarms - mysterious monolith - sleep quality - weekly news quiz

Test your memory of the week with CNN's historic debate, mysterious monolith, and failing dam!

CNN's Weekly News Quiz for June 27, 2024 challenges your recollection of the week's notable events. From a historic debate that captivated the nation to the discovery of a mysterious monolith, and the concerning situation of a failing dam, the past week was filled with intrigue and drama. Test your memory and see how much you remember from the headlines that made waves! Are you up for the challenge?

If you find yourself relying on multiple alarms to wake up in the morning, you might be setting yourself up for a groggy start to your day, according to experts. Instead of hitting snooze repeatedly, learn how to train your body to wake up to just one alarm, ensuring a more refreshed and energized morning routine. Say goodbye to the grogginess and hello to a more alert and productive day ahead.

Did you know that setting multiple alarms can disrupt your sleep cycle, causing you to feel more tired and disoriented upon waking? By establishing a consistent wake-up time and practicing healthy sleep habits, you can improve the quality of your rest and enhance your overall well-being. Don't let the snooze button rule your mornings; take charge of your sleep schedule and reap the benefits of a good night's sleep.

In conclusion, stay informed with CNN's Weekly News Quiz to stay on top of the latest headlines and test your memory on the significant events of the week. Remember, a single alarm is all you need for a refreshed morning routine, so ditch the multiple alarms and embrace a more natural waking process. Prioritize your sleep quality and establish a consistent sleep schedule to feel more energized and focused throughout the day.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

CNN Weekly News Quiz: June 27, 2024 (CNN)

A historic debate. A mysterious monolith. A failing dam. What do you remember from the week that was?

Post cover
Image courtesy of "CNN"

Need multiple alarms to wake up in the morning? Here's what could ... (CNN)

If you set multiple alarms to wake up, you're setting yourself up for a groggy morning, experts say. Here's how to train your body to wake up to one alarm.

Explore the last week