Mike Turner

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GOP Rep. Mike Turner Exposes Russian Propaganda in Congress

House Intelligence Committee - House Republican colleagues - Mike Turner - Russian propaganda - Ukraine

House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner reveals how Russian propaganda has infiltrated the House floor. Shocking details inside!

GOP Rep. Mike Turner has made a bold revelation about the presence of Russian propaganda within Congress. Turner, a GOP representative, expressed concern over some of his House Republican colleagues adopting and even vocalizing Russian propaganda on the House floor. The House Intelligence Committee Chair, Mike Turner, highlighted the alarming extent of Russian propaganda's influence within the halls of Congress, emphasizing the need for awareness and vigilance against such misinformation.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner emphasized the alarming spread of Russian propaganda within Congress during an interview. Turner's remarks shed light on the concerning infiltration of misinformation within political circles, urging for increased scrutiny and fact-checking to combat the dissemination of false narratives. The GOP representative's comments have sparked a crucial discussion on the prevalence and impact of foreign propaganda in shaping political discourse.

In a stark warning, Mike Turner cautioned against the acceptance and regurgitation of Russian propaganda by House Republicans, emphasizing the need for a vigilant approach to information consumption. Turner's stance underscores the importance of critical thinking and fact-based decision-making in the face of external disinformation campaigns. The revelation serves as a wake-up call for lawmakers and the public alike to remain vigilant against the influence of foreign propaganda within political arenas.

In an alarming development, House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner raised concerns about the dissemination of Russian propaganda on the House floor, signaling a pressing need for heightened awareness and resistance against foreign influence in Congress. Turner's statements echo a growing recognition of the dangers posed by misinformation and the imperative for transparency and accountability in political communications. The revelation serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing battle against disinformation and the critical role of lawmakers in safeguarding the integrity of democratic processes.

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

GOP Rep. Mike Turner: Russian propaganda is 'being uttered on the ... (NBC News)

GOP Rep. Mike Turner said Sunday that Russian propaganda has taken hold among some of his House Republican colleagues and is even "being uttered on the ...

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

Intel Chair Turner: 'Absolutely true' that Russian propaganda has ... (The Hill)

House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Turner (R-Ohio) stressed the expansive reach of Russian propaganda and said Sunday it has even presented itself on ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

House Intelligence Committee chair says Russian propaganda has ... (CNN)

House Intelligence Committee chair Mike Turner said Sunday that Russian propaganda has โ€œabsolutelyโ€ seeped its way to Congress, saying some of his ...

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Image courtesy of "Washington Times"

Mike Turner, House intel committee chair, says Russian propaganda ... (Washington Times)

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner accused his GOP colleagues of succumbing to Russian propaganda on Ukraine.

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

Turner: Russian propaganda "being uttered on the House floor" (Axios)

Turner's comments come after McCaul said Russian propaganda has "infected a good chunk of my party's base"

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Image courtesy of "Washington Examiner"

Mike Turner claims Russian propaganda has seeped onto House floor (Washington Examiner)

Turner said House Republicans have "uttered" ideas from Russian propaganda on the House floor.

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Image courtesy of "Daily Beast"

GOP Rep. Mike Turner Agrees Russian Propaganda Has 'Infected ... (Daily Beast)

The House Intel Chair is the second major GOP figure to call out pro-Russian propaganda in the party this week.

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Image courtesy of "Rolling Stone"

GOP Rep. Turner: Republicans Have 'Uttered' Russian Propaganda ... (Rolling Stone)

Republican Rep. Mike Turner accused some of his colleagues of having "uttered" Russian propaganda "on the House floor" during Russia's war on Ukraine.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

House intelligence chair says Republicans are 'absolutely' repeating ... (The Guardian)

Mike Turner, the Ohio Republican, echoes a similar claim made recently by another rightwing American lawmaker.

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