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Breaking News: US and UK Launch Retaliatory Strikes in Yemen

Global security - Houthi rebels - International relations - Iran-backed militia - Middle East conflict - Oil prices - US airstrikes - Yemen

Find out how the US and UK's military actions are shaking up global geopolitics!

In a dramatic turn of events, the United States and the United Kingdom have initiated massive air and sea strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen. The strikes, carried out with the support of allied countries like Australia, Canada, and Bahrain, mark a significant escalation in the conflict. Lawmakers are raising concerns over the constitutionality of President Biden's decision to launch these strikes without seeking approval from Congress, sparking debates on presidential war powers.

The airstrikes come in response to escalating attacks by the Iran-backed Houthi rebels on international shipping vessels in the Red Sea, posing a direct threat to global security and oil markets. Market analysts are closely monitoring the implications of these military actions on oil prices and international trade. As tensions rise in the Middle East, there are fears of a broader regional conflict that could have far-reaching consequences.

In the midst of these developments, President Biden and Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III have issued statements justifying the coalition strikes as necessary measures to counter Houthi aggression. The Houthis, on the other hand, have vowed to continue their attacks, highlighting the complex and volatile nature of the situation in Yemen. As the world watches closely, the aftermath of these airstrikes could have long-lasting effects on the region and international relations.

In a surprising twist, European countries like Italy, Spain, and France have refrained from participating in the US and UK-led strikes, underscoring divisions within the international community. The conflict in Yemen remains a flashpoint in the ongoing power struggles and proxy wars in the Middle East, with implications for global stability and security.

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

Jayapal: US-led strikes on Yemen 'an unacceptable violation' of ... (The Hill)

“The President needs to come to Congress before launching a strike against the Houthis in Yemen and involving us in another middle east conflict,” Khanna posted ...

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Image courtesy of ""

Has Biden violated the US Constitution by bombing Yemen? (

Lawmakers say Biden should have sought permission from Congress before launching strikes on 16 Houthi sites.

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Image courtesy of "Voz de América"

Estados Unidos y Reino Unido atacan objetivos hutíes en Yemen y ... (Voz de América)

Los ataques de Estados Unidos y Reino Unido llevados a cabo con la ayuda de Australia, Canadá, Holanda y Bahréin, fueron lanzados desde aviones de combate, ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Strikes on Houthi targets in Yemen could undermine US aim to ... (BBC News)

War spreading in the Middle East is not just a risk - it has already happened, writes the BBC's international editor.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Market analysts react to US, British strikes against Houthis in Yemen (Reuters)

The United States and Britain launched strikes from the air and sea against Houthi military targets in Yemen in response to the movement's attacks on ships ...

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Oil Up 4%: 'Crude' Implications Of U.S.-U.K. Attacks On Yemen (Forbes)

U.S.-U.K. military strikes on Houthi rebel positions could have profound implications for global oil markets, with crude traders factoring in a higher risk ...

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

U.S. and U.K. strike Houthi targets in Yemen (NPR)

The airstrikes on multiple Houthi targets in Yemen follow more than two months of attacks by the Iran-backed militants against cargo ships and U.S. warships ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

U.S. Missiles Strike Houthi Targets in Yemen After Red Sea Attacks (The New York Times)

The American-led strikes came in response to more than two dozen Houthi drone and missile attacks against commercial shipping in the Red Sea since the ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

US and UK carry out airstrikes against Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen (CNN)

The US and UK military launched strikes against multiple Houthi targets in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen on Thursday, a US official and UK official told ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

US, Britain carry out strikes against Houthis in Yemen, officials say (Reuters)

The United States and Britain launched strikes against sites linked to the Houthi movement in Yemen, the first on the country since the Iran-backed group ...

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

U.S.-led coalition strikes Houthis in Yemen (Axios)

Driving the news: Biden said the strikes were in direct response to the "unprecedented Houthi attacks against international shipping vessels in the Red Sea — ...

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Image courtesy of "Voice of America"

US, UK Strike Back at Several Houthi Sites in Yemen (Voice of America)

The United States and Britain have launched a massive attack against Iranian-backed Houthis inside Yemen in retaliation for more than two dozen recent ...

Estados Unidos y Reino Unido lanzan ataques aéreos en Yemen ... (KESQ)

Los ataques se realizaron con aviones de combate y misiles Tomahawk. Más de una docena de objetivos hutíes fueron impactados por misiles que se dispararon desde ...

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Image courtesy of "FRANCE 24"

EE. UU. y Reino Unido atacan objetivos hutíes en Yemen tras los ... (FRANCE 24)

Estados Unidos y Reino Unido confirmaron este jueves 11 de enero que ejecutaron una acción militar conjunta, con apoyo de otros países, contra los rebeldes ...

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Image courtesy of "Univision"

EEUU y Reino Unido lanzan ataques contra hutíes en Yemen tras ... (Univision)

La decisión se tomó luego de un ataque hutí de 21 misiles y drones dirigidos a buques de guerra estadounidenses y británicos el martes por la noche.

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Image courtesy of "infobae América"

Estados Unidos y Reino Unido lanzaron ataques aéreos contra ... (infobae América)

Washington había advertido de "consecuencias" si persistían los ataques en el mar Rojo, incluso a pesar de la preocupación de que puedan desencadenar una ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

US, UK launch large-scale retaliatory strikes against Iran-backed ... (ABC News)

US, UK launch large-scale retaliatory strikes against Iran-backed Houthi militants in Yemen ... The Houthis had made repeated attacks on Red Sea shipping despite ...

Statement from President Joe Biden on Coalition Strikes in Houthi ... (The White House)

Today, at my direction, U.S. military forces—together with the United Kingdom and with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, ...

Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Coalition ... (Department of Defense)

In light of the illegal, dangerous, and destabilizing Iranian-backed Houthi attacks against U.S. and international vessels and commercial vessels from many ...

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Image courtesy of "BBC Mundo"

Hutíes: Estados Unidos y Reino Unido lanzan un ataque militar ... (BBC Mundo)

La operación militar es una respuesta a la campaña de ataques que durante semanas han realizado los hutíes en contra de barcos mercantes en el Mar Rojo.

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

Biden says strikes in Yemen show U.S., allies 'will not tolerate ... (PBS NewsHour)

Biden said the U.S. and its allies only made the move after attempts at diplomatic negotiations and careful deliberation.

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Image courtesy of "Telemundo 44 Washington DC"

EEUU y Gran Bretaña lanzan ataque a gran escala contra hutíes en ... (Telemundo 44 Washington DC)

Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña lanzaron ataques militares contra objetivos en Yemen controlado por los hutíes, dijeron el jueves dos funcionarios estadounidenses ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Estados Unidos y Reino Unido lanzan ataques en Yemen contra ... (CNN)

El ejército de Estados Unidos lanzó una serie de ataques contra múltiples objetivos hutíes en áreas de Yemen controladas por este grupo, dijo un funcionario ...

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Image courtesy of "USNI News"

U.S. Strikes Houthi Targets in Yemen From Air, Surface and ... (USNI News)

Air Force strike fighters originating from a base in the Middle East and Super Hornets from USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN-69) were involved, USNI News ...

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Image courtesy of "US AIR FORCES CENTRAL"

AFCENT Commander Statement on Strikes against Houthi positions ... (US AIR FORCES CENTRAL)

At the direction of U.S. Central Command, U.S. Air Forces Central, CENTCOM's Joint & Combined Air Component Command, executed deliberate strikes on over 60 ...

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Image courtesy of "The Associated Press"

US, UK launch retaliatory strike against Houthis in Yemen (The Associated Press)

U.S. and British militaries are bombing more than a dozen sites used by the Iranian-backed Houthis in Yemen, in a retaliatory strike.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Houthi rebels say US-led strikes in Yemen killed 5 people and ... (ABC News)

U.S.-led airstrikes on Yemen's Houthi rebels in response to their attacks on shipping in the Red Sea have pulled the world's focus back on the yearslong war ...

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Houthis vow to keep attacking ships in Red Sea after U.S., U.K. ... (CBS News)

The Houthis, an Iran-backed proxy force, have been attacking commercial shipping in the Red Sea since soon after the Israel-Hamas war began.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Reactions to US, British strikes against Houthis in Yemen (Reuters)

The United States and Britain launched a series of strikes on Yemen on Thursday aimed at the Iran-backed Houthi militia that started targeting international ...

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Image courtesy of "Department of Defense"

U.S., Partners' Forces Strike Houthi Military Targets in Yemen (Department of Defense)

U.S. and partners' forces conducted defensive strikes against military targets in Houthi-controlled parts of Yemen following a series of attacks launched by ...

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Image courtesy of "TIME"

Who Are the Houthi Rebels? Red Sea Attacks Result In U.S. and ... (TIME)

Strikes On Yemen. Yemen's Houthi supporters Rally Against Israel, U.S. And UK Yemeni protestors loyal to the Houthi movement lift their rifles as they ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

U.S.-Led Airstrikes in Yemen Spark Outrage in the Middle East (The New York Times)

Criticism came from some U.S. allies, who warned that the attacks risked a broader regional conflict.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

ANÁLISIS | Los ataques estadounidenses en Yemen agudizan los ... (CNN)

Si bien la gestión de Biden está desesperada por evitar verse arrastrada a un nuevo conflicto en Medio Oriente, especialmente con las tropas estadounidenses en ...

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Big protests break out in Yemen after U.S.-British attacks (Reuters)

Tens of thousands of Yemenis gathered in several cities on Friday to hear their leaders condemn U.S. and British strikes on their country in response to ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

US attacks in Yemen sharpen Biden's military and political dilemmas (CNN)

US and British airstrikes against Iran-backed militants in Yemen represent a significant escalation of the conflict in the Middle East – and come despite ...

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Image courtesy of "The Wall Street Journal"

U.S.-Led Yemen Strikes Highlight Risk of Broader Middle East Conflict (The Wall Street Journal)

Iran-backed Houthi rebels warn they will retaliate, pledge to continue attacks on shipping.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Europe split over US-UK strikes on Houthis in Yemen (Reuters)

Italy, Spain and France stood out on Friday by not taking part in U.S. and British strikes against the Houthi group in Yemen and not even signing up to a ...

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Image courtesy of ""

US and UK launch strikes against Houthi rebels in Yemen (

Iran-aligned group calls attacks 'barbaric', says it will continue to target ships heading towards Israel.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Guerra Israel - Hamas en vivo: objetivos hutíes en Yemen atacados ... (CNN)

Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido lanzaron el jueves ataques contra múltiples objetivos hutíes en áreas de Yemen controladas por este grupo, una respuesta ...

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

What the US attack in Yemen means for oil prices, inflation (ABC News)

A wider escalation could drive up the price of oil and many consumer goods.

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Image courtesy of "Energy Voice"

Oil up and ships warned to stay away after strikes on Yemen (Energy Voice)

Oil prices are up as the Houthis vow to defend Yemen from further attacks from coalition forces, as the Red Sea conflict spills over.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Explainer: Did Biden break the law by ordering Yemen airstrikes? (Reuters)

Some members of the U.S. Congress have charged that President Joe Biden violated the Constitution by authorizing overnight strikes on Yemen.

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Rebeldes hutíes de Yemen prometen responder tras ataques de ... (Los Angeles Times)

El bombardeo —lanzado en respuesta a una reciente campaña de ataques con drones y misiles contra barcos comerciales en el vital Mar Rojo— mató al menos a cinco ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Biden dice que con ataques a Yemen le envió un mensaje a Irán y ... (CNN)

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, dijo este viernes que le envió un mensaje a Irán con los ataques aéreos del jueves en Yemen contra los rebeldes ...

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Image courtesy of "Voz de América"

Hutíes prometen responder al ataque de EEUU en Yemen (Voz de América)

EEUU y el Reino Unido atacaron objetivos militares de los hutíes, una milicia rebelde de Yemen que había agredido buques comerciales en el Mar Rojo.

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