Holy Week

2023 - 4 - 3

Winchester Cathedral | Canon Gary's Thoughts for the Day during ... (Winchester Cathedral)

All are welcome to join in worship during the lead up to the last week of Jesus Christ's mortal life, from Palm Sunday to His glorious Resurrection on ...

We have the privilege and joy of knowing the end of the story already. God had left the loving Son, and thus the loveless world, to the darkness of destruction. There’s always a lot going on in the Cathedral part of my role, and tons happening in the Diocese as well, and I seem to need little reference points, little moments of control, which help to keep everything else on track. In Mark [16:1], ‘When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him’. And the result of all Jesus’ and his Disciples’ Maundy Thursday Planning? And in that same letter, he writes, ‘It is not the religious act that makes the Christian, but the participation in the suffering of God in the world’ (PP, p. He knew which places he was planning to visit, and asked the Disciples to visit those places first, giving them instructions about what to wear, what to eat, and what to do. In Holy Week, especially, we are called to stand at the foot of the Cross. You have a copy of one, ‘Christen und Heiden’ (See below), Christians and non-Christians, or Heathens, or Pagans (the German word is difficult to translate) – I’ve gone for ‘Christians and Others’, which seems to me closest to what Bonhoeffer meant. Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! In my role as Assistant Archdeacon, I was recently leading the Institution and Induction as Vicar of someone who had been Priest-in-Charge of a Parish for some years. In the same way, he responds to Pilate, and on the Cross says, ‘Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing’ [Lk.

Holy Week… So What? (2023) (Crosswalk.com)

James Emery White is the founding and senior pastor of Mecklenburg Community Church in Charlotte, NC, and a former professor of theologyand culture at Gordon- ...

To enjoy a free subscription to the Church & Culture blog, visit [churchandculture.org](http://www.churchandculture.org/), where you can view past blogs in our archive, read the latest church and culture news from around the world, and listen to the Church & Culture Podcast. To enjoy a free subscription to the Church & Culture blog, visit [churchandculture.org](https://www.churchandculture.org/) where you can view past blogs in our archive, read the latest church and culture news from around the world, and listen to the Church & Culture Podcast. His latest book, Hybrid Church: Rethinking the Church for a Post-Christian Digital Age, is now Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday, marks the time of Jesus in the tomb. I know, the word “good” is a misnomer. After Jesus entered to acclaim, He moved to clear the Temple. There is an ancient text called The Pilgrimage of Egeria, that describes a fourth century visit to Jerusalem. Many people spread their cloaks on the road, while others spread branches they had cut in the fields. Not willing to succumb to a celebrity culture, He made it clear what the demands of following Him would entail. In our culture, the significance of sacred days and times has long been forgotten. As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of his disciples, saying to them, “Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. We live our lives on the surface of frenetic activity, seldom adding depth to any given moment.

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Image courtesy of "Church News"

Prophetic emphasis, invitations for Easter and Holy Week (Church News)

Prophets and apostles speak in April 2023 general conference of the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus Christ and present-day applications and blessings.

“I invite you to look at the Book of Mormon in a new light and consider the profound witness it bears of the reality of the Risen Christ as well as the richness and depth of the doctrine of Christ. “His visit as a resurrected Savior, introduced by God the Father, is a most glorious and triumphant Easter message. “In reality, the Book of Mormon shares the greatest Easter story ever told. “We are preparing to commemorate the most important and transcendent event ever recorded on earth, which is the Atonement and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was the most important week in human history.” His Resurrection bears witness that through Him, immortality and eternal life are realities.” In the sacred Intercessory Prayer, Christ petitioned: “Holy Father, keep through thine own name [mine apostles] whom thou has given me, that they may be one, as we are” ( “His Resurrection bears witness that, bound to Him by covenant, we too may overcome all things and become one. “It is the most important religious observance for followers of Jesus Christ. “Will ye not now return unto me, and repent of your sins, and be converted, that I may heal you? The main reason we celebrate Christmas is because of Easter.” Rasband](https://www.thechurchnews.com/2015/10/15/23222708/elder-ronald-a-rasband-apostle-2015) and [Elder Gary E.

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Image courtesy of "Detroit Catholic"

Archbishop kicks off Holy Week with Palm Sunday Mass at cathedral ... (Detroit Catholic)

On a sunny Sunday morning, April 2, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron kicked off Holy Week celebrations in the Archdiocese of Detroit by celebration a Palm ...

"Each of us, as we hear the account of the Lord's passion, has our attention captured by one or another details in this sacred mystery," Archbishop Vigneron said in his homily. In particular, he said, the Passion is a reminder of why Jesus went through the agony he experienced on the cross: to save his people out of love. DETROIT — On a sunny Sunday morning, April 2, Archbishop Allen H.

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Image courtesy of "National Catholic Register"

Holy Week 2023: The Sacred Triduum Is the Real Summit of ... (National Catholic Register)

COMMENTARY: In the run-up to Easter, we ought to live Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday with a particularly Eucharistic focus.

It’s likewise a chance to focus on the dimension of the Eucharist as a “memorial feast” and “perpetual institution,” making live in time what Jesus himself did on that most sacred night. Jesus wants to cleanse our feet through the same apostles, bishops and priests through whom he later gives us his Body and Blood. John, the veneration of the cross, and even the prayers of the Stations of the Cross, the preaching of “The Seven Last Words” and the beginning of the Novena to Divine Mercy. This year, therefore, we ought to live Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter vigil with a particularly Eucharistic focus. Similarly, on Good Friday, when Jesus gave his body and poured out his blood for us on Calvary, our concentration is normally on his enormous sufferings and death and in begging forgiveness for our sins that caused his crucifixion. Therefore, it’s fitting that the three-year-plus Eucharistic Revival began on Corpus Christi last June 19 and will shift from the diocesan to the parish phases on Corpus Christi this year, June 11.

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Image courtesy of "National Catholic Register"

Monday of Holy Week: The Anointing at Bethany (National Catholic Register)

Foot-washing is an important Holy Week theme. Today the Gospel focuses on how Mary of Bethany anointed Jesus' feet with precious nard.

In Bethany (the former) or maybe not (the latter)? John (12:1-11) clearly speaks of a dinner at the home of Lazarus in Bethany in which his sisters Martha and Mary take part, Mary perfuming Christ’s feet. The tone of the scene gives the impression of sorrow, not of generous joy in anoint the beloved rabbi who has blessed our family. Pope Francis has now decreed the memorial as one of Martha, Mary and Lazarus. Matthew (26:6-13), on the other hand, speaks of a dinner at the home of Simon the Leper in Bethany at which a nameless woman anoints Jesus’ head with nard oil, an action that elicits indignation from an unnamed “disciple.” James Tissot, our late-19th-century French artist who detailed the Life of Christ in generally accurate Mideastern settings and costume, painted “Le Parfum de Madeleine” (The Perfume of the Magdalene) sometime between 1886-1894. I make these observations because it complicates finding an artistic depiction of today’s Gospel that does not misrepresent it by including elements not in the Johannine text. Mark (14:3-9) repeats most of the details of Matthew, except that multiple “disciples” complain to themselves. In the Gospels — including Luke’s (10:38-42) — Mary of Bethany is presented as Lazarus’ good, contemplative sister, not a public sinner. On Thursday, Jesus himself will wash the feet of his Apostles in a gesture of humility at the Last Supper. So he complains that the nard could have been sold “for the poor.” John strips Judas of this self-justifying doggerel, noting he held the apostolic purse and readily helped himself to it. On these early days of Holy Week, the Church selects Gospels that point to the events immediately leading to Jesus’ Passion and Death.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Pittsburgh Diocese announces list of Holy Week events ahead of ... (CBS News)

The Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh has announced a list of planned events for the Holy Week leading up to the Easter holiday.

It begins with the lighting of a fire outside the church, and the carrying of light into the darkened nave. Bishop Zubik will participate in this 32nd annual ritual with members of the Christian Leaders Fellowship. *Ecumenical Tenebrae prayer service at 7:00 p.m., with Bishop Zubik, presider, and local leaders of other faith denominations. *Good Friday Liturgy at 1:30 p.m., with Bishop Zubik, presider and homilist. The bishop consecrates all holy oils that parishes and the diocese will use throughout the year. *Chrism Mass at 10 a.m., with Bishop Zubik principal celebrant and homilist.

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Image courtesy of "BladenOnline.com"

Holy Week Leads to Easter Sunday – BladenOnline (BladenOnline.com)

Starting with Palm Sunday, when Jesus enters Jerusalem for the last time, crowds gather to see his entrance while waving palm branches and shouting “Hosanna!” ...

Christians believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is known as the ultimate sacrifice that saves us from sin and death. Paul considered it ‘of first importance’ that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and was raised to life on the third day, following what God had promised in the Scriptures ( [1 Corinthians 15:3](https://www.christianity.com/bible/niv/1-corinthians/15-3)).” However, the bad that happened on Good Friday is what made the good news of Easter possible. On Good Friday, Jesus is crucified (Matthew 27:1-61). On Tuesday, Jesus is questioned by religious leaders (Matthew 21:23-32). On Wednesday, Judas decides to betray Jesus (Matthew 26:1-16).

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Image courtesy of "Anglican Ink"

GSFA chairman's Holy Week message - Anglican Ink © 2023 (Anglican Ink)

Holy Week Message ( 2nd April 2023 ). By: Archbishop Justin Badi , Chairman of the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA).

Happily, the core leadership of both GSFA & GAFCON have recently agreed to build a more collaborative relationship as we seek God’s will for His Church at this time and seek to keep in step with the Holy Spirit. This means that there is a total of 11 Ordinary Member Provinces in GSFA , with 2 more Provinces in the pipeline at the moment. With sorrow yet with resolve & humble boldness, the orthodox in the Communion must now rise up to this task of re-setting the world-wide Communion with a new locus , that is a new ecclesiastical centre. For the glory of our great God and Saviour! Dear people , pray fervently for GSFA & all the orthodox components of the Communion in this endeavour. The chosen trajectory of the official leadership of the Church of England is lamentable but clear, and it warrants a firm response. Therefore , GSFA will work patiently, thoughtfully and lovingly with other orthodox leaders in the Communion, such as those in the GAFCON movement and other Primates & groupings, to forge this re-setting of the Communion on a strong and stable foundation. The Statement makes it clear that in making this decision it is “ the Church of England that has chosen to break communion with those provinces who remain faithful to the historic biblical faith expressed in the Anglican formularies.” On its part , the GSFA finds that in its calling to be ‘a holy remnant’ it cannot be ‘in communion’ with revisionist provinces who pursue the path of false teaching that compromises the Gospel. Please know that the position taken by GSFA in its Ash Wed Statement was made after careful consideration and after due warnings were communicated to the Archbishop of Canterbury. I am referring to the global Anglican Church that God has built up over the centuries and that has been His instrument of Gospel blessing to so many countries … Furthermore , the leadership role played by the Archbishop of Canterbury in the revisionist path adopted by the General Synod renders the GSFA unable to recognise the present incumbent as “ the ‘first among equals’ Leader of the global Communion.” Instead of coming on a horse as a conquering general, He came on a colt as the Prince of Peace.

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Image courtesy of "butlerradio.com"

Holy Week Gets Underway - ButlerRadio.com - Butler, PA (butlerradio.com)

Parishioners began the week with Palm Sunday Mass. Services will continue later this week with Holy Thursday, which is highlighted by a Chrism Mass at St.

Parishioners began the week with Palm Sunday Mass. with Bishop David Zubik presiding. The beginning of Holy Week in the Diocese of Pittsburgh has officially begun.

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Image courtesy of "KNSI Radio"

Christian Holy Week is Underway (KNSI Radio)

(KNSI) - It's the most sacred time of the year for Christians as Holy Week is underway. The days leading up to...

No one was in the gym at Browerville High School when it came down, but it was decided at an emergency school board meeting Sunday the rest of the roof needed to be torn down in ...13h ago ](https://knsiradio.com/2023/04/03/browerville-high-school-gym-suffers-partial-roof-collapse/) [See More](/more-blog/?sort=views_5h&categories=2421-9%2C2421-28%2C2421-27&offset=4&items_per_page=4&items_per_more_page=10&el_class=&length_of_article_summary=250&display_author_name=yes&display_view=no&display_date=yes&layout=0&column_width=0&promo_position=default&target=&back_url=%2F2023%2F04%2F03%2Fchristian-holy-week-is-underway%2F&back_page_name=Christian%2BHoly%2BWeek%2Bis%2BUnderway) The DNR says it doesn't know exactly why the nest fell, but "The most likely scenario is that the heavy snow we re...13h ago ](https://knsiradio.com/2023/04/03/chick-on-dnrs-eagle-cam-dies-after-nest-falls-from-tree/) [Browerville High School Gym Suffers Partial Roof Collapse(KNSI) - The roof at a high school gym partially collapsed on Saturday. The week continues with Holy Thursday, where Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. Jesus says, I’ve come to enter into the most trying of human experiences and not just to try to take them away, but actually to make tragedy the very cause of our triumphs.” Cloud Diocese](https://stcdio.org/) Director of Vocations Father Scott Pogatchnik was a guest on KNSI and talked about what the week means for the faithful. “The most defining aspect of this whole week is that Jesus Christ gives meaning and purpose even to suffering.

Explore the last week