Hints and clues for today's Wordle #641 for Thurssday, March 23rd.
The word "staid" comes from the past participle of the verb "stay", which means to remain in a place or to stop moving. The word "staid" is first attested in the 16th century. Zero for guessing in four and -1 for losing to the Bot. It was later influenced by the Old Norse word "stathr," which has a similar meaning. Alas, somehow Wordle Bot got it in three today so that’s -1 points for yours truly. The only remaining word I could think of that point was staid, which isn’t a word you hear very often but ended up being the Wordle. Still, we’re a ways off from the month of my birth, which I suppose I should be thankful for since it means I can remain that much younger for that much longer. Sometimes the Wordle Bot will chastise me for making a stupid mistake. I’m planning to serve seafood so that when guests leave they can say, “So long, and thanks for all the fish” which, of course, is the sequel to The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. All of this, again, takes place after I’ve already figured out the word, since you need to do that before you can even use Wordle Bot. I’m not sure if May flowers do anything special for June, but clearly all of this is just preamble for the best month of the year, just like every month after June is just falling action. Soon enough, April will bring spring showers in order to facilitate May flowers.