Paul Pelosi

2023 - 1 - 27

paul pelosi video paul pelosi video

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Court releases video of attack on Paul Pelosi (CNN)

San Francisco Superior Court on Friday released video and audio recorded during last year's attack on Paul Pelosi after a California court ruled the ...

On Thursday, Nancy Pelosi said her husband’s recovery was “one day at a time.” She said she didn’t know if she would see the video when it was released. “He’s telling me to put the phone down and just do what he says,” Pelosi said. Where’s Nancy?” He then threatened to tie up Paul Pelosi and prevented him from escaping via elevator, according to the documents. “Well, I was going to basically hold her hostage, and I was going to talk to her,” DePape said of Nancy Pelosi. The officer walked DePape through his break-in of the Pelosi house and his encounter with Paul Pelosi. Lawyers for DePape argued against the public release of the audio and footage, writing it would “irreparably damage” his right to a fair trial. CNN has previously reported Pelosi made the call when he went into his bathroom, where his cell phone was charging. I did not leave to go surrender,” he said. “And I told him that I would go through him. “There’s a gentleman here just waiting for my wife to come back, Nancy Pelosi. The officers rushed into the home, subduing DePape and handcuffing him. One of the videos shows body-cam footage from officers who arrived at Pelosi’s home on October 28, 2022, when he was attacked.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Newly released video of the attack on Paul Pelosi shows a struggle ... (NPR)

Video released publicly Friday shows the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fighting for control of a hammer with his assailant during a brutal ...

DePape told Hurley he was going after Nancy Pelosi for lying to the American public and that he planned to hold her hostage for her crimes. The officers called for backup as they struggled with DePape and Pelosi was lying on the ground. DePape said he planned to tie Paul Pelosi up so he could get some sleep, because carrying a heavy backpack to the home had tired him out. "They fought the British, they fought the tyranny. Initially, the hammer is in the shadows and it takes about five seconds before a flashlight shows DePape holding the handle of a hammer with his right hand and clutching Pelosi's right hand, which is gripping around the hammer head, with his left hand. Carla Hurley after he was taken into custody, DePape said he didn't regret the attack even though it was not on Nancy Pelosi, his intended target. San Francisco Officer Kolby Wilmes' body-camera video begins with officers approaching the brick home and rapping on the door. Paul Pelosi was asleep at the couple's home when DePape allegedly broke in. One man was convicted this week of eight criminal counts after he put his feet on a desk in Pelosi's office and left a note to her punctuated with a sexist expletive. The Capitol Police video shows DePape walk up to a glass-panel door, leave and then return wearing a large backpack and carrying two other bags. Members of Congress have faced a sharp rise in threats in the two years since the Jan. The release comes after a coalition of news agencies, including The Associated Press, sought access to the evidence that prosecutors played in open court last month.

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

New video, audio show attack on Paul Pelosi in excruciating detail (Politico)

Evidence from the David DePape case, including a 911 call from the Pelosi home, was obtained by a news coalition.

One of the responding officers testified in December that he saw Paul Pelosi lying face down with a “pool of blood” blooming around his head. Officers were summoned to the house after a call from Paul Pelosi. Officers order the men to drop the hammer, and DePape says “nope” before turning it and swinging at Paul, after which both men topple to the floor and an officer calls for a medic. At the end of the video, DePape can be seen repeatedly swinging the hammer against the exterior of the Pelosi residence and then climbing inside. He planned to kidnap the congresswoman and break her kneecaps if she did not tell him the truth. The body camera footage shows Paul Pelosi and DePape both grasping a hammer when officers arrived at the Pelosi residence in the early morning hours of Oct.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

Paul Pelosi hammer attack video released (ABC News)

Paul Pelosi suffered a skull fracture and other serious injuries in the Oct. 28 assault at his California home.

DePape told investigators he was "going to hold Nancy hostage and talk to her," according to authorities. When officers arrived, they found the two men struggling over a hammer before Paul Pelosi wa the head, the complaint stated. The officers then enter the home and work to restrain DePape as Paul Pelosi is seen lying on the ground. When the door is opened, Paul Pelosi is seen standing next to the suspect, David DePape, and both are struggling over a hammer. DePape is seen gaining control of the hammer and swinging it at Paul Pelosi. He returned to the public eye in early December, joining his wife at the Kennedy Center Honors.

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Video footage of violent home attack on Paul Pelosi released (USA TODAY)

Footage of the attack on former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's husband was released to the public Friday.

[Details emerge in Paul Pelosi attack: A break-in, conversation, 911 call, then violence]( [Paul Pelosi attends Kennedy Center Honors in first public appearance since being attacked]( [How was David DePape, suspect in Paul Pelosi attack, able to live in the U.S. Pelosi [did not know DePape prior to the attack](, according to the San Francisco Police Department. [a Canadian citizen]( who entered the U.S. Next, footage shows Pelosi and the attacker standing in the home's entrance foyer . If you stop me, it's like stopping me from going after evil and you will take the punishment." A blow to Pelosi occurs out of view and the officers rush into the house and jump on DePape. Police body-camera footage shows officers knocking on the home's front door. He pulls out a hammer and smashes a glass-panel door, then crouches down to enter through it. That footage shows DePape rip a hammer from the grasp of 82-year-old Paul Pelosi and lunge toward him. What's new: The footage released Friday from the court clerk's office was played in open court last month. The motive: Police Lt. Footage shows a man identified by authorities as suspect David DePape breaking into the home.

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

Body camera footage from Paul Pelosi attack released (NBC News)

Police body camera footage from last year's vicious hammer attack on then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband at their San Francisco home was made public ...

I came here to have a little chat with his wife,” DePape said, according to the filing. The judge noted Wednesday when he issued his decision that the evidence was "This gentleman just came into the house and wants to wait for my wife to come home. He said he woke Pelosi up and demanded to know where his wife was. "All that noise he did not hear," DePape said, according to an excerpt of his police interview released Friday. He just came into the house," Pelosi said. It soon became clear that DePape was listening to Pelosi. Prosecutors released audio of the call Friday. The video then shows him using the hammer to break into the house, repeatedly swinging the tool in an effort to force his way in through a glass door on the back porch. DePape told police "it was not easy" to break the door, and he was worried the Pelosis would hear the noise. It shows DePape with several bags, including a large backpack, in a yard outside the Pelosi home. “Drop the hammer,” one of the officers says.

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Image courtesy of "Telemundo 52"

Revelan video del ataque a Paul Pelosi (Telemundo 52)

Paul Pelosi, el esposo de Nancy Pelosi, dormía en la casa de la pareja en San Francisco el 28 de octubre cuando alguien irrumpió y lo golpeó con un ...

La policía ha dicho que DePape les dijo que había “maldad en Washington” y que quería dañar a Nancy Pelosi porque era la segunda en la línea de la presidencia. Pero las agencias de noticias argumentaron que era vital que los fiscales compartieran públicamente su evidencia que podría desacreditar cualquier información falsa que circula en Internet sobre el ataque. El ataque, que ocurrió pocos días antes de las elecciones intermedias de 2022, provocó una intensa especulación del público que alimentó la difusión de información falsa. Murphy le pidió a la oficina del secretario de la corte que lo distribuyera a los medios, lo que podría suceder tan pronto como el jueves. Los fiscales acusaron a David DePape, de 42 años, en relación con el ataque. El juez de la Corte Superior de San Francisco, Stephen M.

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Image courtesy of "San Diego Union-Tribune en Español"

Video muestra forcejeo durante agresión contra Paul Pelosi (San Diego Union-Tribune en Español)

Un nuevo video muestra al esposo de la expresidenta de la Cámara de Representantes de EEUU, Nancy Pelosi, forcejeando con su agresor para apoderarse de un ...

Se enfrenta a cargos que incluyen intento de homicidio, abuso de personas mayores y atacar a un familiar directo de un funcionario federal. El video de la policía del Capitolio muestra a DePape caminando hacia una puerta con panel de vidrio, saliendo y luego regresando con una mochila y cargando otras dos bolsas. La fiscalía de distrito en San Francisco se había negado a proporcionar las pruebas a los periodistas.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Revelan el video de la agresión a Paul Pelosi en California (CNN)

La Corte Suprema de San Francisco publicó este viernes el video y el audio grabados durante el ataque a Paul Pelosi, esposo de la expresidenta de la Cámara ...

Un suceso que en última instancia impulsó la decisión de Nancy Pelosi de retirarse del liderazgo demócrata en la Cámara de Representantes. En las imágenes de vigilancia, se ve a DePape irrumpiendo en la casa de Pelosi. Horas después aseguró que no ha escuchado la llamada al 911 ni ha escuchado la confesión de DePape. La despachadora preguntó a Pelosi si sabía quién era el hombre, y Pelosi dijo que no. Añadió que tampoco ha visto el video de la irrupción de DePape. DePape se declaró inocente a una serie de delitos estatales y federales relacionados con el ataque, entre ellos agresión e intento de asesinato. La grabación registró el caos del momento en el que el presunto agresor David DePape atacó a Paul Pelosi. El material incluye imágenes de las cámaras corporales de policías que muestran el momento del ataque y la entrevista policial del presunto agresor en la que habría admitido que quería tomar como rehén a Nancy Pelosi. CNN reportó previamente que Pelosi hizo la llamada cuando entró en su cuarto de baño, donde estaba cargando su teléfono celular. Los agentes entraron corriendo en la casa, sometieron a DePape y lo esposaron. "Hay un caballero aquí esperando a que vuelva mi esposa, Nancy Pelosi. CNN obtuvo el CD que contiene los archivos que divulgó el tribunal.

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Image courtesy of "EL PAÍS"

La policía publica el vídeo del ataque con martillo a Paul Pelosi ... (EL PAÍS)

El momento del impacto no se ve en las imágenes. DePape explicó en el interrogatorio que el comportamiento del marido de Nancy Pelosi por llamar a la policía ...

Pelosi pudo ir al baño y en ese momento llamar al 911, el número de la policía, según el atestado, que hace el relato más detallado conocido hasta el momento. En ese momento, empezó a sacar bridas de su bolsillo para poder atar al esposo de la política demócrata, que se dirigió hacia otra parte de la casa. Una vez que el agresor fue inmovilizado, los agentes extrajeron del bolsillo derecho de su pantalón un teléfono móvil, dinero en metálico y tarjetas. Como muestra ahora el vídeo, ambos agarraban un martillo con una mano, y DePape tenía su otra mano sujetando el antebrazo de Pelosi, que se encontraba descalzo y en calzoncillos, con la parte superior del pijama. En las imágenes se ve cómo el esposo de la política demócrata y David DePape, el agresor, forcejean por un martillo antes de que este último se abalance sobre él a golpearlo. [atacado a finales de octubre ]( su casa del barrio de Pacific Heights, en San Francisco, en una agresión que parecía tener motivación política.

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Image courtesy of "infobae América"

Revelaron estremecedores videos del ataque al esposo de la ... (infobae América)

Las autoridades difundieron las imágenes de una cámara de seguridad del hogar y del lente corporal de un agente de la policía que llegó a la casa de Paul ...

La mujer había anticipado el día antes de los comicios que ese ataque iba a influir en la decisión sobre su futuro. “¡Mierda!”, grita un agente mientras entran al momento en la casa y se lanzan sobre el agresor. El agresor también acabó en el hospital, pero no se facilitaron datos sobre su situación médica. [El delantero argentino reveló que está pasando por una situación difícil mientras espera que salgan sus papeles como ciudadano peruano. Paul Pelosi, de 82 años, fue atacado el pasado 28 de octubre en San Francisco (California) mientras se encontraba en su casa. Su llamada se produjo a las 02.27 hora local (09.27 GMT).

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

Court releases body camera footage and 911 call from Paul Pelosi ... (The Hill)

Police body camera footage and a 911 call from the brutal October 2022 attack on then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi's (D-Calif.) husband Paul Pelosi in their San ...

“I’ve got a problem, but he thinks everything’s good,” Pelosi says on the call. The officers restrain DePape. He then asks if the Capitol Police are around. She was not home at the time, but he found her 82-year-old husband Paul Pelosi, who awoke to the intruder. Hey, hey, hey,” Pelosi says as a struggle for the hammer ensues. The San Francisco Superior Court released the video and call alongside other evidence after a coalition of news organizations argued they should be made public. The door opens to the DePape and Pelosi both grasping a hammer. In a matter of seconds, DePape wriggles the hammer free from Pelosi’s grasp, and takes a large swing at Pelosi inside of the house, just out of view of the camera. While talking to DePape, Pelosi went into a bathroom, where he was able to grab a phone to make a 911 call. “He’s telling me to put the phone down and do what he says,” Pelosi says. “The gentleman just came into the house, and he wants to wait here for my wife to come home.” [NBC reported](, while lawyers for accused Pelosi attacker David DePape argued the release could “irreparably damage” his right to a fair trial, [CNN reported](

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

Video of Paul Pelosi attack made public (Axios)

On Wednesday, San Francisco County Superior Court Judge Stephen Murphy ruled that the footage could be released, after prosecutors had refused to release the ...

[federal charges]( assault of an immediate family member of a U.S. The big picture: Nancy Pelosi previously said the attack on her husband underscores the danger that all members of Congress are facing. "I won’t be making any more statements about this case." - The suspect appears to throw himself over Pelosi's body until police subdue him a few seconds later. DePape also allegedly made racist remarks and promoted QAnon-related conspiracy theories online. The suspect can be seen raising a hammer and striking Pelosi repeatedly.

Revelan el video de la agresión a Paul Pelosi en California - KESQ (KESQ)

El material incluye imágenes de las cámaras corporales de policías que muestran el momento del ataque y la entrevista policial del presunto agresor en la que ...

Los documentos judiciales revelan que DePape habría despertado a Paul Pelosi poco después de las 2 de la madrugada, portando un gran martillo y varias bridas blancas, y le habría preguntado: “¿Dónde está Nancy? Cuando se le preguntó por qué no se fue después de que Paul Pelosi llamara a la policía, DePape se comparó con la lucha de los Padres Fundadores contra los británicos. Un suceso que en última instancia impulsó la decisión de Nancy Pelosi de retirarse del liderazgo demócrata en la Cámara de Representantes. Horas después aseguró que no ha escuchado la llamada al 911 ni ha escuchado la confesión de DePape. En las imágenes de vigilancia, se ve a DePape irrumpiendo en la casa de Pelosi. ¿Dónde está Nancy?” A continuación, amenazó con atar a Paul Pelosi y le impidió escapar en ascensor, según los documentos. La despachadora preguntó a Pelosi si sabía quién era el hombre, y Pelosi dijo que no. “Bueno, básicamente iba a tomarla como rehén e iba a hablar con ella”, dijo DePape sobre Nancy Pelosi. La grabación registró el caos del momento en el que el presunto agresor David DePape atacó a Paul Pelosi. El material incluye imágenes de las cámaras corporales de policías que muestran el momento del ataque y la entrevista policial del presunto agresor en la que habría admitido que quería tomar como rehén a Nancy Pelosi. CNN reportó previamente que Pelosi hizo la llamada cuando entró en su cuarto de baño, donde estaba cargando su teléfono celular. Los agentes entraron corriendo en la casa, sometieron a DePape y lo esposaron.

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Image courtesy of "Independent en Español"

Ataque con martillo a Paul Pelosi quedó capturado en la cámara ... (Independent en Español)

Se publicaron las imágenes de la cámara corporal y la llamada al 911 del allanamiento de morada y ataque contra Paul Pelosi.

¿Qué me vas a hacer?”, dijo en la llamada de tres minutos, que se publicó el viernes. Se las arregló para llamar al 911 y habló en código para no alertar a DePape. en ese momento, y que quería romperle las rótulas si no respondía a sus preguntas. Se puede ver a Pelosi acostado, gimiendo en el suelo. “¿Qué está pasando? La policía informó que el intruso despertó a Pelosi en el dormitorio de la casa que comparte con Nancy en Pacific Heights, un barrio próspero de San Francisco, alrededor de las 2 am en la noche del ataque. El ataque a Paul Pelosi aparece en las imágenes de la cámara corporal de la policía recién publicadas Un tribunal en California publicó las imágenes gráficas de la cámara corporal de la policía que muestran el El ataque en la víspera de las elecciones intermedias de noviembre provocó espeluznantes [Paul Pelosi](, esposo de la expresidenta de la Cámara de Representantes [Nancy Pelosi](, dormía en casa de la pareja en [San Francisco]( cuando un intruso irrumpió y lo atacó de forma violenta, según documentos judiciales. Se publicaron las imágenes de la cámara corporal y la llamada al 911 del allanamiento de morada y ataque contra Paul Pelosi Ataque con martillo a Paul Pelosi quedó capturado en la cámara corporal de la policía

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Bodycam footage shows moment of Paul Pelosi attack (BBC News)

A US court authorised the release of video from the October 2020 assault on Nancy Pelosi's husband.

He also sustained injuries to his hands and right arm. Police have previously said Mr DePape told them he was on a "suicide mission" when he smashed in the glass backdoor of the Pelosi home in the upmarket Pacific Heights neighbourhood. The video shows San Francisco police entering Mr Pelosi's home on the night of 28 October, where they see Mr DePape and Mr Pelosi both holding a hammer.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

Body camera footage from Paul Pelosi attack released (CNBC)

San Francisco police officers and F.B.I. agents gather in front of the home of U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on October 28, 2022 in San ...

I came here to have a little chat with his wife," DePape said, according to the filing. "I mean, it would be a very hard thing to see an assault on my husband's life," she said. The judge noted Wednesday when he issued his decision that the evidence was I think it just feeds those who want to profit in some way over what was really a tragic attack," she said. "This gentleman just came into the house and wants to wait for my wife to come home. He said he woke Pelosi up and demanded to know where his wife was. "All that noise he did not hear," DePape said, according to an excerpt of his police interview released Friday. He said he made it up to the couple's bedroom to find only Paul Pelosi there, and sound asleep. He just came into the house," Pelosi said. The video then shows him using the hammer to break into the house, repeatedly swinging the tool in an effort to force his way in through a glass door on the back porch. It shows DePape with several bags, including a large backpack, in a yard outside the Pelosi home. The time between the door being opened and the hammer attack is about 14 seconds.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Court Releases Video of Paul Pelosi Hammer Attack, Adding ... (The New York Times)

Police body camera footage, along with surveillance video, an interview with the suspect and audio from Mr. Pelosi's 911 call, disproved but could not stop ...

“He’s been out a bit because the doctor said he has to have something to look forward to, and so again, one day at a time,” Ms. At both events, he wore a hat to cover any visible head injury and a dark glove to cover the hand that had been wounded. Pelosi and her family members have been candid about the long road he faces before he can make a full recovery. Pelosi placed while the intruder was in the house and an interview the suspect gave in which he said he was looking for Ms. He also faces federal charges of attempted kidnapping of a federal officer and assault on a family member of a federal official. Pelosi, whose speakership ended this month, has been one of the most threatened members of Congress, in part because of a coordinated effort by Republicans to target the most powerful woman in American politics. Also released Friday was Capitol Police surveillance footage of the Pelosi residence that showed the suspect breaking into the home through a back door. In the 911 call, Mr. In a brief, emotional statement to reporters at the Capitol on Friday, Ms. The new evidence underscored the spontaneous nature of the attack. The graphic and harrowing scene unfolds in a roughly 90-second clip of police body camera footage released on Friday by a San Francisco court in the trial of David DePape, the man who has been charged with assaulting Mr. Pelosi as the “leader of the pack” of lying Democrats who spent four years undermining Mr.

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Police release video of Paul Pelosi attack, suspect's confession (Los Angeles Times)

A graphic video showing the October attack on Paul Pelosi, husband of then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was released Friday by a San Francisco court.

Paul Pelosi asked DePape how the two could “resolve” the situation, he said. DePape said he was so tired from breaking into the house and from carrying a heavy backpack full of supplies, that he just wanted to tie Paul Pelosi up and go to sleep. Paul Pelosi then called 911, with DePape standing next to him the whole time. I’m here for the fight,” he continued. He said the effort caused him to get “pretty winded” at one point. He then walks up to the house and repeatedly swings the hammer. “If she told the truth, I’d let her go scot-free,” he said. “I’m not trying to get away with this,” DePape said. He said that while the right to a fair trial is “certainly a legitimate concern in any case,” the court couldn’t withhold the release of records out of fear that they could be manipulated. In a 17-minute clip of the interview, DePape offered unsparing detail to San Francisco Police Sgt. “I’ve got a problem, but he thinks everything is good.” The evidence the court released is limited to material that was submitted during a December hearing.

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Image courtesy of "KTVU San Francisco"

Paul Pelosi video shows moment of brutal hammer attack (KTVU San Francisco)

Video shows a home intruder attack Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer, leaving the 82-year-old with a fractured skull.

Nancy and Paul Pelosi's home in the 2600 block of Broadway Street in San Francisco. Police body-worn camera video begins with DePape, wearing cargo shorts and a jacket, opening the door of the Pelosi home for a San Francisco police officer. Much of the bludgeoning is not seen on the camera. A suspect broke in on Oct. Give me your f---ing hands" and commands him to drop the hammer. "I have not heard the confession. 28, 2022, at the Pelosi Pacific Heights home. Aerial footage of the Pelosi home in Pacific Heights shows a window was broken and police combing through the property. Pelosi appears confused. [Nancy Pelosi ]( in Washington, D.C., at the time of the attack. The array of videos shows officers arriving at the home, the attack and the arrest of the suspect, and other scenes outside the home where DePape is seen casing and then entering the home of the House Speaker, although [attack of Paul Pelosi in his San Francisco home]( was released on Friday – the first time the public has been able to witness the violent home invasion that left the former House Speaker's 82-year-old husband with a fractured skull.

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Image courtesy of "KQED"

Court Releases Body Cam Video, 911 Call of Brutal Attack on Paul ... (KQED)

A court on Friday released graphic video and audio recordings from the night Paul Pelosi, the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, was attacked ...

The officers encounter the two men standing next to each other, each with a hand on a single hammer, police body camera footage shows. The police then call for emergency medical assistance for Pelosi. ... He's telling me to put the phone down." Pelosi then tells the dispatcher, "He thinks everything's good. "Is the Capitol Police around? "There's a gentleman here waiting for my wife to come back, Nancy Pelosi," he calmly tells the dispatcher.

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Image courtesy of "Telemundo Area de la Bahia"

Cómo afectará el video del ataque a Paul Pelosi a la defensa del ... (Telemundo Area de la Bahia)

Por Andres Brender/Telemundo 48 y Marián Caraballo/Telemundo 48 Publicado el 27 de enero del 2023 Actualizado hace 5 horas.

El video [...] podría crear teorías sin bases sobre el caso y estamos preocupados de que el Sr. Pelosi y no tiene ningún propósito más que alimentar el deseo del público de ver un espectáculo y violencia. Además del video, también fueron dadas a conocer la llamada al 911 que Pelosi realizó y las imágenes de las cámaras de vigilancia del Capitolio que mostraron a DePape en el patio trasero de la casa mientras rompía una de las puertas e ingresaba a la vivienda de la víctima.

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Image courtesy of "WOKV"

Paul Pelosi attack: Court releases police video of hammer attack ... (WOKV)

A California court has released the police body camera video of the violent hammer attack on the husband of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

His attack was part of the reason Rep. DePape’s attorney said the recording should not be released because it would prejudice potential jurors and prevent DePape from getting a fair trial. The [video ]( the attack is graphic, contains profanity, and may be too intense for some viewers. Several news outlets petitioned the San Francisco Superior Court to release video and audio recordings of the attack. Where’s Nancy?” DePape allegedly blocked Paul Pelosi from leaving via an elevator in the home and allegedly told him, “I can take you out.” [AP ]( [Chronicle]( reported. [newspaper ]( DePape had brought a large hammer and several zip ties and asked, “Where’s Nancy? [CNN ]( [San Francisco Chronicle]( reported. Court documents allege that DePape woke Paul Pelosi just after 2 a.m.

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Image courtesy of "Fox News"

Paul Pelosi attacker David DePape makes chilling call to TV station ... (Fox News)

Paul Pelosi attacker David DePape said he was 'sorry I didn't get more of them' in a chilling phone call to a local California TV news station Friday after ...

[CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP]( Police told DePape to put the hammer down, he refused, and the video shows he struck Paul Pelosi in the head before police officers tackled him to the ground. Pelosi told the dispatcher that he did not know DePape and that he was being instructed to "put the phone down and do what he says." [breaking and entering the residence]( If she had lied, he said he intended to break her kneecaps, audio of police questioning showed. Audio from Paul Pelosi's 911 call revealed that DePape had entered the Pelosi home and said he was waiting for Nancy Pelosi. [PAUL PELOSI ATTACK SUSPECT DAVID DEPAPE PLEADS NOT GUILTY, WAIVES RIGHT TO SPEEDY TRIAL]( The encounter with police lasted 15 seconds before the attack. Police bodycam footage shows officers responding to the Pelosi home shortly before the alleged attack at around 2:30 a.m. Paul Pelosi underwent emergency surgery on a fractured skull following the confrontation. "I want to apologize to everyone. at the time.

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Image courtesy of "Newsweek"

Trump Responds to Paul Pelosi Attack Video (Newsweek)

The former president previously called the violent attack on Pelosi "a terrible thing."

[fell apart on Friday afternoon]( when the San Francisco [Police]( Department released body camera footage captured by officers who responded to the scene. Armed with a hammer, the home invader [left the elderly businessman severely injured]( and in need of surgery for a fractured skull. But today if a police officer says something that's slightly out of line it's like the end of his life, the end of his pension, the end of his family" "With Paul Pelosi, that's a terrible thing, with all of them it's a terrible thing," Trump said. [In the footage](, DePape can be seen wielding a hammer in one hand and holding Pelosi's arm with the other. [Nancy Pelosi](, was attacked in the couple's San Francisco home in late October by suspect David DePape.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Paul Pelosi attacker trafficks in conspiracy theories in call to TV ... (CNN)

The man who attacked the husband of Nancy Pelosi in their home last year showed no remorse and continued his dangerous fixation on the former House speaker ...

The video and audio were released by a court Friday, over the objections of DePape’s attorneys who argued it would “irreparably damage” his right to a fair trial. [earlier this month]( that threats against members of Congress is “still too high” even though threat investigations dropped in 2022 for the first time in five years. “When Trump came into office, what they did went so far beyond spying on a rival campaign. “Not only were they spying on a rival campaign, they were submitting fake evidence to spy on a rival campaign, covering it up, persecuting the rival campaign,” DePape said of what he believed Democrats were doing to Trump. DePape said that these actions originated with Hillary Clinton, who unsuccessfully ran against Trump in 2016, and that all Democrats are “criminals.” But he zeroed in on Pelosi as the one who “ran with the lying.” DePape also told a San Francisco police officer in October that the reason he went to the Pelosis’ San Francisco home was because he believed that the then-speaker was “the leader of the pack” of all the politicians in Washington, DC, “lying on a consistent basis.”

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Image courtesy of "WSIU"

A San Francisco judge released footage of the attack on Paul Pelosi (WSIU)

A judge in San Francisco has released video of the October attack on the husband of then-U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The video shows the assailant ...

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Paul Pelosi Attack Suspect Tells TV Station He Has No Remorse (The New York Times)

The man accused of assaulting the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a disturbing surprise phone call to the station on Friday, ...

He also faces federal charges of attempted kidnapping of a federal officer and assault on a family member of a federal official. He added that the people “killing” freedom “have names and addresses,” and he sought to “have a heart-to-heart chat about their bad behavior.” DePape said he had been looking for Ms. Lee and a representative for the station could not immediately be reached on Saturday. At the start of the call, which lasted about five minutes, Mr. “DePape said he didn’t want to jeopardize his case.” Pelosi, who at the time was second in line to the presidency. DePape wrested control of it, raised it above his head and slammed it into Mr. It was an extraordinary depiction of a brutal act of political violence, which stemmed from an attempt to abduct Ms. After officers demanded that the hammer be dropped, Mr. 28, they found the assailant and Mr. The body camera footage shows that when officers approached the couple’s San Francisco home in the early hours of Oct.

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