
2023 - 1 - 9

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

California's Santa Cruz Region Battered by Storms and Flooding (The New York Times)

APTOS, Calif. — Chuck Hawley stared out at the waves swirling through Monterey Bay as he prepared to destroy the small beachfront home his parents built by ...

“The Cement Ship, I’m sad, but it’s been deteriorating for years and years.” Earlier storms had already pounded at the cliffs and washed away some barriers, like riprap — giant rocks placed at the edge of the cliffs to protect against erosion — a frightening sight for some residents. “This was by far the worst storm we’ve seen,” said Mr. In the distance, the S.S. This year’s storm rivals 1982’s, “and nothing else in between has come close,” said Carin Hanna, 78, who owns the Craft Gallery gift shop in Capitola, a town next to Santa Cruz. Over the weekend, the river was so swollen that surfers were riding waves headed out to sea, rather than the other direction, and emergency responders warned of flood risks along the banks on Monday. The ferocity of the waves and severity of structural damage recalled, for some residents, memories of the disastrous 1982 storm that flooded rivers, badly damaged a bridge and killed 22 people, including 10 in a landslide that occurred just as a 30-hour rainstorm let up. “We’re very concerned,” said Dave Reid, the director of the Santa Cruz County Office of Response, Recovery & Resilience. Santa Cruz has long been far rainier than its neighboring counties, mostly because of its topography, said Jan Null, a veteran meteorologist and former lead forecaster for the National Weather Service. In the Santa Cruz Mountains, a mudslide shut down two highways, and the San Lorenzo River flooded neighborhoods. These storms have toppled trees, washed out streets and knocked out power for hundreds of thousands, but they have been particularly devastating to the Santa Cruz region, where prolonged rain and wind have combined with the unique topography to inflict recurring damage. The extreme conditions eroded coastlines and beaches, destroyed parts of several piers and forced many to evacuate low-lying homes.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Everyone in California's Montecito ordered out amid deluge (CBS News)

As another powerful storm walloped California, a 5-year-old boy was swept away by floodwaters Monday on the state's central coast and an entire seaside ...

As a result, Highway 168 was closed from the bottom of the four-lane portion of the roadway between Auberry Road and Lodge Road, CBS Bay Area [reported]( The precipitation expected over the next couple of days comes after storms last week knocked out power to thousands, flooded streets, and battered the coastline. The San Lorenzo River was declared at flood stage, and video on social media showed a neighborhood flooded with muddy water surging up to a stop sign. The National Weather Service reported that at least 8 inches (20 centimeters) of rain fell over 12 hours, with several more inches predicted before the latest storm system moves through the area with roads winding through wooded hillsides with large homes. Still, Martin said she wasn't worried — her family has owned the property for about 60 years, and her grandfather checked out conditions Monday and shrugged it off. Vehicles were turned back at the summit as crews arrived to clean up. A firefighter discovered one of the boy's shoes, but crews still had not found the child more than five hours later. The death toll from the relentless string of storms climbed from 12 to 14 on Monday, after two people were killed by falling trees, state officials said. The boy's mother was driving a white truck when it became stranded in floodwaters just before 8 a.m. The boy has not been declared dead, said spokesperson Tony Cipolla of the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office. There was no evacuation order in the area at the time. Tens of thousands of people remained without power, and some schools closed for the day.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Thousands evacuated, boy swept away, as strongest atmospheric ... (The Washington Post)

Flash flooding prompts evacuation of Montecito and parts of Santa Barbara amid torrents expected to continue into Tuesday.

But forecasters predict a break in the stormy pattern by around Jan. Additional storms in the forecast later this week and next week spell more flood threats, though state water resources officials said room remains in many large reservoirs, with statewide storage at about 78 percent of average. On New Year’s Eve, 5.46 inches of rain fell, the second-wettest calendar day on record since bookkeeping began in 1849. What began as a snow-globe-like confetti of flakes on Sunday evening turned into an extreme winter storm by midnight on Donner Pass Road in the Sierra Nevada. Winds of 45 to 60 mph are expected, especially earlier in the storm, though a few gusts of more than 100 mph are likely to occur atop the Sierra Ridge. The Weather Service shared reports of people trapped in their homes being rescued via personal watercraft along the river in Felton, a collapsed road in Aptos and a sinkhole swallowing a roadway in the Santa Cruz mountains. Winter storm warnings were in effect for the Sierra Nevada. California has been in the midst of a historic drought. While the brunt of the storm was focused on Northern and Central California, Southern California also suffered serious storm effects. That included in Montecito, where a 2018 mudslide flowed from an area burned by the Thomas fire. This includes rapid water rises, mudslides, and the potential for major river flooding,” The boy and his mother were driving to school around 8 a.m.

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

One person dead, 5-year-old missing as 'parade of cyclones' batters ... (NBC News)

California is being battered for a "parade of cyclones," and thousands face deadly storms, evacuations and power outages.

[Climate change]( has made extreme precipitation in California twice as likely, with extreme weather predicted to generate 200% to 400% of surface runoff, rainwater that cannot be absorbed by soil, by the end of the century, according to research by the [UCLA]( environment and sustainability department. [state of emergency]( Wednesday as California was pounded by heavy rain and snow, causing flooding across the state. Heavy rainfall in the area, home to 10,000 people, had flooded roads and creeks, he said. Five children and three adults were taken to safety. [said]( the past week had "brought a verifiable onslaught of active and often damaging weather conditions to the northern half of the state." "We’re seeing our creeks and rivers flow like they haven’t flowed in decades," Jalbert said. [showed landslides](, [downed trees]( and [flooded roads]( Another official with the agency, Scott Jalbert, initially said two people had died. An adult was rescued, but a child was swept away, he said. [Video published by the agency]( showed a man climbing a ladder toward what appeared to be the roof of a home. [according to the National Weather Service]( [according to the agency](

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Image courtesy of "KTLA"

Boy, 5, swept away by floodwaters on California's Central Coast (KTLA)

The boy's mother was driving a truck when it became stranded in floodwaters just before 8 a.m. near Paso Robles, a small city inland from California's ...

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Why eggs cost more in California than anywhere else (Los Angeles Times)

Los compradores del Estado Dorado están pagando precios extremos por los huevos, en medio de un brote de gripe aviar que ha dejado a las tiendas de ...

Sobre todo, por el precio de la gasolina, es difícil ir de tienda en tienda”. “Esto no se va a acabar hasta dentro de siete u ocho meses”. “Entran y los huevos [cubiertos por WIC] no están en stock”, dijo Martínez. Pero los huevos se habían racionado a pequeñas bolsas de plástico en la parte de atrás. Pero la actual escasez de huevos ha sido especialmente dura para las familias que dependen del Programa Federal de Nutrición Suplementaria Especial para Mujeres, Bebés y Niños, o WIC. “Afortunadamente, nuestra industria de huevos de California ha evitado cualquier gripe aviar en bandadas comerciales”, escribió el presidente de la Federación Avícola de California, Bill Mattos, en un correo electrónico. Huevos morenos, medianos, ecológicos, en paquetes de 18 unidades: todos ellos están prohibidos para los compradores del programa WIC, incluso cuando las estanterías de las tiendas están vacías. “La otra razón es que California votó a favor de tener [sólo] huevos sin jaula, pero California no tiene suficientes”. La causa es un brote sin precedentes de gripe aviar altamente patógena -conocida comúnmente como gripe aviar- que ha matado a decenas de millones de ponedoras de huevos en todo el país. Más de 57 millones de pollos y pavos han muerto o han sido sacrificados desde que comenzó el brote el pasado mes de febrero, incluidas cerca de 4 millones de gallinas ponedoras sólo en diciembre. Las bandadas se duplicaron aproximadamente entre noviembre de 2018, cuando se aprobó la Propuesta 12, y enero de 2022, cuando la ley entró en vigor. Y no han hecho más que agravarse en el nuevo año, a medida que entran en vigor nuevos mandatos sin jaulas en otros estados y la demanda sigue superando a la oferta.

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Image courtesy of "San Diego Union-Tribune en Español"

'Desfile de ciclones' amenaza provocar inundaciones en California (San Diego Union-Tribune en Español)

El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (NWS) de Estados Unidos advirtió sobre el peligro de inundaciones a causa del "desfile de ciclones" asociado con fuertes ...

“El efecto acumulado de las fuertes lluvias sucesivas conducirá a instancias adicionales de inundaciones”, advirtió la agencia. Para el miércoles se pronostican fuertes nevadas, con una acumulación de más de 180 centímetros (6 pies) en las elevaciones más altas de la Sierra Nevada. Los meteorólogos pronostican que el episodio de precipitación pluvial que ahora avanza en California central será el más intenso, con una acumulación de lluvias de 76 a 127 milímetros (3 a 5 pulgadas), cerca de la costa.

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Image courtesy of "Univision"

California enfrenta "catastróficas" inundaciones debido a nuevas ... (Univision)

California enfrenta "catastróficas" inundaciones debido a nuevas tormentas ... En los últimos 10 días, de acuerdo con el gobernador del estado, Gavin Newsom, las ...

Su forma alargada y la enorme cantidad de agua que transportan (superior al caudal del río Mississippi) han inspirado el característico y atrayente nombre de “ríos atmosféricos”. Las tormentas del lunes y martes, según el gobernador de California Gavin Newsom, pueden ser aún más peligrosas por lo que instó a la población a permanecer en casa. Hasta antes del mediodía de Los Angeles (14:00 ET), el sitio reportaba que 138,985 usuarios se mantenían sin energía eléctrica en todo el estado.

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Image courtesy of "Washington Hispanic"

California golpeada por más tormentas, se prepara para posibles ... (Washington Hispanic)

Se emitieron advertencias de evacuación para unos 13,000 residentes de un área propensa a inundaciones del condado de Sonoma al norte de San Francisco, donde se ...

Se esperaban fuertes olas hasta el martes, con grandes olas en las playas orientadas al oeste. El gobernador Gavin Newsom dijo que 12 personas perdieron la vida como resultado del clima violento durante los últimos 10 días y advirtió que las tormentas de esta semana podrían ser aún más peligrosas. El área rural a lo largo del río Cosumnes sufrió inundaciones en una tormenta anterior. Ella planeó colocar una lona sobre el área dañada en previsión de otro diluvio. Eran vientos aterradores”, dijo. “Simplemente tuve un presentimiento con los vientos.

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Image courtesy of "Telemundo 33"

Sigue el tiempo severo en California; ya van 12 muertos por causa ... (Telemundo 33)

SACRAMENTO, California — Miles de californianos siguen luchando contra las intensas inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra tras la devastadora serie de ...

El río San Lorenzo fue declarado en etapa de inundación, y un video en las redes sociales mostró un vecindario inundado con agua lodosa. Deanne Criswell, Administradora, Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA), Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, nombró a Andrew F. “La acción del presidente autoriza al Departamento de Seguridad Nacional, Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA), a coordinar todos los esfuerzos de ayuda en casos de desastre que tengan el propósito de aliviar las dificultades y el sufrimiento causados por la emergencia en la población local, y brinda la asistencia adecuada para los casos requeridos”, informó la Casa Blanca por medio de un comunicado.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Streak of brutal weather continues in California with more storms this ... (NPR)

Another powerful winter storm system is causing flooding, snow and mudslides in areas of California, where intense downpours have already wreaked havoc on ...

Parts of Santa Barbara and Ventura counties had endured [more than 10 inches]( of rain over two days by Monday evening. Some areas [saw 10 inches](, according to the NWS. [two major episodes of rain]( taking place "in quick succession" on Monday and Tuesday. And Northern California will face a third batch of rain on Wednesday. As of Monday evening, more than 85,000 customers were without power, according to utility companies' reports tracked by The downfall caused flooding, dangerous mudslides, power outages and downed trees in some areas.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

California storm: Montecito residents told to flee deadly downpour (BBC News)

Around 90% of Californians - some 34 million people - are under flood watches and advisories.

The agency has issued a flood warning in areas around Los Angeles, including Orange County and the San Bernardino County Mountains. The storm damaged homes and businesses, and killed at least 12 people. The boy and his mother were reportedly in a car that was swept into floodwaters in San Luis Obispo County. "We expect to see the worst of it still ahead of us," Governor Gavin Newsom said at a news conference. Atmospheric rivers can cause extreme rainfall and floods. Residents unable to flee are being told to move to their innermost room or high ground.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Montecito Ordered to Evacuate as Mudslide Danger Rises ... (The New York Times)

The evacuation order came five years after a mudslide killed 23 people and destroyed homes in the Santa Barbara County community.

Numerous roads were closed amid flash-flood warnings in San Luis Obispo County, where the 5-year-old boy remained missing after he and his mother escaped from a car that was starting to be swept away by floodwaters. At the Best Western Plus Carpinteria Inn, several miles southeast of Montecito, a steady stream of people clad in rain gear pulled up in SUVs packed with luggage and provisions. “Currently, we’re experiencing a storm that is causing many problems and has the potential to cause major problems across our county, especially in the burn scar areas.” Southern California, which woke up to soggy skies before a reprieve, was expecting to receive a cascade of rain later Monday and into Tuesday. Up to a foot of rain was expected to soak the already drenched hillsides there on Monday alone, with the area at high risk of mud flows because of recent wildfires that have made soils and vegetation less stable. when the rising waters and rapid current made it too dangerous, he said. In Santa Cruz County, about 70 miles south of San Francisco, more than 30,000 residents were evacuated as creeks and rivers topped their banks, threatened homes and washed away at least one bridge. Katya Cengel contributed reporting from Grover Beach, Calif, and Mike Ives from Seoul. In San Luis Obispo County, north of Santa Barbara, one person was [flash flood warning]( for southwestern Los Angeles County was issued before 7 p.m. Malibu, Hollywood and Beverly Hills were forecast to experience flooding on Monday night. Downtown Los Angeles, Malibu, Hollywood and Beverly Hills were among the places that it said would experience flash flooding caused by heavy rain.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Several California counties ordered to evacuate as deadly storm ... (The Guardian)

Communities including in celebrity enclave of Montecito, Santa Barbara and Santa Cruz told to evacuate as more rain is expected.

More than 36,000 customers remained without power early Monday, down from more than 350,000 a day earlier after gusts of 60mph (97km/h) knocked trees into power lines, according to the [Sacramento municipal utility district]( The strong start to the snowpack, which acts as a savings account of sorts during drier days, is promising, experts say, but there’s no promise of wet weather after these strong storms. “We are in the middle of a deadly barrage of winter storms – and California is using every resource at its disposal to protect lives and limit damage,” he said. Vehicles were turned back at the summit as crews arrived to clean up. “We are taking the threat from these storms seriously and want to make sure that Californians stay vigilant as more storms head our way.” He urged people to stay home and asked Biden to declare a federal emergency to support storm response and recovery efforts. A firefighter discovered one of the boy’s shoes, but crews still had not found the child more than five hours later. Montecito is home to celebrities such as Winfrey, Rob Lowe, and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Tens of thousands of people remained without power, and some schools closed for the day. The California department of water resources warned that more than a dozen places were at high risk of flooding. The Montecito fire chief, Kevin Taylor, said at least 8in of rain had fallen in 12 hours, with several more inches expected. Rescuers in Paso Robles had to call off a search for a five-year-old boy who was swept away by floodwaters in central coastal California.

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

Major atmospheric river storm hits California amid "relentless" rains (Axios)

Car sunken in a flooded street. A car is submerged in floodwater after heavy rain moved through the area on Jan. 9, in Windsor, Calif. Photo: Justin Sullivan/ ...

[Flash flood warnings]( issued for Santa Cruz and counties across the state, as the California Highway Patrol [reported]( rescues taking place in Santa Cruz and other areas. This will allow federal aid to begin flowing to the state. "As far as we kn0w, this is a historical record," he added. [making the swings wider]( [studies have been warning]( for years — human-caused climate change is amplifying the effects of these extremes, making the dry years drier, and the wet periods wetter. [orders]( in [response]( the storm was one for the [entire town]( Montecito in Santa Barbara County, on the fifth anniversary of a mudslide that killed 23 people there, [per AP]( [Biden approved]( California's emergency declaration request due to the atmospheric river storms late Sunday. What we're watching: The flood threat on Tuesday looks to be centered more in Southern California, with up to a foot of rain falling in the hills of Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. [press conference]( with Santa Barbara County officials Monday that parts of the county's mountain and foothills areas could see rainfall totals of nearly a foot. [most powerful]( in a "relentless parade" of [atmospheric rivers]( is bearing down on California Tuesday through Wednesday. [schools]( and [roads]( across California due to the threat of "torrential rain, widespread flooding, rapid water rises, mudslides and landslides with possible debris flows, heavy mountain snow and gusty high winds," per the National Weather Service. [noted]( a forecast discussion.

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

These California rivers face flooding from storm (Los Angeles Times)

At least nine rivers across the state could exceed the flood stage Monday, and 32 locations could exceed the flood monitor stage.

“When you get heavy rain waves like this, it makes the land more prone to landslides and debris flow,” he said. Videos posted on social media showed muddy water covering cars and rising up to stop signs in Felton Grove as the San Lorenzo raged nearby, filled with logs and other debris. The San Lorenzo crested at about 24 feet shortly before 8 a.m. The state, she noted, is experiencing a simultaneous drought emergency and flood emergency. The sixth requires manual activation. [Cosumnes River]( in Sacramento County, which has already experienced deadly levee breaches, among other areas. “The rising levels in the San Joaquin system and Sacramento system are really due to how these atmospheric rivers are making landfall and how local rivers and creeks are feeding into the main stem of these river systems.” “You start seeing compounding events occur.” The Sacramento and San Joaquin River system “continues to be doing what we need it to be doing,” Nemeth said, including flood releases from some smaller reservoirs. [Montecito was ordered to evacuate]( Monday afternoon as the storm brought heavy rains and damaging winds to the already soaked region. Officials are also monitoring Bear Creek in Merced County, the Russian River in Napa and Mendocino Counties, the Carmel River in Monterey County and the Pajaro River in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties, Arrich said during a news briefing. At least nine rivers across the state could exceed the flood stage Monday, and 32 locations could exceed the flood monitor stage, according to the National Weather Service’s

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Image courtesy of "Sky News"

California: Five-year-old boy swept away by floodwater as entire ... (Sky News)

A five-year-old boy has been swept away by floodwater in severe storms that have seen an entire town in California ordered to evacuate. The evacuation order for ...

There was no evacuation order in the area at the time. The first of the newest, heavier storms prompted the weather service to issue a flood watch for a large portion of Northern and Central California, with six to 12 inches of rain expected on Wednesday. We have horses ready to evacuate. This creek near to our house never flows ever (and it's) probably about nine feet up. They said bystanders were able to pull the mother out of the truck, but the boy was swept out of the vehicle and downstream, likely into a river. She said: "This is crazy.

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Image courtesy of "The National"

California 'experiencing drought and flood emergency' as LAX stops ... (The National)

Flights out of Los Angeles International Airport have been grounded until high winds subside. A seven-hour search for a missing five-year-old boy swept away by ...

These can deliver as much water as flows through the mouth of the Mississippi when they release rain on California’s mountains. By Monday afternoon the state had opened a dozen emergency shelters for those told to evacuate, including in Santa Cruz County, about 121 kilometres south of San Francisco, where the San Lorenzo River rose 5.4 metres since Sunday. [years of drought,]( California is being hit by floods as [waves of storms]( roll in from the Pacific, killing at least 14 people, closing motorways up and down the state and sending residents fleeing for their lives. Wind gusts may reach upwards of 80kph in many places. That was down from more than 500,000 on Sunday after an earlier storm at the weekend. The boy’s mother was driving a truck when it became stranded in floodwaters near Paso Robles, a small inland city.

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Intense storm hits Southern California with flooding threats (Los Angeles Times)

Southern California is facing another winter storm, with heavy rains, damaging winds and threats of flooding, mud and debris flow forecast through Tuesday.

[Alisal](, [Cave]( and [Thomas]( wildfires in Santa Barbara County will be ordered to evacuate, Sheriff Bill Brown said at a news conference. [were spreading into]( Orange and southwestern San Bernardino counties Monday, along with stronger and gusty south to southeast winds. [high wind warning]( is in effect for San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara County until 10 p.m. About 3,770 residents were without power Wednesday morning, according to []( The heaviest rain was falling on Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties, with reports of roadway flooding and swollen creeks, [the weather service said]( [High surf advisories]( are in effect through 4 p.m. The warning includes the Lake Hughes and Kings Canyon areas near the 20000 block of Pine Canyon Road; 18000 block of Ellstree Drive; 46000 block of Kings Canyon Road; 1800 block of Newvale Drive; and the 43000 Block of Lake Hughes Road. The center also [warned that a threat of brief tornadoes appeared possible]( A [wind advisory goes into effect]( at noon until 10 p.m. The most significant impacts will be in Northern California, prompting concerns over flooding and hazardous winds that triggered President Biden [to declare an emergency in the state]( Flash flood warnings went into effect in central San Luis Obispo county and in Santa Barbara county on Monday until 4:45 p.m., with residents told to shelter in place. The National Weather Service’s Storm Prediction Center [warned of marginal risk of isolated strong to severe thunderstorms]( late Monday into Tuesday.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Flood, mudslide threats prompt evacuations along California coast (Reuters)

The Montecito evacuation zone was among 17 California regions where authorities worry a series of torrential downpours since late December could unleash lethal ...

Another 42,000 residents of roughly a dozen counties were under evacuation warnings, Ferguson said. highway route 101 in Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. Yikes." "We need to be nicer to Mother Nature, because Mother Nature is not happy with us," she said in the video. "Let's all do our part. Register for free to Reuters and know the full story

California moves ahead with plans for floating wind turbines miles ... (WSIU)

A first-of-its-kind offshore wind lease auction along California's coast generated $750 million in combined sales. Analysts say that's a strong and positive ...

STARK: The industry has urged federal and state regulatory agencies to slow down the development of offshore wind. STEPHANIE MCCLELLAN: So when we have offshore wind developers and the offshore wind industry committed to the U.S. That's one of the auction areas for the offshore wind leases. Frankie Myers, vice chair of the Yurok Tribe, says RWE and other winners didn't consult with the tribe ahead of California's auction. STARK: Stephanie McClellan runs the offshore wind nonprofit Turn Forward and has advised many states on offshore wind. market, it means they're going to do more for the U.S. STARK: In the coming years, about 20 miles off the coast, state plans for two clusters of wind turbines on floating platforms. STARK: Hunerlach is a union rep for the operating engineers in Northern California's Humboldt County. STARK: California's goal is for five gigawatts of offshore wind capacity by 2030. SAM EATON: California's auction really put the U.S. The future turbines will generate enough wind to power 1.5 million homes. California is charging ahead with plans for floating wind turbines miles off its coastline.

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Image courtesy of "Washington Examiner"

Boy swept away by California floods, death toll climbs to 14 (Washington Examiner)

A 5-year-old boy was swept away by floodwaters Monday and the death toll from the violent storms rose to 14 as Californians face extreme flooding.

[CLICK HERE TO READ MORE FROM THE WASHINGTON EXAMINER]( [CALIFORNIA DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY AS SEVERE WEATHER APPROACHES]( The Los Angeles Times Another storm is likely this weekend, forecasters say. A roughly seven-hour search of the 5-year-old boy turned up only his shoe before officials called it off as water levels were too dangerous for divers, officials said. [Californians]( face extreme flooding that has left thousands without power.

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Image courtesy of "San Diego Union-Tribune en Español"

Evacuaciones en California entre previsiones de más lluvias (San Diego Union-Tribune en Español)

“Aguaceros adicionales el martes agravarán las inundaciones actuales y mantendrán el riesgo de inundaciones repentinas y aludes de lodo”, especialmente en ...

Se emitieron órdenes de evacuación en el condado Santa Cruz para unos 32.000 habitantes que vivían cerca de ríos y arroyos crecidos. Las autoridades de autopistas estatales de California indicaron el lunes por la noche que partes de la red de autopistas estatal y federal estaban cortadas por inundaciones, aludes de rocas o lodo, fuertes nevadas o autos y camiones accidentados. Se esperaba que las lluvias continuaran el martes tras arrojar hasta 35,5 centímetros (14 pulgadas) de agua en zonas altas del centro y el sur de California, según el Servicio Nacional de Meteorología.

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Image courtesy of "WJCT NEWS"

Streak of brutal weather continues in California with more storms this ... (WJCT NEWS)

Another powerful winter storm system is causing flooding, snow and mudslides in areas of California, where intense downpours have already wreaked havoc on ...

[Monday evening]( A giant sinkhole closed a road down in Santa Barbara, impacting [500 homes.]( [two major episodes of rain]( taking place "in quick succession" into Tuesday. And Northern California will face a third batch of rain on Wednesday. As of Monday evening, more than 85,000 customers were without power, according to utility companies' reports tracked by Some areas [saw 10 inches](, according to the NWS. The downfall caused flooding, dangerous mudslides, power outages and downed trees in some areas. [PowerOutage.US]( [Weather Prediction Center]( said. [an emergency]( in California and ordered federal assistance. [video showing]( it as a "moving river." [tweeted ]( morning.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

California's dilemma: How do you harness an epic amount of rain in ... (CNN)

Many climate experts agree – using levees to prevent floods during the wet season means less water is available to seep into underground aquifers. Those ...

“We have to redesign insurance policies so that we are not rebuilding houses once they’ve been damaged in the same places where they are going to flood again, Gleick said. “That will allow us to capture more of these flood flows, store it underground in these aquifers, and then use those ground water resources when we need them in dry years.” “These changes are absolutely easier said than done but they have to be done.” “We have always had an engineering mentality with strong property rights,” Pinter said. Gleick noted there are a litany of other policies states should consider. “Instead of thinking we can control all floods, we have to learn to live with them.” “The Europeans in the 1990s started doing this. And is it possible to harness that water so it’s available in the dry summer months? Those aquifers are a vital source of water for drinking, bathing and agriculture across California’s Central Valley, [90% of the state’s population]( was under a flood watch as another round of storms rolled through. [deeply rooted drought]( “We need new thinking, we need to operate that infrastructure differently, we need to change some of the characteristics of that infrastructure,” Gleick said.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

California storms' death toll rises to 14, and more rain is coming (The Washington Post)

Heavy rains that ravaged Central California are expected to move into the southern part of the state Tuesday, the National Weather Service said.

As seas rise, others are exploring [how to harness marine energy]( It can feel overwhelming facing the impacts of climate change, but there are [ways to cope with climate anxiety]( As temperatures rise, heat waves are more often sweeping the globe — and parts of the world are [becoming too hot to survive]( Coren]( is answering questions about environmental choices in our everyday lives. [Submit yours here.]( You can also [sign up for our Climate Coach newsletter]( [Sign up for the latest news about climate change, energy and the environment, delivered every Thursday]( [close]( all public schools Tuesday. Ellen DeGeneres, also a resident, [posted ]( video urging her neighbors to flee. [photos]( that circulated on social media. The National Weather Service noted that the rains come after a recent drought, with recent precipitation in the state at between 400 and 600 percent above average levels. President Biden agreed to Newsom’s request for a declaration of a state of emergency, paving the way for more federal assistance. [according to the office of Gov.

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Image courtesy of "NBC News"

California storm forces thousands to flee homes and leaves 1 dead (NBC News)

Thousands of people in California were forced to flee their homes as severe weather continued to batter the state.

Moderate to heavy rains were expected across much of California through Tuesday and into the night, while several more feet of snow were expected to accumulate along the Sierra Nevada, it said. Two people killed in what appeared to be storm-related deaths in Sacramento County over the weekend were identified by the county’s coroner’s office Monday. Heavy rainfall in the area, which is home to 10,000 people, had already flooded roads and creeks, he said. "All commercial flights are canceled until further notice, and the terminal is closed," it said. It was not immediately clear Tuesday morning when the search would resume. A child is also missing after being swept away when floodwaters swamped a vehicle in the northern section of the county, near Paso Robles, according to Scott Jalbert, another official with the agency. [Climate change]( has made extreme precipitation in California twice as likely, with extreme weather predicted to generate 200%-400% of surface runoff, rainwater that cannot be absorbed by soil, by the end of the century, according to research by the [UCLA]( environment and sustainability department. "When all is said and done, precipitation totals over the next few days will be in the 3-7 inch range through the Transverse Range of southern California, northward along the central to northern California coast ranges and through the Sierra," it said. Two people were able to get themselves out of the sinkhole, while firefighters were able to safely extricate the other two, who were treated and taken to a hospital with minor injuries, it said. The heavy rains are expected to worsen the ongoing flooding and prolong the risk of flash flooding and mudslides across the state. Moderate to heavy rains were expected to continue to hammer much of California on Tuesday as a fresh low-pressure system barreled toward the state as part of a [severe weather]( continued to batter the state, leaving one person dead this week and a child missing, while tens of thousands of utility customers were still without power Tuesday morning.

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Image courtesy of "Office of Governor Gavin Newsom"

Governor Newsom to Californians: “Be Hyper-Vigilant” | California ... (Office of Governor Gavin Newsom)

Federal emergency declaration gets California more funding, equipment, and personnel SACRAMENTO – As California enters the third week of severe winter ...

According to the Also yesterday, Governor Newsom visited two sites along Deer Creek in Sacramento County to highlight the state’s work to repair damage from earlier storms and prepare for incoming severe weather. Temporary shelter, food and additional resources are available at these sites and all are welcome. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is making federal disaster assistance available to supplement local and state resources, including funding, equipment and personnel. “There are still several days of severe winter weather ahead and we need all Californians to be alert and heed the advice of emergency officials. Thanks to the President signing off on our request for emergency declaration, we are mobilizing all available resources at every level of government to protect lives and limit storm damage.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

California Storm Updates: More Rain Expected to Worsen Flooding (The New York Times)

More than a foot of rain has fallen in parts of the state over the past 48 hours, flooding streets and prompting evacuations.

“Because eventually, if the storm drains are overwhelmed, there’s no other place for the water to go.” Your best defense, in other words, is to avoid it altogether. The subway is “the last place you want to be” during a flash flood, Ms. Here’s what to do in advance — and in the moment — to get through a flash flood safely. Lie down on the roof to keep yourself stable, and don’t tie yourself to the car, in case it rolls. If they won’t budge, he recommended breaking the glass with an escape tool (like [the one in this Wirecutter guide](, which you can store in your glove compartment) or using the [metal pole of your headrest as a ram]( “Everybody tends to underestimate the force of the water,” Ms. You can also toss treats in and out of the crate to help them develop their ease with entering and exiting a pet carrier, Mr. If you have a reptile, you’ll need a sturdy bowl for your pet to soak in and something to warm it with. [Microchips](, small transponders embedded into a pet’s skin that are linked to identification and the owner’s contact information, can later be scanned if the pet is lost. In the higher elevations, snow has fallen by the foot, and more is on the way. “Currently, we’re experiencing a storm that is causing many problems and has the potential to cause major problems across our county, especially in the burn scar areas.” Earlier storms had already pounded at the cliffs and washed away some barriers, like riprap — giant rocks placed at the edge of the cliffs to protect against erosion — a frightening sight for some residents.

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Northern California storm brings thunder, wind and heavy rain (Los Angeles Times)

A winter storm continues to lash Northern California as the state's death toll from the extreme weather climbs to at least 16 people.

“We just don’t have that many in the historical record.” Here’s how to prepare and what to have ready to go if you may need to evacuate during the rainstorms hitting California. High pressure systems were starting to interact with the atmospheric rivers, he said, which could mean less-destructive storms going forward — but the cumulative effects remained a major concern. Katie Bass, 35, a Fresno resident who owns San Joaquin Drug in Planada, arrived at her store Tuesday morning to find the building wasn’t damaged but the power was out. The only two wetter 15-day periods have been in December 1866, when 13.54 inches fell, and during the Great Flood of 1862, which saw more than 19 inches of rain. Highway 17 was closed after power lines went down and were sparking on the roadway, according to the National Weather Service. The entire four-unit building was evacuated and no one was injured, said Matt Samson, the city’s deputy fire chief. the dries are getting a lot drier,” he said. California’s storms would be the [first billion-dollar disaster]( of 2023. “That bar was my life,” said Lynn, who has yet to find out whether he will receive state and federal assistance or an insurance payout. This place is soaked.” Any new precipitation, even if mild, could have “huge implications on the ground,” he said. Though it’s too early to estimate, the cost to repair the damage from these storms could exceed $1 billion, said Adam Smith, an applied climatologist and disaster expert with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

2023-24 State Budget Invests in Californians while Safeguarding ... (Office of Governor Gavin Newsom)

Balanced funding plan maintains investments in key priorities including education, health care, public safety, climate action, addressing homelessness…

This includes major funding to transform our education system, address the homelessness crisis and housing affordability, increase health care access, tackle the climate crisis, keep Californians safe and expand economic development and growth across the state. “In partnership with the Legislature, we’ll continue to prioritize the issues that matter most to Californians while building a strong fiscal foundation for the state’s future.” “With our state and nation facing economic headwinds, this budget keeps the state on solid economic footing while continuing to invest in Californians – including transformative funding to deliver on universal preschool, expand health care access to all and protect our communities,” said Governor Newsom.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Damage From the California Storms: Videos, Photos and Maps (The New York Times)

This map of California highway patrol incidents shows how widespread the flooded roads and mudslides are. The agency is strongly advising residents to limit ...

Heavy rains and powerful winds led to flooding and uprooted trees in the streets of Sacramento on Monday. Drone footage showed floodwaters nearly consuming cars and the first floors of homes. Major flooding could lead to extensive inundation of structures and roads, causing significant evacuations. Moderate flooding could lead to some inundation of structures and roads, causing evacuations. The National Weather Service says powerful thunderstorms, which could bring small hail and brief tornados, along with more heavy rain and high winds, are possible through 8 p.m. A catastrophic string of storms continued to pummel California on Tuesday, with the additional rain aggravating ongoing flooding conditions and raising the risk of flash floods and mudslides. Parts of Santa Barbara County, north of Los Angeles, had received more than 16 inches of rain as of early Tuesday. Earlier rainfall had already drenched the ground and increased runoff. A gushing Los Angeles River and mudslides threatened homes in Southwest Los Angeles after a rare flash flood warning was issued. In Chatsworth, a Los Angeles suburb, several people were rescued after a sinkhole swallowed two cars. Jan. In the northern part of the state, high winds and flooding rain carved out a chunk of a pier in Capitola, a suburb of Santa Cruz.

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Image courtesy of "The Guardian"

Relentless storms batter California and leave at least 16 people dead (The Guardian)

Floods and mudslides forced thousands of people to evacuate as more than 200000 homes and businesses left without power.

The 60-year-old owner of the Santa Barbara Bird Sanctuary said one of her employees came to make a weekly food delivery and also became stuck. [250 trees have also toppled ]( San Francisco as a result of the storms, the Chronicle reported. McLeod said she feels fortunate because her home sits on high ground and the power is still on. In the San Francisco Bay Area, sewers and sewage treatment plants have been overwhelmed by rain, prompting a local officials to warn: “Don’t jump in puddles. But flooding and mudslides could follow, even during a brief respite, because the ground remains saturated. “We expect these storms to continue at least through the 18th of this month. A catastrophic barrage of storms has caused destruction since late December, with the latest hitting in recent days and more storms on the horizon. We expect a minimum three more of these atmospheric rivers.” A five-year-old was still missing after being swept away by floodwaters in Paso Robles, Newsom said, asking state residents to “just pray for a miracle” that the child be found alive. Union Station, a key transportation hub in downtown LA, was inundated with floodwater following downpours on Tuesday. This week’s storm has unleashed havoc up and down the state. Relatives and friends said their deaths highlighted the needs for

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

California tormented by more heavy rains, damaging winds (Reuters)

The latest Pacific storm unleashed torrential downpours and damaging winds in California on Tuesday, a day after heightened flood and mudslide risks ...

"We're in the middle of a three-year megadrought in the entire west coast of the United States ... But evacuation orders throughout Santa Barbara County were lifted on Tuesday afternoon, the county sheriff's department announced. 101, the main highway connecting northern and southern California, with no estimated time on reopening. Experts say the growing frequency and intensity of such storms, interspersed with extreme heat and dry spells, are symptoms of climate change. "This storm was different from the standpoint that it was here much longer. Register for free to Reuters and know the full story

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Image courtesy of "Dairy Herd Management"

Bomb Cyclone: Not Helpful in Ending California's Drought (Dairy Herd Management)

The bomb cyclone has sucker punched California. While farmers have prayed for rain to end the drought plaguing the state, a leading expert says that the ...

“The problem is that this storm is relentless. “They are saying that area might have to evacuate,” he says. “Eventually, that water will travel to other larger bodies of water, like river, lakes, or oceans.” “Unfortunately, a lot of it is coming too fast, too heavy.” “Not these fast and heavy storms,” he says. The bomb cyclone has sucker punched California—flooding homes and roads and knocking out power.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

A 5-year-old was swept away by floodwaters as California's heavy ... (NPR)

More than 200000 residents are without power and thousands were ordered to evacuate after another powerful storm battered California on Monday.

[roughly 32,000 residents were ordered to evacuate]( after the San Lorenzo River was declared at flood stage. [Another sinkhole in Santa Barbara]( caused a road closure impacting 500 homes. Nearly all of California has seen average rainfall totals 400-600% above their average values, [the National Weather Service said]( Authorities [lifted the order]( Tuesday afternoon but warned that "slides are still possible due to soil saturation levels." Over two days, [rainfall exceeded 13 inches]( in several parts of Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. An evacuation order was lifted on Tuesday for the wealthy enclave of Montecito, home to celebrities like Oprah and Prince Harry. "This is crazy," she says, pivoting the camera to show rushing water. The vehicle became stranded in floodwaters while trying to cross a river [local media reported]( "This creek next to our house never overflows, ever. [ said]( [.](

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Image courtesy of "The Hill"

90 percent of California under flood watches (The Hill)

Californians are again being pummeled by heavy rainstorms this week. On Monday, the National Weather Service issued flood watches for 34 million ...

[14 inches]( of water over the last 24 hours while the San Marcos Pass has been drenched in over [12 inches]( of rainfall. By Wednesday, the storms will have drenched most of California with three to seven inches of water, according to the NWS. [](, an online tracker or blackouts throughout the U.S. As a result, almost all of California has received between 400 and 600 percent above-average rainfall totals over the past few weeks, according to the NWS. California has experienced an almost non-stop barrage of heavy rainstorms since the beginning of January with more expected to hit the state later this week. [flood watches]( on Monday for about 34 million Californians or around 90 percent of the Golden State’s total population.

IRS: California storm victims qualify for tax relief; April 18 deadline ... (IRS)

IR-2023-03, January 10, 2023 — California storm victims now have until May 15, 2023, to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make ...

Individuals and businesses in a federally declared disaster area who suffered uninsured or unreimbursed disaster-related losses can choose to claim them on either the return for the year the loss occurred (in this instance, the 2023 return normally filed next year), or the return for the prior year (2022, normally filed this tax season). The May 15 deadline also applies to the quarterly payroll and excise tax returns normally due on January 31 and April 30, 2023. However, if an affected taxpayer receives a late filing or late payment penalty notice from the IRS that has an original or extended filing, payment or deposit due date falling within the postponement period, the taxpayer should call the number on the notice to have the penalty abated. The May 15, 2023, deadline also applies to the quarterly estimated tax payments, normally due on January 17, 2023, and April 18, 2023. This means that individual taxpayers can skip making the fourth quarter estimated tax payment, normally due January 17, 2023, and instead include it with the 2022 return they file, on or before May 15. As a result, affected individuals and businesses will have until May 15, 2023, to file returns and pay any taxes that were originally due during this period.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Search Resumes for Missing 5-Year-Old Caught in California Floods (The New York Times)

Rescuers resumed searching on Tuesday for a 5-year-old boy who was swept away by fast-rising floodwaters in Central California the day before.

“Kyle was a blessing, he was a child of love. Water was still raging down the creek where he disappeared, making it tough to gauge how far the boy may have been carried, he said. Monday on a rural path that winds between wineries and ranches and twice crosses the creek that feeds into the Salinas River, Mr. At some point, their car began floating away on rising waters, hit a tree and began filling with water. The family had held out hope for a miracle on Monday, Mr. The 5-year-old had been recovering from leg surgery in November, when doctors removed a metal rod from an earlier fracture, said his father, Brian Doan, in an interview on Tuesday.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

California Storm Live Updates: Evacuations Ordered as Flood and ... (The New York Times)

Thousands of residents were told to leave their homes as heavy rain caused flooding in parts of California. Relentless storms have killed at least 17 people ...

Here’s what to do in advance — and in the moment — to get through a flash flood safely. Lie down on the roof to keep yourself stable, and don’t tie yourself to the car, in case it rolls. You can also toss treats in and out of the crate to help them develop their ease with entering and exiting a pet carrier, Mr. In the higher elevations, snow has fallen by the foot, and more is on the way. On Wednesday, fire officials said, a redwood in the Sonoma County community of Occidental [crashed into a mobile home, killing a toddler]( Earlier storms had already pounded at the cliffs and washed away some barriers, like riprap — giant rocks placed at the edge of the cliffs to protect against erosion — a frightening sight for some residents. “Currently, we’re experiencing a storm that is causing many problems and has the potential to cause major problems across our county, especially in the burn scar areas.” The damage from weeks of storms and flooding in California could exceed a billion dollars, according to the state’s emergency agency and private weather forecasters. California’s Central Coast, where officials had ordered evacuations on Monday in a coastal enclave of Santa Barbara County, appeared to be the hardest hit area of a state that has been battered in recent weeks by The tires of some parked cars disappeared in the muck, and firefighters were knocking on doors to check on residents. On steep slopes, the water rushing downhill can accelerate, eroding soil in its path, picking up rocks and debris and joining with other rivulets of water to make a growing and potentially destructive mudslide. A Tesla driver hit the accelerator instead of the brake, drove through a wall and into a pool.

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Image courtesy of "CALmatters"

Reversal of fortune: Gov. Newsom outlines plan to deal with budget ... (CALmatters)

California will delay some spending commitments, reverse recent steps to shore up its fiscal health and shift funding sources to limit the cuts it must make ...

The debt is set to be paid off by an [federal tax increase on California employers](, but last year, the state government kicked in some money to chip away at the debt, and at the time promised it would contribute another $750 million reduce the overall debt plus $500 million to offset the cost of the tax increase for small businesses this year. After leading a “March for Democracy” on the second anniversary of the U.S. [long-term COVID-19 strategy known as the SMARTER plan](, has remained unspent, Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. That’s a debt the state owes to the federal government, which swooped in with a loan when Californians turned to unemployment benefits in droves early in the pandemic and the system quickly ran out of money. [state’s dismal track record]( in getting people off of the streets and into shelters or more permanent housing. The program, which has not launched, is intended to provide first-time buyers either all of the money they need for a down payment, or very close to it, in exchange for partial ownership stakes in those properties. That included taking $200 million out of a previously budgeted $500 million from the state’s newly created “Dream for All” program. A key legislative proponent of the state’s entry into student housing said he’ll push for the full funding to remain in the 2023-24 budget once negotiations between lawmakers and the governor begin. Roger Niello](, a Fair Oaks Republican who serves as vice chairperson of the budget committee, said in a statement. And it includes increases to CalWORKs, the state’s cash aid program for low-income families with children, and to State Supplementary Payments, which provides benefits for seniors and the disabled. [historic mandate for electrifying cars]( The cuts from these programs would also affect the construction of heavy-duty vehicle infrastructure, a much-needed investment as the state considers another ambitious proposal to

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Tracking the deaths from California's winter storms (Los Angeles Times)

At least 16 deaths have been reported in the state in two weeks of storms. The most common causes of death are flooding and falling trees.

The crash that killed the victims was reported around 5:55 a.m. He was driving a tree service boom truck that rolled over several times after leaving the roadway, county officials said. He was likely unhoused and living in San Bernardino. His father was also in the trailer but survived. They were pronounced dead New Year’s Day, according to the Sacramento County Coroner’s Office. As the system of winter storms continues to batter California, officials have reported a death toll of at least 18 people across the state.

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