
2023 - 1 - 8

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazil's Congress (NPR)

Supporters of the right-wing former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stormed government buildings in Brazil's capital on Sunday.

"I look forward to continuing to work with [@LulaOficial](" [said Flávio Dino](, the minister of justice and public security. "Brazilian democracy will prevail over violence and extremism," President @LulaOficial can count on France's unwavering support." The scenes mirror that of the Jan. The incoming administration had previously downplayed fears of Bolsonaro, a populist in the mold of former U.S. 6, 2021 invasion of the U.S. He also blamed a lack of security for the events. There is no precedent in the history of the country what they did today. "Democracy guarantees the right to free expression, but it also requires people to respect institutions. Swarms of Bolsonaro supporters, known as "Bolsonaristas," were seen charging past security barriers and clashing with police who appeared to be using pepper spray against them.

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazil's presidential palace, Congress ... (PBS NewsHour)

Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who refuse to accept his electoral defeat stormed Congress, the Supreme Court and presidential ...

“Local security forces in Brasilia failed in a systematic way to prevent and to respond to extremist actions in the city. “Brazilian authorities had two years to learn the lessons from the Capitol invasion and to prepare themselves for something similar in Brazil,” said Maurício Santoro, political science professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Local media reported that Torres is currently in the U.S. 30, blocking roads, setting vehicles on fire and gathering outside military buildings, urging the armed forces to intervene. Ibaneis Rocha confirmed on Twitter he had fired the capital city’s head of public security, Anderson Torres. Earlier videos on social media showed a limited presence of the capital’s military police; one showed officers standing by as people flooded into Congress, with one using his phone to record images. British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly tweeted: “The violent attempts to undermine democracy in Brazil are unjustifiable. The results were recognized as legitimate by politicians from across the spectrum, as well as dozens of foreign governments. The former president, who flew to the U.S. support for the country’s “democratic institutions is unwavering.” The incidents recalled the Jan. The former president has repeatedly sparred with Supreme Court justices, and the room where they convene was trashed by the rioters.

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

Bolsonaro supporters storm Congress in Brazil's capital (Axios)

The incidents came just a week after President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva was sworn into office.

[announced on Twitter]( that he had fired Anderson Torres, the security secretary of the federal district who had been in charge of ensuring the area's safety. At least 300 people had been arrested, police [said]( Capitol riot]( by supporters of former President Trump. this is also his responsibility and the parties that supported him." [Jair Bolsonaro]( stormed the National Congress and other government buildings in the capital Brasilia on Sunday in an attack that echoed the Jan. [BBC]( the [Brazilian newspaper Estadão]( [tweeted]( that the U.S. We think there was a lack of security," he For that, they must be punished," he continued. [added]( [sharing]( signed decree for federal intervention in the district that will last through the end of the month. [tweeted]( Sunday. [CNN](

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Bolsonaro supporters breach security barriers, break into Brazilian ... (CNN)

Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday breached security barriers set up by the Armed Forces and gained access to key buildings ...

President Lula da Silva can count on the unconditional support of France,” Macron said on Twitter. “Those responsible for promoting and abetting this attack on Brazilian democracy and its main symbols must be identified and punished in accordance with the law.” “We did not believe at all that the demonstrations would take on the proportions that they did. “We cannot agree with the depredation of the National Congress. Disorder has never been part of the principles of our nation,” Neto said. They are true vandals, true terrorists, and they will have every fight with me to punish them.” But it will never give room for turmoil, destruction and vandalism,” Arthur Lira, president of the Lower House of Congress Supporters of Bolsonaro have been camped out in the capital since his election defeat. Destroyed works of art, the country’s heritage.” The floor of the Congress building was flooded after the sprinkler system activated when protesters attempted to set fire to the carpet, according to CNN Brasil. The video shows furniture overturned and offices along a corridor in disarray. Other outlets showed Bolsonaro suporters entering the Supreme Court and the presidential palace, where CNN Brasil showed the arrivals of anti-riot police and the Brazilian Armed Forces.

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Image courtesy of "WJCT NEWS"

Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazil's Congress, calling for military to ... (WJCT NEWS)

Supporters of far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro, who are calling on the military to take control of the country, broke into three government ...

"I look forward to continuing to work with [@LulaOficial](" [said Flávio Dino](, the minister of justice and public security. The scenes mirrored that of the Jan. "Brazilian democracy will prevail over violence and extremism," President @LulaOficial can count on France's unwavering support." Bolsonaro, a populist in the mold of former U.S. 6, 2021 invasion of the U.S. He also blamed a lack of security for the events. There is no precedent in the history of the country what they did today. He also rejected da Silva's comments that he bore some responsibility for the attack, saying those claims lacked evidence. "Democracy guarantees the right to free expression, but it also requires people to respect institutions. Swarms of Bolsonaro supporters, known as "Bolsonaristas," were seen charging past security barriers and clashing with police who appeared to be using pepper spray against them.

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Brazilian government retakes buildings from pro-Bolsonaro protesters (Politico)

RIO DE JANEIRO — Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro who refuse to accept his election defeat stormed Congress, the Supreme Court and ...

“Local security forces in Brasilia failed in a systematic way to prevent and to respond to extremist actions in the city. “Brazilian authorities had two years to learn the lessons from the Capitol invasion and to prepare themselves for something similar in Brazil,” said Maurício Santoro, political science professor at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. 30, blocking roads, setting vehicles on fire and gathering outside military buildings, urging the armed forces to intervene. Ibaneis Rocha confirmed on Twitter he had fired the capital city’s head of public security, Anderson Torres. Earlier videos on social media showed a limited presence of the capital’s military police; one showed officers standing by as people flooded into Congress, with one using his phone to record images. By early evening, with authorities’ control of the buildings restored, Justice Minister Flavio Dino said in a news conference that roughly 200 people had been arrested and officers were firing more tear gas to drive away lingering protesters. British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly tweeted: “The violent attempts to undermine democracy in Brazil are unjustifiable. The incident recalled the Jan. Thousands of demonstrators bypassed security barricades, climbed on roofs, smashed windows and invaded all three buildings, which were believed to be largely vacant on the weekend. Bolsonaro, who flew to Florida ahead of Lula’s inauguration, repudiated the president’s accusation late Sunday. The situation drew comparisons to the Jan. The former president has repeatedly sparred with Supreme Court justices, and the room where they convene was trashed by the rioters.

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Image courtesy of "BBC Mundo"

Bolsonaro se desvincula de "los saqueos e invasiones" de sus ... (BBC Mundo)

El expresidente se pronunció seis horas después del asalto a las instituciones para criticarlo y rechazar las acusaciones de Lula.

"Las manifestaciones pacíficas son parte de la democracia. Su partida a EE.UU. Brasil: Bolsonaro se desvincula de "los saqueos e invasiones" de sus seguidores y rechaza las acusaciones

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Image courtesy of "WPLG Local 10"

Partidarios de Bolsonaro asaltan el Congreso de Brasil (WPLG Local 10)

Los partidarios del expresidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro que se niegan a aceptar su derrota electoral toman por asalto el Congreso, el Supremo Tribunal ...

Videos difundidos en redes sociales horas antes mostraban una presencia limitada de la policía militar de la capital. La policía lanzó gases lacrimógenos para tratar de recuperar el control de los inmuebles. Para la noche ya se había restablecido el control de los edificios. El presidente estadounidense Joe Biden les dijo a reporteros que los disturbios en Brasil eran “indignantes”. Algunos de ellos piden la intervención militar para reinstaurar a Bolsonaro en el poder o para destronar a Lula. Escribió en Twitter que las protestas pacíficas forman parte de la democracia, pero que el vandalismo y la invasión de edificios públicos son “excepciones a la regla”.

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Image courtesy of "EL PAÍS"

Bolsonaro, desde Florida, condena el asalto: “Las invasiones ... (EL PAÍS)

El expresidente, que viajó a Estados Unidos en diciembre para no traspasar el poder a Lula, se desvincula de los sucesos de Brasilia.

[ha escrito en su cuenta de Twitter.]( En realidad, Bolsonaro no tiene estatus de refugiado en Estados Unidos. “Casi dos años después del día en que el Capitolio de los Estados Unidos fue atacado por fascistas, vemos movimientos fascistas en el extranjero que intentan hacer lo mismo en Brasil. La congresista demócrata Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ha vinculado este domingo el asalto en Brasilia al ocurrido en Estados Unidos hace dos años, cuando partidarios del entonces presidente Donald Trump irrumpieron en el Capitolio de Washington. Bolsonaro llegó al aeropuerto Signature Flight Support de Orlando a bordo del avión presidencial y fue trasladado, escoltado por su servicio de seguridad, a una mansión del exluchador de artes marciales mixtas brasileño José Aldo da Silva, en la que se ha estado alojando. “A lo largo de mi mandato, siempre he estado dentro de las cuatro líneas de la Constitución respetando y defendiendo las leyes, la democracia, la transparencia y nuestra sagrada libertad”, ha escrito en un segundo tuit. Lo ha hecho a través de varios tuits, desde Orlando (Florida), donde se encuentra: “Las manifestaciones pacíficas, conforme a la ley, son parte de la democracia.

Simpatizantes del expresidente Jair Bolsonaro rompen barreras de ... (KESQ)

Los tres principales edificios gubernamentales, la Corte Suprema, el Palacio Presidencial y el edificio del Congreso, han sido despejados de manifestantes, ...

“Entre las medidas tomadas hoy, el fiscal general solicitó a la Procuraduría General de Justicia en el Distrito Federal (PRDF) que abra de inmediato un procedimiento de investigación penal destinado a responsabilizar a los involucrados. Ordené a la Secretaría de Seguridad del sector de operaciones del Distrito Federal tomar medidas inmediatas para restaurar el orden en el centro de Brasilia”. “El fascismo decide dar un golpe” dijo en Twitter el presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, al manifestar su apoyo a Lula y solicitó una reunión de la OEA. Estoy en la sede del Ministerio de Justicia”, dijo en Twitter el ministro de esa cartera, Flavio Dino. en un intento por evitar la certificación de las elecciones de 2020 y la victoria del presidente Joe Biden sobre el expresidente Donald Trump. El gobernador y su secretario de seguridad, bolsonarista, son los responsables de lo que está pasando”.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Pro-Bolsonaro Rioters Invade Brasilia in Challenge to Lula (Bloomberg)

Thousands of supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the country's top government institutions on Sunday in an insurrection that ...

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Image courtesy of "Telemundo 44 Washington DC"

Jair Bolsonaro rechaza tibiamente el intento de golpe de Estado por ... (Telemundo 44 Washington DC)

Los manifestantes golpistas provocaron graves daños en el interior de esos edificios y solo fueron dispersados por las fuerzas de seguridad cuatro horas...

Por su parte, Lula prometió identificar y castigar a los "vándalos fascistas" que "destrozaron todo lo que encontraban a su paso" en Brasilia, y decretó la intervención federal del área de seguridad de la capital brasileña hasta el próximo 31 de enero. "Las manifestaciones pacíficas, dentro de la ley, son parte de la democracia. El capitán retirado del Ejército, que dejó el poder el pasado 1 de enero, repudió en su mensaje "las acusaciones, sin pruebas" vertidas por el actual jefe de Estado, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, quien este domingo recriminó a su predecesor "estimular" los actos golpistas de sus partidarios más radicales.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Bolsonaro supporters invade Brazil presidential palace, Congress ... (Reuters)

Supporters of Brazil's far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro on Sunday invaded the country's Congress, presidential palace and Supreme Court, in a grim ...

On Saturday, with rumors of a confrontation brewing in Brasilia, Justice Minister Flávio Dino authorized the deployment of the National Public Security Force. local time, some three hours after the initial reports of the invasion, security forces managed to retake the three buildings, GloboNews reported. Television images showed protesters breaking into the Supreme Court and Congress, chanting slogans and smashing furniture. UOL said he was in Orlando, where Bolsonaro is currently based. fanatical fascists, did what has never been done in the history of this country," said Lula, who was on an official trip to Sao Paulo state. The sight of thousands of yellow-and-green clad protesters running riot in the capital capped months of tension following the Oct. "Using violence to attack democratic institutions is always unacceptable," Blinken wrote on Twitter. Bolsonaro, an acolyte of Trump's who has yet to concede defeat, peddled the false claim that Brazil's electronic voting system was prone to fraud, spawning 31 after capital security forces initially were overwhelmed by the invaders. "This genocidist ... "These vandals, who we could call fanatical Nazis, fanatical Stalinists ... Capitol invasion two years ago by fans of former President Donald Trump.

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Image courtesy of "WJCT NEWS"

Security forces regain control after Bolsonaro supporters storm ... (WJCT NEWS)

Supporters of far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro, who are calling on the military to take control of the country, broke into three government ...

"I look forward to continuing to work with [@LulaOficial](" [said Flávio Dino](, the minister of justice and public security. The scenes mirrored that of the Jan. "Brazilian democracy will prevail over violence and extremism," President @LulaOficial can count on France's unwavering support." Bolsonaro, a populist in the mold of former U.S. 6, 2021 invasion of the U.S. He also blamed a lack of security for the events. There is no precedent in the history of the country what they did today. He also rejected da Silva's comments that he bore some responsibility for the attack, saying those claims lacked evidence. "Democracy guarantees the right to free expression, but it also requires people to respect institutions. Swarms of Bolsonaro supporters, known as "Bolsonaristas," were seen charging past security barriers and clashing with police who appeared to be using pepper spray against them.

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Image courtesy of "TIME"

Brazil Authorities Seek To Punish Pro-Bolsonaro Protesters Who ... (TIME)

Supporters of Brazil's former President Jair Bolsonaro, clash with police during a protest outside the Planalto Palace building in Brasilia, Brazil, Sunday, Jan ...

The expectation was that the federal district’s government was going to mount a response to protect the capital. He said that the so-called “fascist fanatics,” as well as those who financed their activities, must be punished, and also accused Bolsonaro of encouraging their uprising. That led many in Brazil to question whether the police had ignored abundant warnings, underestimated their abilities or had been somehow complicit. Unlike the 2021 attack in the U.S., few officials would have been working in the top government buildings on a Sunday. 6 in the Capitol,” said Paulo Calmon, a political science professor at the University of Brasilia. “These groups were created by him, by the radicalism he imposed on politics. Many Brazilians expressed relief that, while he declined to participate in the transition of power, his absence allowed it to occur without incident. In a news conference late Sunday, Brazil’s minister of institutional relations said the buildings would be inspected for evidence including fingerprints and images to hold people to account, and that the rioters apparently intended to spark similar such actions nationwide. “We will not accept the path of criminality to carry out political fights in Brazil. [fading from view]( Rioters donning the green and yellow of the national flag on Sunday broke windows, toppled furniture, hurled computers and printers to the ground. The protesters were seeking military intervention to either restore the far-right Bolsonaro to power or oust the newly inaugurated leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in scenes of chaos and destruction reminiscent of the Jan.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

Brazil stocks set to slide as world leaders condemn pro-Bolsonaro riots (CNBC)

Brazilian stocks are expected to plunge on Monday after supporters of right-wing former president Jair Bolsonaro stormed government buildings on Sunday in ...

"Peaceful demonstrations, in accordance with the law, are part of democracy. In a tweet Sunday night, U.S. In a press conference, Lula said the government was hunting the riot's financiers. President Joe Biden condemned what he called "the assault on democracy and the peaceful transfer of power in Brazil." "The coup plotters who promoted the destruction of public property in Brasilia are being identified and will be punished," Lula said in a tweet Sunday night, vowing to resume work in the palace on Monday. - "The coup plotters who promoted the destruction of public property in Brasilia are being identified and will be punished," Lula said in a tweet, vowing to resume work in the palace on Monday.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

In pictures: Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazilian Congress (CNN)

Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro broke into the country's congressional building, Supreme Court and presidential palace on Sunday, ...

Police have since cleared the massive crowds from government buildings and made at least 400 arrests. Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro In pictures: Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazilian Congress

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Authorities in Brazil investigate pro-Bolsonaro rioters who stormed ... (USA TODAY)

Brazilian authorities were investigating after thousands of Bolsonaro supporters stormed Congress, the Supreme Court and presidential palace.

The expectation was that the federal district’s government was going to mount a response to protect the capital. He said that the so-called “fascist fanatics,” as well as those who financed their activities, must be punished, and also accused Bolsonaro of encouraging their uprising. That led many in Brazil to question whether the police had ignored abundant warnings, underestimated their abilities or had been somehow complicit. Unlike the 2021 attack in the U.S., few officials would have been working in the top government buildings on a Sunday. 6 in the Capitol,” said Paulo Calmon, a political science professor at the University of Brasilia. “These groups were created by him, by the radicalism he imposed on politics. Many Brazilians expressed relief that, while he declined to participate in the transition of power, his absence allowed it to occur without incident. In a news conference late Sunday, Brazil’s minister of institutional relations said the buildings would be inspected for evidence including fingerprints and images to hold people to account, and that the rioters apparently intended to spark similar such actions nationwide. “We will not accept the path of criminality to carry out political fights in Brazil. Results from Brazil’s election — the closest in over three decades — were quickly recognized by politicians across the spectrum, including some Bolsonaro allies, as well as dozens of governments. Rioters donning the green and yellow of the national flag on Sunday broke windows, toppled furniture, hurled computers and printers to the ground. The protesters were seeking military intervention to either restore the far-right Bolsonaro to power or oust the newly inaugurated leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in scenes of chaos and destruction reminiscent of the Jan.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Últimas noticias sobre el asalto al Congreso de Brasil por parte de ... (CNN)

Simpatizantes del expresidente brasileño Jair Bolsonaro irrumpieron este domingo en el edificio del Congreso, la Corte Suprema y el palacio presidencial del ...

No se trata de la continuidad del proceso electoral, se trata de golpe de Estado, de terrorismo”, dijo el ministro, al tiempo que agregó que “no vamos a aceptar el camino de la criminalidad para hacer una lucha política en Brasil. Los partidarios de Bolsonaro han acampado en la capital desde entonces. “Sin embargo, las depredaciones e invasiones de edificios públicos como las ocurridas hoy, así como las practicadas por la izquierda en 2013 y 2017, escapan a la regla ", continuó. La capital de Brasil, Brasilia, forma parte del Distrito Federal. “Lamentamos que el patrimonio del pueblo brasileño haya sido dilapidado de manera vil. Al menos 400 personas han sido arrestadas después de que partidarios del exlíder brasileño Jair Bolsonaro irrumpieran en edificios clave del gobierno en Brasilia el domingo, según las autoridades brasileñas. Un poco de contexto: en el pasado, Meta ha designado eventos violentos, como ataques terroristas, tiroteos en escuelas y el ataque del 6 de enero en el Capitolio de EE.UU. como los llamados "eventos de infracción". Estamos monitoreando activamente la situación y continuaremos eliminando el contenido que viole nuestras políticas". "Mañana retomamos labores en el Palacio del Planalto. Un poco de contexto: Cappelli fue designado interventor el domingo por el presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. "Los ataques violentos a las instituciones democráticas son un ataque a la democracia que no se puede tolerar.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Mass Arrests in Brazil After Bolsonaro Supporters Storm the Capital ... (The New York Times)

Scores were taken into custody after supporters of Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's far-right former president, stormed official buildings in the capital to protest ...

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