Kevin McCarthy

2023 - 1 - 7

matt gaetz matt gaetz

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Image courtesy of "POLITICO Magazine"

The Shakespearean Tragedy of Kevin McCarthy, Prince of Washington (POLITICO Magazine)

Warring factions, a man possessed by naked ambition, a tragic fall from grace. Where have we seen this play before?

“I rise to cast my vote for a member not of the Freedom Caucus, but for Kevin,” she taunted during one of the votes on Thursday. We turn to the whole of Shakespeare’s works so we can understand the themes that rhyme with each other, the blocks on which rulers stumble, and the tides in the affairs of men. As we spoke, she broke out the script and read from a scene in which Caesar had just left the Senate and Casca and Brutus were each calculating whether the other was safe to conspire with. Aaron Posner, a theater professor at American University, says that the plays occupy such a treasured place in our collective imagination because they hold broader lessons on power: “what will you do to get it, what will you do to hold it, and [how] the only bad thing is the losing of it.” 3, as the caucus sat in a closed-door meeting that preceded the first ballot, McCarthy grew more and more convinced that he was the rightful heir to the speakership, thundering, “I’ve earned this goddamn job!” But as he led his foot soldiers into battle, akin to many a Shakespearean commander, his once-loyal subjects broke rank. [seasoned theater critics certainly think so](, urging Washington’s commentators to turn the page on the Shakespeare references and quit stretching the metaphors. Since McCarthy’s arrival in the House in 2007, his Republican colleagues watched with a certain measure of astonishment as he shape-shifted. Is he instead Hamlet, staring into the eyes of a skull at arm’s length, trying to avenge the ghost of Donald Trump? Like the Scottish protagonist, McCarthy’s preferred method of consolidating power was to keep the characters in his caucus happy. It may be an exercise in futility to attempt to find a one-to-one comparison between real life and the page. [tweeted Robin Young](, the co-host of NPR’s “Here and Now,” “I’d check my tea for hemlock,” a reference to the poisonous herb used to make the witch’s brew that sets in motion Macbeth’s tragic downfall. For eight terms, he’d waited, dutifully crafting a script that would allow him to seize power over the lower chamber, only for a rebellious band of Republicans to conveniently forget the lines he’d asked them to memorize.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

How McCarthy survived the House chaos to win the speaker's gavel (CNN)

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz strode into House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy's office on Monday night with a list of demands. Among them: The chairmanship of a key ...

ET – providing time both for the two missing McCarthy supporters time to return to Washington and for McCarthy’s allies to turn up the heat on the remaining holdouts. By the early evening Thursday, there was an offer “on paper.” Three of the key negotiators – Emmer, Roy and Donalds – huddled with McCarthy in his ceremonial office, following a session in Emmer’s office for one group to review the written agreement to break the stalemate. But as the House gaveled back into session, Gaetz went to McCarthy’s senior aide and asked whether the House could adjourn until Monday. He was still short of the votes he needed for speaker, but the tide had turned. All Democrats and four McCarthy opponents voted against adjourning, and the motion was in danger of failing – which would have forced the House to keep voting for speaker. McCarthy had initially proposed a five-member threshold, down from current conference rules that require half of the GOP to call for such a vote. McCarthy was denied a majority before the House clerk was through the “C’s,” and 19 Republicans voted for someone other than McCarthy – leaving him 15 votes short. In a sign of the new Republican rules, the As the vote timer counted down, 218 Republicans had voted yes, a majority that would have sent McCarthy home for the weekend and left the House in paralysis at the hands of Gaetz and his allies. Lauren Boebert when they announced their votes, like they had for other holdouts who had flipped to McCarthy earlier in the day. Matt Rosendale of Montana, another McCarthy holdout, to take her cell phone and speak to former President Donald Trump, who was on the line. Rogers, a Republican from Alabama who earlier in the week warned the GOP dissidents they would lose their committee assignments, told Gaetz he would be “finished” for continuing to wreck the speaker’s vote.

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Image courtesy of "WJCT NEWS"

PHOTOS: The drama-filled process to elect Kevin McCarthy as ... (WJCT NEWS)

Friday was the fourth day of voting for House speaker. Photographers captured tense moments in the House chamber as lawmakers negotiated.

Here's a peek at what the tense, drawn-out negotiations looked like on the final day, on and around the chamber floor. After a chaotic four days and 15 rounds of voting to elect a speaker of the House, California Republican Kevin McCarthy finally emerged victorious early Saturday to convene a new Congress. To see more, visit

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

What Kevin McCarthy's Speaker Election Could Mean for the House (The New York Times)

The top Republican already had to work with a tiny majority and an emboldened right flank. Concessions he made to win his speakership gave the rebels more ...

Dennis Hastert — to not put forward any legislation that does not have the support of a majority of the majority. But in the past couple of decades, Republican speakers have followed an unofficial but hard-and-fast rule — known as the Hastert rule for the former G.O.P. They would have an incentive to work with Democrats on bipartisan deals that could make it through the Senate and to President Biden’s desk. That could be particularly dangerous for spending bills and any legislation to raise the federal debt limit. That could make it exceedingly difficult to pass any appropriations measures, which need the approval of both chambers before they can go to the president’s desk. McCarthy that any measure to raise the cap on borrowing to finance the federal debt would be accompanied by fiscal reforms, including deep spending cuts, possibly including Social Security and Medicare. The speaker, on behalf of the majority, controls the House floor. [$1.7 trillion spending package](®ion=MAIN_CONTENT_1&block=storyline_levelup_swipe_recirc) that will keep the U.S. In effect, that would give the faction the ability to block any legislation it did not like from the floor, by banding together with Democrats on the panel who are all but certain to oppose most Republican bills. For the dissidents, that was the point. For the country, it could lead to some grim consequences. The top Republican already had to work with a tiny majority and an emboldened right flank.

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Image courtesy of "BBC Mundo"

El republicano Kevin McCarthy es elegido presidente de la Cámara ... (BBC Mundo)

McCarthy ganó finalmente el cargo tras 15 rondas de votaciones que tuvieron lugar a pesar de que el Partido Republicano había logrado la mayoría en la cámara ...

"Inquietante que este proceso termine en amenazas de violencia en la Cámara de Representantes, precisamente este día. El presidente de la Cámara Baja establece la agenda y supervisa los asuntos legislativos. Un momento oscuro y aleccionador que probablemente se recordará mucho después de que termine esta sesión". El congresista de Alabama tuvo que ser retenido físicamente por sus colegas mientras griataba y apuntaba con el dedo a Gaetz. "Esta noche Kevin McCarthy les ha dejado tomar el Partido Republicano". luego de 4 días de caos y tensión en el Congreso

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Image courtesy of "Telemundo Utah"

Cámara Baja: Kevin McCarthy, finalmente, es elegido como líder ... (Telemundo Utah)

WASHINGTON - El republicano Kevin McCarthy salió elegido presidente de la Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos en una histórica 15ta votación poco ...

Nunca desde la época de la Guerra de Secesión se habían necesitado tantas rondas de votación. A pesar de haber conseguido los votos, McCarthy aparece como un líder debilitado que ha tenido que renunciar a algunos de sus poderes y estará bajo la amenaza constante de ser expulsado por sus detractores.Pero también podría verse reforzado tras imponerse en una de las luchas por la presidencia de la Cámara más brutales de la historia de Estados Unidos. McCarthy tomó posesión del cargo y la Cámara pudo tomar juramento por fin a los nuevos legisladores que llevaban una semana esperando la apertura oficial de la sesión 2023-2024 para incorporarse a la institución.

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Image courtesy of "El Debate"

¿Quién es Kevin McCarthy, el hombre que, por fin, preside la ... (El Debate)

Este hombre de tez bronceada y cabello canoso accedió a los 57 años al cargo de «speaker» que se le había escapado en 2015 por bocazas.

Cuando Biden llegó a la Casa Blanca, el californiano optó por la oposición frontal. Hace un año, monopolizó la palabra en la Cámara solo para retrasar el voto de un plan masivo de infraestructuras del gobierno. Hace un año, monopolizó la palabra en la Cámara solo para retrasar el voto de un plan masivo de infraestructuras del gobierno Nacido en 1965 en Bakersfield, un bastión republicano en el corazón del estado demócrata de California, McCarthy es hijo de un bombero y de una ama de casa, ambos demócratas. «Actualmente, el presidente Trump está comprometido a ayudar a la elección de republicanos en la Cámara y el Senado en 2022», justificó entonces, alabando entonces las ventajas de un «movimiento conservador unido». Surgido de una posición republicana clásica, centrada en la defensa del mercado y el éxito individual, McCarthy respaldó plenamente el giro a la derecha de la formación en cuestiones como la inmigración, la delincuencia o los transexuales.

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Image courtesy of "euronews"

Kevin McCarthy gana la portavocía en la decimoquinta votación con ... (euronews)

Los legisladores rechazaron suspender la sesión hasta el lunes y optaron por votar en una nueva ronda.

para ser nombrado su presidente, por el boicot de republicanos ultras, vence en la decimoquinta votación. Kevin McCarthy gana la portavocía en la decimoquinta votación. Kevin McCarthy gana la portavocía en la decimoquinta votación con 216 votos

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Image courtesy of "EL PAÍS"

La Cámara de Representantes, una bomba de relojería (EL PAÍS)

El líder republicano en la Cámara de Representantes de EE UU, Kevin McCarthy, el 7 de enero de 2023.Foto: MICHAEL REYNOLDS (EFE) | Vídeo: REUTERS.

[La Administración Biden]( jamás consentirá a los mismos e intentará aprobar la elevación del techo de deuda con la ayuda de los elementos menos extremistas republicanos, algo nada seguro pero que, de producirse, provocaría seguramente también la caída de McCarthy a manos de sus correligionarios. [de un grupo de entre seis y 20 congresistas]( que, lisa y llanamente, están más interesados en el griterío y la propaganda que en la aprobación de medidas legislativas. Esto es algo que ha ocurrido de manera recurrente en los últimos 40 años, aunque su duración y su impacto económico han sido relativamente limitados hasta ahora. Existen al menos dos escenarios peligrosos que se van a producir en los próximos meses: el primero es el denominado “ [Normas]( Si a ello le unimos que el nuevo speaker necesitará cooperar con un Senado demócrata cuyas prioridades legislativas son opuestas a las suyas, la consecuencia es predecible: la parálisis legislativa total, sustituida por comisiones de investigación que generen mucho ruido mediático.

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Image courtesy of "Telemundo"

Cómo Kevin McCarthy logró los votos para ser el nuevo 'speaker' (Telemundo)

El republicano por California negoció hasta el último momento con el sector de extrema derecha de su partido para aplacar la oposición del grupo que llevaba ...

El mensaje que el líder recibió de sus centristas decía: Podemos vivir con dar a los miembros del Freedom Caucus ranuras del comité, pero los martillos del comité son un “nonstarter”. Tenemos que ser capaces de seguir confiando en que vamos a ser capaces de ejecutar lo que hemos acordado en el marco”, señaló. Las normas descentralizarían la toma de decisiones en el caucus. “La realidad es que cinco republicanos en este momento pueden detener todo”, sostuvo. Si un grupo de cinco republicanos puede obligarle a retirarse en cualquier momento, la tarea de McCarthy de aprobar proyectos de ley imprescindibles, como el presupuesto del Gobierno o la elevación del techo de la deuda, podría resultar mucho más difícil con una escasa mayoría. Perry, presidente del Freedom Caucus, dijo el viernes que decidió votar a favor de McCarthy después de que ese marco se pusiera sobre la mesa. Quieren microgestionar todas y cada una de las cosas que presenta”, aseguró McGovern. Perry dijo además que el acuerdo incluye “representación conservadora” en toda la Cámara, incluso añadiendo miembros del flanco derecho a comités clave. La rebelión fue liderada por miembros del grupo de extrema derecha Freedom Caucus de la Cámara de Representantes, conocido por ejercer su poder y respaldar el caos para forzar a los líderes del Partido Republicano a plegarse a sus deseos. Y antes de irnos a dormir nos animaron a que cuando nos levantáramos esta mañana, tendríamos una buena sesión de trabajo”, dijo Hill el viernes. “Lo que hemos acordado en el marco tendrá que tener la rendición de cuentas. Algunos lo aceptaron como el costo de negociar con márgenes más estrechos.

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

Here's what Kevin McCarthy said after winning House speakership (Axios)

The GOP leader secured the gavel Saturday morning after suffering 14 losses in a historic speakership vote.

"Now that the leadership of the House of Representatives has been decided it is time for that process to begin." He would call me and he would call others." - "And he really was – I was just talking to him tonight – helping get those final votes. - "Our system is built on checks and balances. - "As Speaker of the House, my ultimate responsibility is not to my party, my conference, or even our Congress. "And I will never give up on keeping our commitment to America."

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Image courtesy of "AS Usa"

¿Quién es Kevin McCarthy, el nuevo presidente de la Cámara de ... (AS Usa)

Tras 14 rondas de votación y después de una moción fallida para aplazar la sesión hasta el lunes, el representante republicano Kevin McCarthy finalmente ...

Después de ser elegido para el Congreso en 2006, Kevin rápidamente se convirtió en Jefe Adjunto del Whip y luego se desempeñó como Majority Whip. Como legislador novato, fue seleccionado por unanimidad por sus colegas republicanos para servir como líder republicano de la Asamblea. Mientras estaba en la escuela, hizo una pasantía para el congresista Bill Thomas y luego se convirtió en miembro del personal del congresista Thomas. Es nativo de Bakersfield y residente del condado de Kern. McCarthy tuvo que socavar la oposición de un bloque de republicanos conservadores para poder superar la contienda más larga en 164 años. Conoce más sobre el republicano.

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Photos: Kevin McCarthy wins House speakership on 15th vote (Los Angeles Times)

The Republican leader's victory came at a price: McCarthy had to agree to a series of compromises that dramatically weakens the power of his new post.

But the Republican leader’s victory came at a price. To secure the votes required to succeed fellow Californian Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) as speaker, McCarthy had to agree to compromises that dramatically weaken the power of the post. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) was elected speaker of the House early Saturday morning after four days and 15 ballots, resuscitating a chamber that had been paralyzed as it endured the longest struggle to elect a leader since before the Civil War.

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Image courtesy of "CNBC"

U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy pledges to tackle immigration ... (CNBC)

Newly elected House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said he wants to "be the check and provide some balance" to President Joe Biden's policies.

"Jill and I congratulate Kevin McCarthy on his election as Speaker of the House," said Biden. "Congratulations to Kevin McCarthy and our GREAT Republican Party!" McCarthy's first job as speaker was to swear in the other 433 members of Congress, who had been in limbo as members-elect since Tuesday, when the 118th Congress first opened. "I don't think he should, anybody should doubt his influence," McCarthy said. "And now we need to finish strong for the American people." McCarthy claimed he will pass bills fixing "urgent" problems in the nation with an America-first approach. "No more ignoring this crisis of safety and sovereignty," he said. He highlighted immigration reform as a top priority, saying the Republican-controlled House will hold some of its first hearings of the year at the Southern border. He said the first legislation he plans to tackle will repeal funding for more than 87,000 new IRS agents. [Donald Trump]( for his support and said he was crucial in securing the final votes McCarthy needed. - The U.S. McCarthy said the tense showdown on the House floor this week was proof that he is not someone who gives up easily.

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

POLITICO Playbook: Inside the 28 minutes that saved Kevin McCarthy (Politico)

With help from Eli Okun and Garrett Ross. DRIVING THE DAY. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) holds up the Speaker's gavel after.

[“Federal appeals court strikes down ban on bump stocks,”]( by CNN’s Tierney Sneed: “A federal appeals court on Friday struck down a ban on bump stocks, devices that essentially allow shooters to fire semiautomatic rifles continuously with one pull of the trigger. [“Biden gears up for ‘Chapter 2,’ anticipating clashes, cooperation with GOP,”]( by WaPo’s Toluse Olorunnipa and Yasmeen Abutaleb: “Senior White House officials are planning to counter an expected onslaught of oversight by Republican lawmakers by working with the GOP behind the scenes on bipartisan bills as [President JOE] BIDEN gears up for a reelection bid he has said he intends to wage. 6 anniversary with emotional tributes, stark warnings,”]( by Jonathan Lemire: “Marking the second anniversary of one of the nation’s darkest days, President Joe Biden paid tribute Friday to the heroism displayed on Jan. Now the country will pay the price,”]( by L.A. … [“Kevin McCarthy wins his dream job, but at a humiliating and stifling cost,”]( by L.A. [“Katie Porter weighs Senate bid launch as Feinstein stays mum,”]( by Burgess Everett, Sarah Ferris and Holly Otterbein: “Fresh off a bruising battleground reelection win, the third-term [Rep. [“Speaker Fight Could Preview Months of Turmoil in Congress,”]( by WSJ’s Lindsay Wise, Andrew Duehren and Kristina Peterson … [“‘Kevin Who?’ In McCarthy’s Hometown, a Different Take on His Fate,”]( by David Siders in Bakersfield, Calif. [The winning moment](… [“This congressman carried his baby around the Capitol all week,”]( by WaPo’s Roxanne Roberts [The McCarthy-Gaetz-Rogers scuffle]( … The six McCarthy holdouts had discussed a plan to back the GOP leader by voting “present” in tandem so none of them could be fingered as the final vote giving McCarthy the gavel — but Gaetz didn’t have the entire group sold at that moment.

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Image courtesy of "The New Yorker"

Kevin McCarthy's Hollow Victory Will Have Economic and Political ... (The New Yorker)

Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene takes a selfie with Republican leader Kevin McCarthy. As Kevin McCarthy waited for the official tally, Representative ...

The new rules agreement for the 118th Congress, to which McCarthy acceded in order to win over the MAGA holdouts, and which will almost certainly be voted through on Monday, calls for the establishment of three new investigative subcommittees. (During the drama on Friday night, the Lear of Mar-a-Lago called several MAGA holdouts to ask them to support the beleaguered Californian.) But it doesn’t explain how the Republican Party has been reduced to this sorry state, or why McCarthy would still want the job of Speaker in these circumstances. Although Trump is not named explicitly, the added language would appear to give the new subcommittee license to look into, and perhaps hold up, the Justice Department’s investigations of his efforts to overturn the 2020 election and his post-Presidential mishandling of hundreds of classified documents. [Politico reported]( that this reference appeared to have been added to the rules during last-minute negotiations between McCarthy and his ultra-right opponents. Earlier this week, Representative Ralph Norman, of South Carolina, who is a member of the Freedom Caucus, called on McCarthy to “shut down the government rather than raise the debt ceiling,” adding that this demand was “a non-negotiable item.” In this instance, it would be a mistake to focus exclusively on the MAGA crazies: months ago, McCarthy and Senator John Thune, of South Dakota, both made clear that they favored using the debt limit to force big cuts in spending. A repeat of the 2011 debt-ceiling crisis, in which the G.O.P.-led House of Representatives defied President Barack Obama, now seems likely, and it could be a lengthy one. Ultimately, perhaps, even the members of the Freedom Caucus won’t want to be held responsible for a financial crash that tanks their voters’ 401(k) plans and endangers the mighty dollar, especially at the start of another Presidential-election campaign. performance art, which will likely encompass passing legislation that has no chance of being enacted by the Democratic-controlled Senate and holding innumerable conspiracy-theory-stoking hearings into the Based on his own self-serving modus operandi, McCarthy doesn’t have much choice but to comply; if he is to get anything done over the next two years, he will need to retain the support of Greene and many other far-right extremists. This prospect is already raising alarms on Wall Street, where attention is focussing on the need to raise the debt ceiling and prevent a U.S. In return for backing McCarthy, Greene will likely receive new committee assignments and be treated, by Party leaders, as an important ally, despite the fact that just last month she said the January 6th insurrection would have succeeded if she and Steve Bannon had been in charge of it. In February, 2021, eleven House Republicans voted with the Democrats to strip Greene of her committee assignments.

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

Kevin McCarthy elected US House Speaker after 15 rounds of voting (BBC News)

The Republican is finally chosen after a week of chaos and angry scenes between colleagues in his own party.

Mr McCarthy opened his acceptance speech joking; "that was easy, eh?" "Maybe it didn't determine the outcome, but that is no way to conduct the people's business. "Two years ago insurrectionists failed to take over the Capitol," Congressman Eric Swalwell wrote on Twitter. "He was with me from the beginning... The Alabama congressman had to be physically restrained by colleagues as he bellowed and jabbed his finger at Mr Gaetz. And I will never give up for you, the American people."

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