Jurors have began deliberating at the trial of rapper Tory Lanez, who is charged with shooting hip-hop star Megan Thee Stallion.
1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100 with her own song “Savage,” featuring Beyoncé, and as a guest on Cardi B’s “WAP.” The counts could lead to up to 22 years in prison and deportation for Lanez, who has pleaded not guilty. The attorney, George Mgdesyan, alleges Megan created a more sympathetic narrative by pinning the shooting on Lanez. The jury of seven women and five men received the case late Thursday morning after Lanez’s defense completed a closing argument from a day earlier and Los Angeles County prosecutors gave a brief rebuttal. They said she had no incentive to tell anything but the truth. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Jurors have began deliberating at the trial of rapper Tory Lanez, who is charged with shooting hip-hop star Megan Thee Stallion in the feet and leaving her wounded.
Jurors in the trial of rapper Tory Lanez -- who is charged with shooting and wounding fellow rapper Megan Thee Stallion after an argument in the Hollywood ...
Harris, who was granted use immunity to testify during the trial, has maintained that she "did not" shoot her former best friend, for whom she was working at the time as a personal assistant. "Even as a victim, I have been met with skepticism and judgment," she wrote. In a recorded interview subsequently played in court, Harris can be heard telling prosecutors that she saw Lanez shooting at his fellow rapper, but said he "did not say anything." love to all my fans and people that have stayed true to me & know my heart ... Megan Thee Stallion said the vehicle was stopped soon afterward by police, who ordered all of the occupants out, as her feet were still bleeding. Lanez's lawyer contended that Megan Thee Stallion's former friend and personal assistant, Kelsey Harris, was "the one who shot her friend." The entertainer said she had no doubt that Lanez fired the shots. You shot me and you got your publicist and your people are lying ... "The defendant had a bruised ego because Megan was more successful than him," Ta said. The defendant shot Megan." Lanez declined Wednesday to testify in his own defense. The jury agreed to wait for a written response from the court Friday, when it is set to continue its deliberations.
The Tory Lanez trial has entered deliberation. While the rapper waits on a verdict, victim Megan Thee Stallion's boyfriend, Pardison Fontaine, is speaking ...
I pray for their covering. To anyone with a sister, mother, niece or aunt, I pray for their protection. “To any woman, especially ones of color, that has suffered an injustice, I feel for you …” Fontaine wrote.
Megan Thee Stallion's Boyfriend Speaks Out About Tory Lanez Trial: "To any woman, especially ones of color that has suffered an injustice, I feel for you.
On the second day of the trial, Megan shared her frustrations about how the case has developed, particularly in terms of the support that Lanez has received from male musicians. ”Every man in a position of power in the music industry has taken his side. Lanez, who’s been accused of shooting Megan Thee Stallion in the foot [back in 2020](https://hypebae.com/2022/4/megan-thee-stallion-tory-lanez-2020-shooting-details-interview-cbs-mornings-watch), has received support from those in the industry during the trial, and now, Megan’s boyfriend has spoken out. it seems you will be ridiculed .. “To any woman especially ones of color that has suffered an injustice, I feel for you,” Fontaine wrote on Instagram. “To any woman, especially ones of color that has suffered an injustice, I feel for you.” – Pardison Fontaine.
Amid the ongoing legal drama with Tory Lanez -- who is on trial and accused of shooting Megan in the feet after a pool party at the home of Kylie Jenner in ...
Megan Thee Stallion's boyfriend Pardison Pardi Fontaine writes a note in support of women out there during Tory Lanez trial.Tory Lanez is a Canadian rapper, ...
I pray for their covering .. He added, "I pray for their protection .. "This whole thing is about who I was having s** with, not who shot me, and I don't know why." your entire past will be held under a magnifying glass .. your credibility will [be] questioned .. it seems you will be ridiculed ..
Pardison Fontaine Stands With Megan Thee Stallion as Tory Lanez Trial Nears End: 'I Wouldn't Wish This On Anyone'. The rapper's boyfriend shared an encouraging ...
“I appreciate him for loving on me even when I don’t feel like I love me,” she said. “I have a lot of anxiety, and I know I’m probably depressed on some level. I pray for their covering. I pray for their protection. Despite not being a plaintiff in the trial, Megan has been the target of rampant misinformation and extensive backlash for speaking out about the harm she experiences. This whole story has not been about the shooting, it’s only been about who is Tory having sex with.
The Jury will return to court Friday to resume talks on the three felony counts brought against the 30-year-old Canadian rapper: discharging a firearm with ...
The counts could lead to up to 22 years in prison and deportation for Lanez, who has pleaded not guilty. They did not reach a verdict and will return Friday to resume talks on the three felony counts brought against the 30-year-old Canadian rapper: discharging a firearm with gross negligence, assault with a semiautomatic firearm and carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle. [trial of rapper Tory Lanez](https://apnews.com/article/shootings-california-megan-thee-stallion-tory-lanez-271a0d4d3fc81917d8a370767a6c1c15), who is charged with shooting and wounding hip-hop star [Megan Thee Stallion](https://apnews.com/hub/megan-thee-stallion) in the feet.
To any woman, especially ones of color, that has suffered an injustice, I feel for you …” he wrote on Instagram. “I wouldn't wish this on anyone.”
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Five men and seven women will come to a decision on the Tory Lanez trial as he faces charges against shooting Megan Thee Stallion.
Mgdesyan used his closing argument to challenge the credibility of Megan’s accusation. This case has always been about the shooting,” Ta argued. This whole story has not been about the shooting, it’s only been about who is Tory having sex with.”
Amid the ongoing legal drama with Tory Lanez — who is on trial and accused of shooting Megan in the feet after a pool party at the home of Kylie Jenner in ...
On his album, Daystar, released in 2020, more than two months after the encounter, [Lanez refuted Megan’s allegations](https://www.etonline.com/tory-lanez-denies-megan-thee-stallion-shooting-allegations-in-new-track-on-daystar-album-153689) on the album’s first track, “Money Over Fallouts”, claiming that Megan and her team are trying to frame him. Lanez — whose real name is Daystar Peterson — [pleaded not guilty to the charges](https://www.etonline.com/tory-lanez-pleads-not-guilty-in-megan-thee-stallion-court-case-156579), previously saying that “the truth will come out.” After three hours of deliberations, the jury was unable to come to a consensus and will return Friday to continue deliberations. Shortly after, Megan took the stand to testify against Lanez, and got emotional during her testimony, while facing Lanez in the courtroom. The trial against Lanez began on Dec. “To any one with a daughter Sister mother niece or aunt, I pray for their protection,” he concluded. “I pray for their covering .. “To any woman especially ones of colour that has suffered an injustice, I feel for you,” Fontaine wrote. your entire past will be held under a magnifying glass,” he continued. [was officially charged](https://www.etonline.com/tory-lanez-says-truth-will-come-to-light-after-being-charged-in-shooting-of-megan-thee-stallion) in October 2020 with a felony count of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, a felony count of carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle and for the personal use of a firearm. “Your credibility will [be] questioned .. [shooting Megan in the feet](https://www.etonline.com/tory-lanez-says-truth-will-come-to-light-after-being-charged-in-shooting-of-megan-thee-stallion) after a pool party at the home of Kylie Jenner in July 2020 — Fontaine took to his Instagram story on Thursday to share a powerful message about the challenges women face in the legal system and the court of public opinion.
Tory Lanez, a Canadian rapper, was tried on charges he shot Megan Thee Stallion outside a Hollywood Hills mansion in 2020.
Prosecutors also have pointed to voicemails and texts Peterson sent to Harris and Pete in which he apologized for his behavior within 24 hours of the incident, though he never actually admits to a crime. Alexander Bott called on jurors to use their common sense and infer the only thing Peterson could have been sorry for was the shooting. She teared up repeatedly and expressed regret for coming forward at all about the incident. Peterson’s team has tried to shift the blame toward Harris. From the get-go, his defense team has tried to knock down Pete’s explanation of her failure to report the shooting right away. He questioned why only Peterson had been tested for DNA, and not Harris or Peterson’s driver, Jaquan Smith. If convicted on all counts and a pair of sentencing enhancements, he faces up to 23 years in prison. The pair was riding in an SUV with a woman named Kelsey Harris — a longtime friend of Pete’s from whom she is now estranged — and Peterson’s bodyguard. Weeks later, however, she accused Peterson in an Instagram Live video of shooting her. Initially, Pete told police that she was hurt by stepping on broken glass at Jenner’s party. Prosecutors said the two artists got into a heated dispute when Pete derided Peterson’s rap skills. He is accused of shooting Megan Thee Stallion, whose real name is Megan Pete.
Megan Thee Stallion's boyfriend, Pardison "Pardi" Fontaine, spoke of his girlfriend's "courage" amid her ongoing shooting trial against Tory Lanez.
I’m scared,” Megan recalled during her testimony. This whole thing is about who I was having sex with, not who shot me, and I don’t know why.” “I’m in shock. I pray for their covering.. I pray for their protection.. your entire past will be held under a magnifying glass..
As the jury deliberates in the trial of Tory Lanez, who is charged with allegedly shooting Megan Thee Stallion, the father of a key witness said that his ...
Lanez, who didn’t take the witness stand, pleaded not guilty and his attorneys argued during the trial that he is "falsely accused." I didn't see anything happen," Harris testified, according to Los Angeles' KABC. Asked why the family has not filed a missing person’s report, Zweiback told ABC News they “don’t trust law enforcement” after they started to “harass the family” following Justin’s Edison’s disappearance. “As this matter involves a trial in progress we decline to comment,” a spokesperson for the DA’s office told ABC News on Tuesday when asked to confirm reports that investigators are looking for Justin Edison. Harold Edison’s attorney, Michael Zweiback, told "GMA" that the court issued a bench warrant for Justin Edison after he failed to appear in court, leading to “continual harassment” of the Edison family as they searched for Justin. Harold Edison said that investigators from the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office are searching for his son after he failed to appear for his scheduled testimony, with a SWAT team entering his home and placing him in handcuffs in front of his 8-year-old daughter.
Megan Thee Stallion is a three-time Grammy winner and hip-hop superstar, but her success wasn't enough to shield the 27-year-old artist from the power of ...
Jurors began deliberations at the trial of rapper Tory Lanez, who is charged with shooting and wounding hip-hop star Megan Thee Stallion in the feet.
1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100 with her own song "Savage," featuring Beyoncé, and as a guest on Cardi B's "WAP." The counts could lead to up to 22 years in prison and deportation for Lanez, who has pleaded not guilty. The attorney, George Mgdesyan, alleges Megan created a more sympathetic narrative by pinning the shooting on Lanez.
LOS ANGELES — (AP) — Jurors have reached a verdict at the trial of rapper Tory Lanez, who is charged with shooting and wounding hip-hop star Megan Thee ...
1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100 with her own song “Savage,” featuring Beyoncé, and as a guest on Cardi B’s “WAP.” She lied about everything in this case from the beginning,” Mgdesyan said. The attorney, George Mgdesyan, argued Megan created a more sympathetic narrative by pinning the shooting on Lanez. She said the two had gotten into a dispute that got especially heated when she began insulting his music. He was handcuffed while in the courtroom. The counts could lead to up to 22 years in prison.
Mr. Lanez, a Canadian rapper, was convicted of firing at the Houston hip-hop star after an argument in 2020. The matter became the subject of speculation ...
But in the days and weeks that followed, Megan Thee Stallion revealed online and in an interview with a detective that she had been shot, eventually naming Mr. “I didn’t want to talk to the officers because I didn’t want to be a snitch,” the rapper added. “Look what coming forward has done to her life, her reputation and her career,” Mr. Mr. But the witness added that he then saw a short man, believed to be Mr. But on the stand, she also backtracked on her previous statements to the police that identified Mr. Harris said she could not remember what she had said previously and had not been entirely truthful with prosecutors in the past.) George Mgdesyan, a lawyer for Mr. The lawyer added, of Mr. In court, Mr. “Megan did find the courage to come and tell you what the defendant did to her,” Mr. In his closing argument, Alexander Bott, a deputy district attorney, said that Mr.
Jurors have found rapper Tory Lanez guilty of three felonies in the 2020 shooting of hip-hop star Megan Thee Stallion.
1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100 with her own song “Savage,” featuring Beyoncé, and as a guest on Cardi B’s “WAP.” She lied about everything in this case from the beginning,” Mgdesyan said. The attorney, George Mgdesyan, argued Megan created a more sympathetic narrative by pinning the shooting on Lanez. His last two reached the top 10 on Billboard’s charts. “You faced unjust and despicable scrutiny that no woman should ever face.” She said the two had gotten into a dispute that got especially heated when she began insulting his music. They said she had no incentive to tell anything but the truth. The jury of seven women and five men deliberated for roughly a day and a half before convicting the 30-year-old Canadian rapper, whose legal name is Daystar Peterson, of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, having a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle and discharging a firearm with gross negligence. A young girl cried, and was hugged by Lanez’s stepmother, who was also tearful before she began shouting along with her husband. The scene was tense at times, but remained mostly peaceful until the verdict was read. Along with aggravating factors that jurors also found true, the counts could lead to up to 22 years in prison and deportation when he’s sentenced on Jan. “This wicked system stands judged before God almighty!” He shouted, as deputies closed in on him.
At the time of the trial, Lanez, 30, was charged with one count each of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, discharging a firearm with gross negligence and ...
Lanez's lawyer argued Megan Thee Stallion made up a fake story about the shooting for publicity reasons, CNS reports. I’d also like to thank the jurors for their time and thoughtful deliberation, and our trial team for their tireless pursuit of the truth. According to Deputy DA Kathy Ta, the shooting stemmed from Megan Thee Stallion disrespecting Lanez's music career, the City News Service reports. On Friday afternoon, rapper Tory Lanez was found guilty of three felonies in the 2020 shooting of hip-hop star Megan Thee Stallion. He was also accused of using the gun and injuring Megan Thee Stallion, whose real name is Megan Pete. You spent countless hours away from your families during the holiday season preparing this case and finding justice for Ms.
Rapper Tory Lanez was found guilty of all three charges in Megan Thee Stallion shooting. After the verdict was read, the court erupted in chaos.
“She had to think about it because she was concerned about what it would cost her, and it cost her a lot.” She said it was Peterson’s “bruised ego” that led to the shooting. Ta said the case was “not about anyone’s sex life” and urged jurors to look at the evidence and sworn testimony. She said the non-exclusive relationship left her feeling “embarrassed,” and ultimately, she considered it irrelevant to the violence that landed her in the hospital. While Harris refused to implicate Peterson, she also said it was “ridiculous” for Peterson’s defense to claim she was the shooter. She was adamant he was the triggerman, not her former friend Harris. “Because I was shot, I’ve been turned into some kind of villain, and he’s the victim. Megan told jurors that said she lied to investigators about stepping on glass because she was afraid of what police might do if they knew someone in the group had fired a gun. The Grammy winner, 27, said she dropped to the ground and crawled to a nearby driveway. “He was holding the gun, pointing it at me.” I couldn’t believe he was shooting at me,” she testified in the packed courtroom. “I want to start by highlighting the bravery of Megan,” District Attorney George Gascón added.
The charges stem from a dispute that took place after the rappers left a pool party at Kylie Jenner's house in Los Angeles in 2020. Lanez was accused of ...
As the prosecution called DNA and gunshot residue (GSR) experts, much of the direct evidence of the case didn't help prove what happened that night: Both Kelsey Harris and Tory Lanez had GSR on their hands. Harris' testimony was also expected to lay the grounds for the defense to explore the theory that she, not Peterson, was the shooter in this incident. Playback of Harris's recorded testimony shifted suspicion of coercion back to the defendant, as Harris told prosecutors Peterson offered both women $1 million each to keep quiet about the incident. Pete talked about being repeatedly doubted and ostracized by some in the "big, boys' club" of the music industry, and being ridiculed, slut-shamed and threatened online. The charges stem from a dispute that took place on July 12, 2020, after the rappers left a pool party at Kylie Jenner's house in Los Angeles. The Canadian artist was convicted on all charges in a Los Angeles courtroom on Dec 23.
A Los Angeles jury found rapper and singer Tory Lanez guilty of three charges related to the July 2020 shooting of fellow rapper Megan Thee Stallion in the ...
He faces a maximum sentence of 22 years in prison and possible deportation back to his native Canada. “Women, especially Black women, are afraid to report crimes like assault and sexual violence because they are too often not believed. The artist testified Lanez wanted her to come clean with Harris about the fact that the two of them had been intimate. But Billboard reports Megan was uncomfortable doing so because she knew Harris had a crush on the Canadian singer and rapper. I felt hurt. I just felt shock.
Tory Lanez was found guilty in the Megan Thee Stallion shooting that left her with bullet fragments in her feet, a jury announced.
[argued ](https://twitter.com/meghanncuniff/status/1606008598756085760?s=20&t=fiBkh8nkieZ5cxdVZuHsUA)the case was about the shooting — not sex. “It feels like every man with a position of power in the music industry, even people who are not even rappers, they never even cared about what my side of the story was,” Pete [said](https://lawandcrime.com/celebrity/prosecutor-tells-jury-that-tory-lanez-shot-megan-thee-stallion-over-nothing-more-than-a-bruised-ego/). 12](https://variety.com/2022/music/news/megan-thee-stallion-tory-lanez-trial-1235460013/) with testimony from Pete herself, who claimed Peterson had shot her in an emotional retelling of the roadside assault. [Pete responded to Drake on Twitter](https://variety.com/2022/music/news/megan-thee-stallion-slams-drake-song-shooting-1235423257/), hitting back and writing, “Stop using my shooting for clout bitch ass n—–! She [told](https://www.billboard.com/pro/megan-three-stallion-trial-testimony-tory-lanez-shooting-case-recap/) the jury: “I wish [Peterson] had just shot and killed me.” The defense went on to argue that this was a case about jealousy between Pete and Kelsey Harris, her former friend and ex-assistant, who both allegedly had intimate relationships with Peterson. On his recent album “Her Loss,” Drake made a reference to Pete, saying “this bitch lie ’bout getting shots but she still a stallion.” There are many lies.” She also vehemently denied the claim that she was the one who shot Pete amid speculation implied by Peterson’s defense team, who argued their client’s DNA was not found on the weapon. She was not able to definitively confirm that Peterson had shot the gun. During closing arguments, Deputy District Attorney Alexander Bott reminded the jury that the case was about Pete. A surgeon who operated on Pete after the altercation took the stand to confirm he had removed bullet fragments from her feet. I’d also like to thank the jurors for their time and thoughtful deliberation, and our trial team for their tireless pursuit of the truth. Peterson was convicted on one felony count each of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, negligent discharge of a firearm and carrying a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle.
A Los Angeles jury on Friday found rapper Tory Lanez guilty of three felonies in the 2020 shooting of hip-hop star Megan Thee Stallion that left her wounded ...
1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100 with her own song “Savage,” featuring Beyoncé, and as a guest on Cardi B’s “WAP.” She lied about everything in this case from the beginning,” Mgdesyan said. The attorney, George Mgdesyan, argued Megan created a more sympathetic narrative by pinning the shooting on Lanez. The jury of seven women and five men deliberated for roughly a day and a half before convicting the 30-year-old Canadian rapper, whose legal name is Daystar Peterson, of assault with a semiautomatic firearm, having a loaded, unregistered firearm in a vehicle and discharging a firearm with gross negligence. She said the two had gotten into a dispute that got especially heated when she began insulting his music. A young girl cried, and was hugged by Lanez’s stepmother, who was also tearful before she began shouting along with her husband.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Los Angeles jury on Friday found rapper Tory Lanez guilty of three felonies in the 2020 shooting of hip-hop star Megan Thee Stallion ...
1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100 with her own song “Savage,” featuring Beyoncé, and as a guest on Cardi B’s “WAP.” She lied about everything in this case from the beginning,” Mgdesyan said. They said she had no incentive to tell anything but the truth. He was handcuffed while in the courtroom. She said the two had gotten into a dispute that got especially heated when she began insulting his music. The counts could lead to up to 22 years in prison.
A jury in Los Angeles found rapper Tory Lanez guilty on all three charges in the shooting of hip-hop star Megan Thee Stallion on July 12, 2020 in the ...
"Personal use of a firearm" is not a separate charge but a sentencing enhancement linked to the first count that could increase Lanez's possible sentence. His defense attorneys argued during the trial that their client was not the shooter. everyone was shocked." I didn't see anything happen," Harris testified, according to Los Angeles' KABC. ABC News has reached out to Lanez's attorneys and a request for comment was not immediately returned. "You showed incredible courage and vulnerability with your testimony despite repeated and grotesque attacks that you did not deserve," he wrote. [op-ed for The New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/13/opinion/megan-thee-stallion-black-women.html?partner=slack&smid=sl-share) published on Oct. "I wasn't really sure if this was happening. During the two-week trial, jurors heard testimony from various witnesses, including Pete herself. "There's not much room for passionate advocacy if you are a Black woman." ... I looked at the ground and saw the blood ... Chaos reportedly broke out in the court room after the verdict was announced, with Lanez's father screaming at prosecutors, calling them "witches" and "evil," according to Los Angeles station KABC.
Megan Thee Stallion accused Lanez of shooting her in the foot during an argument after the pair left a party at Kylie Jenner's home in July 2020.
[posted a tweet earlier this month](https://twitter.com/50cent/status/1604247226796019712) with a series of photos that appeared to show Megan Thee Stallion transforming into actor Jussie Smollett. "You want me to tell the law that we got a gun in the car so they can shoot all of us up?" "(He's) leaning over the front passenger door, and he was shooting the gun." "Why?" Other celebrities have also spoken up about the case online, including Megan Thee Stallion's "WAP" collaborator Cardi B. She later took aim at him in the song "Shots Fired." On the day she took the stand, thousands online used the hashtag #WeStandWithMegan to rally behind her virtually. WHY WAS SHE SHOT?" us Black people got a gun in the car?" The case originated in July 2020, when police stopped an SUV carrying the pair and two others in Hollywood Hills. "You showed incredible courage and vulnerability with your testimony despite repeated and grotesque attacks that you did not deserve," he said. Lanez, whose legal name is Daystar Peterson, pleaded not guilty to shooting her and dedicated an entire album to rebutting Megan Thee Stallion's version of events.
LOS ANGELES — (AP) — In a courtroom that turned chaotic after a trial that seethed with tension, a Los Angeles jury on Friday found rapper Tory Lanez guilty ...
She won a Grammy for best new artist in 2021, and had No. She lied about everything in this case from the beginning,” Mgdesyan said. The attorney, George Mgdesyan, argued Megan created a more sympathetic narrative by pinning the shooting on Lanez. His last two reached the top 10 on Billboard’s charts. They said she had no incentive to tell anything but the truth. She said the two had gotten into a dispute that became especially heated when she started insulting his music. "You faced unjust and despicable scrutiny that no woman should ever face." Peterson then pointed to the two prosecutors and yelled “You two are evil, wicked people. A young girl cried and was hugged by Lanez's stepmother, who was also tearful before she began shouting along with her husband. The scene was tense at times, but remained mostly peaceful until the verdict was read. “There was not sufficient evidence to convict Mr. [testified during the trial that Lanez fired a handgun](https://apnews.com/article/canada-music-los-angeles-hip-hop-and-rap-422c2ae365a6f3a92d6902dcad7f4ff5) at the back of her feet and shouted for her to dance as she walked away from an SUV in which they had been riding in the Hollywood Hills in the summer of 2020.
A jury has found Tory Lanez guilty of three charges relating to him shooting Megan Thee Stallion at a party in July 2020.
During her Friday (Dec. 23) Weekends With Adele residency show at The Colosseum at Cesars Palace in Las Vegas, the 15-time Grammy winner shouted out the Houston ...
The 34-year-old then hinted at the “Her” singer’s court victory. Just hours after [Tory Lanez was found guilty](https://www.billboard.com/pro/megan-thee-stallion-trial-verdict-tory-lanez-guilty-all-counts/) in the 2020 shooting of Megan Thee Stallion, the “Easy on Me” singer is sharing her support for the “Savage” rapper. “And then someone made a video of ‘Water Under the Bridge’ with Meg Thee Stallion doing the dance do it.
A jury convicted rapper Tory Lanez, whose legal name is Daystar Peterson, of shooting her. But it doesn't make up for the misogyny she endured.
“Women, especially Black women, are afraid to report crimes like assault and sexual violence because they are too often not believed,” he said in a statement, which alluded to the women who testified against rapist Harvey Weinstein. Even in California, women, particularly Black and queer women, are among the most vulnerable. Truthfully, I was shocked that I ended up in that place,” she wrote in an op-ed for the New York Times in late 2020. “My initial silence about what happened was out of fear for myself and my friends. George Gascón praised Stallion’s “incredible courage” for testifying, despite “repeated and grotesque attacks” on her character. “It’s not over! You know exactly what you did!” The “I was recently the victim of an act of violence by a man. The victim in this case has always been clear. Even as a victim, I have been met with skepticism and judgment. When she asked to get out, he shot at her feet — apparently shouting, “Dance, b—!”