Puerto Rico

2022 - 12 - 15

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Image courtesy of "WOKV"

House approves referendum to 'decolonize' Puerto Rico (WOKV)

The bill, which passed 233-191 with some Republican support, would offer voters in the U.S. territory three options: statehood, independence or independence ...

[reaction in the U.S. The proposal would commit Congress to accept Puerto Rico into the United States as the 51st state if voters on the island approved it. He called it a historic day and said the 3.2 million U.S. “It is crucial to me that any proposal in Congress to decolonize Puerto Rico be informed and led by Puerto Ricans,” said Rep. House passed a bill Thursday that would allow Puerto Rico to hold the The bill, which passed 233-191 with some Republican support, would offer voters in the U.S.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

House Passes Bill That Could Pave the Way for Puerto Rican ... (The New York Times)

The legislation has little chance of becoming law in the short term, but its passage in a bipartisan vote reflects a perception by the House that Puerto ...

He complained of a “hasty and secretive process” that deprived lawmakers of the opportunity to weigh in on the bill. She added the bill was “a way point and a steppingstone for the future of our island.” González-Colón said that the House was “recognizing and making clear that Puerto Rico’s century-old territorial status is the problem and cannot be part of the solution.” González-Colón is a member of the Puerto Rican political party that supports statehood, but acknowledged the “political realities in this Congress” had resulted in the compromise. Pierluisi, who is also a member of the statehood party and was present in the House for the vote, is a Democrat, underscoring the island’s complicated political allegiances. “Congress has the moral obligation to provide the necessary tools to transition to a new, postcolonial order.” “With the Puerto Rico Status Act, the Democratic House has proudly voted to tear down the vestiges of colonialism.” Puerto Ricans, who refer to the unpopular board as “la junta,” have protested the board’s austerity measures and lack of accountability to people at the ballot box. Puerto Rico has held six plebiscites on whether it should become a state, most recently in 2020, when 52 percent of voters on the island endorsed the move. The three main political parties, which do not neatly align with Democrats and Republicans, are also divided over the question of status: The Puerto Rican Independence Party favors separating from the United States; the New Progressive Party favors statehood, and the Popular Democratic Party favors remaining a U.S. It would also lay out the processes for implementing the outcome of the vote and establish a campaign to educate voters about their options. It is all but certain to fall short of the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster in the Senate, where most Republicans are opposed, and there is little time left under this Congress before the G.O.P.

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Image courtesy of "Reuters"

Puerto Rico independence vote bill passes U.S. House (Reuters)

The Puerto Rico Status Act outlines terms for a binding referendum on the three options: full independence, U.S. statehood or sovereignty with formal U.S. ...

Republicans, who will control the House in the new Congress next year, are unlikely to reintroduce it. The Caribbean island is currently a U.S. The legislation "tells the people in Puerto Rico, our fellow U.S. WASHINGTON, Dec 15 (Reuters) - Puerto Rico's movement for greater self-government got a boost on Thursday in the U.S. association, similar to the Marshall Islands and Micronesia. federal government shutdown looms on Friday night unless lawmakers approve a funding measure.

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Image courtesy of "Majority Leader"

Hoyer Floor Remarks on the Puerto Rico Status Act (Majority Leader)

Dec 15, 2022 - WASHINGTON, DC – This morning, House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) spoke on the House Floor in support of H.R. 8393, the Puerto Rico ...

We are all in agreement, however, that the decision must belong to the Puerto Rican people and to them alone. The Puerto Rico Status Act will give them that choice, but only if we vote 'yes.' I ask that all my colleagues join me in supporting this bill.” Puerto Ricans and people of Puerto Rican descent have had an important place in the American family for over a century. “Madam Speaker, I rise in support of the people of Puerto Rico and their island. That’s why I’m proud to bring the Puerto Rico status act to the floor today. I want to thank Chairman Raúl Grijalva and his colleagues on the natural resources committee for their important work in forging this agreement. For far too long, however, the people of Puerto Rico have been excluded from the full promise of American democracy and self-determination that our nation has always championed. “This bipartisan bill also includes a variety of oversight measures to ensure that the election is secure, transparent, and fair. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Puerto Rico Resident Commissioner Jenniffer González-Colon and Governor Pedro Pierluisi for their support of this bill. Personally, I’ve advocated for Puerto Rico’s statehood ever since i first visited the island in 1976. Below is a copy of his remarks as prepared for delivery and a link to the video: 8393, the Puerto Rico Status Act.

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Image courtesy of "Forbes"

Push For Puerto Rico Statehood Vote Gets One Step Closer With ... (Forbes)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said the passage of the bill—which faces an uncertain future in the Senate—marks “the first time . . . the U.S. ...

But this is the first time the House has passed a resolution that would require a binding referendum mandating the federal government to recognize Puerto Rico’s decision. It faces an even more uncertain future in the next Congress, which will be split between a Republican-controlled House and Democratic controlled Senate, meaning it’s likely to be tabled for at least the next two years. territory either a state or independent nation—though its future in the Senate is unclear. Puerto Rico’s Popular Democratic Party, however, prefers the territory maintain its current status as a U.S. territory since 1898, has voted on at least six previous referendums, but none have received a majority of votes needed to move the issue forward. The Puerto Rico Status Act, which now heads to the Senate, would require Puerto Rico to hold a binding vote next year on whether to become the 51st state, an independent country or a sovereign state in “free association” with the U.S., a status held by a handful of

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

House passes bill calling for binding vote on statehood for Puerto Rico (The Washington Post)

The House passed a bill that would allow Puerto Ricans to decide their future governing status, a long-sought goal on the island territory.

“For more than a century, Puerto Rico has been governed under a political system imposed by outside forces rather than established by its own people,” Pelosi said. 8393 would take a historic step towards righting this wrong by establishing a process to ascertain the will of the voters of Puerto Rico.” citizens — have been deprived of the opportunity to determine their own political future and have not received the full rights and benefits of their citizenship because they reside in a U.S. The last time the U.S. “So, how does it benefit America to admit a state that would be the most indebted, uneducated, poorest and least employed state in the nation?” he asked. “Today, for the first time in our nation’s history, the United States will acknowledge its role as a colonizing force and Puerto Rico’s status as an extended colony.” [debated for years](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/longterm/puertorico/statehood.htm?itid=lk_inline_manual_15). Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) sought to put the issue in historical context. “Because we are a territory we are treated as a second-class citizen,” argued Resident Commissioner Jenniffer González-Colón (R-Puerto Rico). citizens in Puerto Rico deserve greater self-determination, including the option of statehood. What a tragedy. And prospects for passage in the House next year, with Republicans in control, are significantly diminished.

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Image courtesy of "Bloomberg"

Day Trading Meets Communal Working Space in Puerto Rico (Bloomberg)

What it didn't have was the raw energy and camaraderie of a trading floor. So Anand Sanghvi and Dip Patel — a former hedge fund manager from Boston and a banker ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Gobernador de Puerto Rico: No vamos a parar hasta que tengamos ... (CNN)

El funcionario recuerda que si bien los puertorriqueños son ciudadanos estadounidenses, no pueden votar al presidente ni tienen voto en el Congreso. Por ello, ...

[Pedro Pierluisi](https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/video/pedro-pierluisi-gobernador-puerto-rico-camara-estadidad-proyecto-congreso-dusa-juan-carlos-lopez-sot/). Por ello, Pierluisi celebra que la Cámara de Representantes apoye un proyecto para que [Puerto Rico](https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/2022/12/13/la-guardia-costera-de-ee-uu-interviene-con-inmigrantes-haitianos-en-isla-del-oeste-de-puerto-rico-orix/) se pueda convertir en un estado de EE.UU. [Videos virales de TikTok de 2022](https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/video/tiktok-videos-virales-populares-2022-cnn-business-pkg/)

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Image courtesy of "El Sentinel"

Líderes de la diáspora en Florida discrepan en torno al proyecto de ... (El Sentinel)

Desde ya, tiene pocas posibilidades de ser aprobado por el Senado. Sin embargo, para Jimmy Torres-Vélez portavoz de la organización Iniciativa Acción ...

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Image courtesy of "WOKV"

House approves referendum to 'decolonize' Puerto Rico (WOKV)

The bill, which passed 233-191 with some Republican support, would offer voters in the U.S. territory three options: statehood, independence or independence ...

[reaction in the U.S. The proposal would commit Congress to accept Puerto Rico into the United States as the 51st state if voters on the island approved it. He called it a historic day and said the 3.2 million U.S. “It is crucial to me that any proposal in Congress to decolonize Puerto Rico be informed and led by Puerto Ricans,” said Rep. House passed a bill Thursday that would allow Puerto Rico to hold the The bill, which passed 233-191 with some Republican support, would offer voters in the U.S.

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Image courtesy of "HSToday"

New Bilingual Web Pages Highlight USGS Natural Hazards Science ... (HSToday)

The content currently includes USGS science related to coastal hazards, hurricanes, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, water resources, ecosystems and ...

“Going forward, the plan is to improve these webpages over time, and to continue finding new ways to increase Puerto Rico’s access to USGS science.” Less than three years later, a magnitude 6.4 earthquake and lengthy aftershock sequence rattled residents of the southwestern part of the island. The content currently includes USGS science related to coastal hazards, hurricanes, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, water resources, ecosystems and environmental contaminants.

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Image courtesy of "alreporter.com"

Rep. Sewell votes for the Puerto Rico Status Act (alreporter.com)

It would provide residents an opportunity to select from three non-territorial, fully self-governing political status options: Statehood, Independence, and ...

“I’m proud to stand in support of self-determination for people of Puerto Rico in voting for the Puerto Rico Status Act,” said Rep. The Puerto Rico Status Act is a compromise between the sponsors of two bills seeking to resolve Puerto Rico’s territorial status: the Puerto Rico Statehood Admissions Act and the Puerto Rico Self-Determination Act. Terri Sewell, AL-07, voted for HR8393, the Puerto Rico Status Act, to allow the residents of Puerto Rico to make an informed choice on their political future.

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Image courtesy of "Grist"

After Hurricane Maria, many Puerto Ricans fled to Florida. Then Ian ... (Grist)

Living with low wages, high rents and a housing crisis is just another kind of disaster for those who fled after Hurricane Maria.

I mean, the reality is that many of those families are going to be struggling with the effects of the hurricanes for the next two years,” said Nieves of First United Methodist Church in Kissimmee. [The Florida Project](https://a24films.com/films/the-florida-project),” dramatized the life of a family living in a motel in Kissimmee. Ian hit at a time when the cost of living in Central Florida had soared, housing had become more unaffordable, and wages had stagnated. Throughout Orange County (of which Orlando is a part), Osceola County immediately south (home to Kissimmee), and even the Tampa Bay area along the Gulf Coast, the last option for these families is to move into hotels or motels. In December 2017, after finding out that the local government was providing hotel accommodation for those displaced by Maria, Santiago and her family moved into a local Super 8, one of several motels along Highway 192, Kissimmee’s main drag. And perhaps above all, there was also a sense that in Florida their vulnerability to the devastation of tropical storms like Maria would be lessened. Santiago lost her business as a childcare provider in the wake of the devastation to Puerto Rico’s economy and infrastructure. There was also the benefit of a large network of Spanish speakers who could provide support and share resources on how to navigate social and civic life on the mainland. Like many other Puerto Ricans who had come before her, Santiago thought that a new life in Florida would provide what Puerto Rico couldn’t: wages that they could live well on, stable housing and infrastructure, and a local government that was responsive to their needs and that would uphold their rights as U.S. [Over one million people of Puerto Rican origin](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2015/10/30/in-a-shift-away-from-new-york-more-puerto-ricans-head-to-florida/) now live in Florida, surpassing the number in New York. Puerto Ricans and other Latin Americans are also among the millions of Florida residents who live in homes without flood insurance. Only now, with displacement caused by Hurricane Ian, as well as one of the worst housing crises in the country, the stability for Puerto Ricans in hurricane-battered Florida has never felt more at risk.

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Image courtesy of "Bond Buyer"

U.S. House passes bill that could lead to Puerto Rico statehood (Bond Buyer)

The U.S. House voted 233 to 191 in favor Thursday, with all Democrats and 16 Republicans voting in favor. One Democrat and six Republicans did not vote. The ...

However, the government would probably feel constrained by a need to continue to maintain friendly relations with the U.S. There would be a real possibility that the new government could try to lower or simply renounce a portion of the debt. If voters were to select statehood, there would be a one-year transition to the status. If voters were to choose independence with free association, the new government might also have the same inclinations as a completely independent government. The Puerto Rico Independence Party has called for lower payments on the debt. The U.S.

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Image courtesy of "AZ Animals"

15 Most Beautiful Flowers Native to Puerto Rico (AZ Animals)

Some of the world's most beautiful flowers are native to Puerto Rico. Here are 15 of these blooming beauties!

[evergreen](https://a-z-animals.com/blog/the-different-types-of-evergreen-trees/) shrub produces clusters of small, aromatic flowers that bloom year-round. That, combined with the plant’s ease of care and resistance to disease, have made it a popular plant in ornamental gardens. The plant is a perennial herb that thrives in coastal areas. While this plant is not a rare sighting in much of the world, it still sports beautiful blooms that ought not be overlooked. This allows the wildflower to quickly disperse over a vast range. The spines are gold or orange and the flowers on this cactus plant are a vibrant blue. The seeds from this plant have barbs that easily cling to clothing, hair, skin, and animal fur. [Cordillera Central mountains](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordillera_Central_(Puerto_Rico)) causes dichotomous climates on the island. It is a shrub (some consider it a small tree) that can grow up to 10 feet in height. Maybe that is partly because it has historically been used in herbal medicine as a diuretic and a laxative! It is normally a climbing plant, but can also sprawl across the ground if there is no support available. The plant likely originated in the moist limestone region of the island, but it has since propagated all over the wet areas of Puerto Rico due to deforestation.

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Image courtesy of "FOX 61"

Connecticut lawmakers react to U.S. House passing Puerto Rico ... (FOX 61)

Lawmakers in Congress and even in Connecticut said the bill has been talked about repeatedly in the past, but always failed.

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Image courtesy of "11Alive.com WXIA"

'This is a historic moment' | Puerto Rico statehood, independence ... (11Alive.com WXIA)

'This is a historic moment' | Puerto Rico statehood, independence vote bill passes U.S. House ... In a 232-191 vote, the bill was passed by 216 Democrats and 16 ...

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Image courtesy of "FOX43.com"

A new bill is hoping to change Puerto Rico's current status as a ... (FOX43.com)

Moises Rodriguez, a Puerto Rican who lives in York, says that he hopes this bill will resolve the long-standing status of the island.

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