Kyrsten Sinema

2022 - 12 - 9

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Sen. Kyrsten Sinema leaves the Democratic Party to register as an ... (NPR)

Sinema's move is unlikely to change the power balance in the Senate, as it comes days after Sen. Raphael Warnock won the Georgia runoff election to give ...

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Sinema leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an ... (CNN)

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is leaving the Democratic Party and registering as a political independent, she told CNN's Jake Tapper in an exclusive TV ...

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Image courtesy of "Politico"

Sinema switches to independent, shaking up the Senate (Politico)

The Arizona senator won't say whether she's running for reelection but said in an interview she doesn't expect a change in how the Senate operates.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

Kyrsten Sinema Says She Will Leave the Democratic Party To ... (The New York Times)

The Arizona senator is registering as an independent, noting that she “never fit perfectly in either national party.”

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Image courtesy of "BBC News"

US Senator Kyrsten Sinema says she will leave Democratic Party (BBC News)

Democrats maintain control of the Senate, despite the Arizona senator's move to sit as an independent.

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Image courtesy of "WOKV"

Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema switches to independent (WOKV)

Sinema told Politico in an interview that she will not caucus with Republicans and that she plans to keep voting as she has since winning election to the Senate ...

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Democratic Sen. Kyrsten Sinema Switches to Independent - GV Wire ... (

Sinema, who faces reelection in 2024, has modeled her political approach on the maverick style of the late Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona. A vibrant yet ...

Sinema is a staunch defender of the filibuster, a Senate rule effectively requiring 60 votes to pass most legislation in the 100-member Senate. The move also previewed the persistent opposition that Sinema was likely face within her own party in 2024. Sinema has not said whether she will seek reelection in 2024, but her move scrambles the landscape as Democrats already face a tough path to maintaining Senate control. A vibrant yet often unpredictable force in the Senate, she tends toward the state’s independent streak, frustrating Democratic colleagues at times with her overtures to Republicans and opposition to Democratic priorities. Her move comes just days after Democrats had expanded their majority to 51-49 for the new year, following the party’s runoff election win in Georgia. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona announced Friday she has registered as an independent, a renegade move that could bolster her political brand but won’t upend the Democrats’ narrow Senate majority.

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Image courtesy of "Univision"

La senadora de Arizona Kyrsten Sinema deja de ser demócrata, se ... (Univision)

La senadora de Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema, está cambiando su afiliación partidaria del Partido Demócrata a independiente, dando un golpe a la estrecha mayoría ...

Tras conocerse la noticia, la secretaria de prensa de la Casa Blanca, Karine Jean-Pierre, emitió un comunicado este viernes indicando que la "senadora Sinema ha sido una socia clave en algunas de las leyes históricas que el presidente Biden ha defendido durante los últimos 20 meses, desde el Plan de Rescate hasta la Ley de Infraestructura... Dijo que su cambio partidario no afectará la forma en la que ella trabaja en el Senado. Los senadores “Nunca he encajado perfectamente en ninguna caja... Realmente nunca lo he intentado. [Kyrsten Sinema](, dijo que cambiará si afiliación partidaria del Partido Demócrata a independiente, sacudiendo la estrecha mayoría de los demócratas recientemente ampliada con la [victoria en la elección en Georgia.](

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

La senadora Kyrsten Sinema deja el Partido Demócrata y se ... (CNN)

La senadora por Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema, abandona el Partido Demócrata y se registra como independiente, según declaró a Jake Tapper, de CNN, ...

Tanto Manchin como Sinema se opusieron también a modificar las normas del Senado sobre el obstruccionismo, a pesar de las presiones de sus colegas y de Biden para que se modificaran. Sinema y Manchin aprovecharon su influencia en el actual Senado al 50% —donde un solo demócrata podría hacer descarrilar un proyecto de ley— para influir en una gran cantidad de leyes, especialmente el enorme proyecto de ley Build Back Better, de US$ 3,5 billones, que Biden propuso el año pasado. Schumer dijo en un comunicado que también estaba al tanto del anuncio bomba de Sinema antes de la mañana de este viernes. "Hemos trabajado eficazmente con ella en muchas leyes importantes, desde CHIPS hasta la ley bipartidista de infraestructuras", dijo el funcionario. "Ella me pidió que mantuviera sus asignaciones de comisiones y yo estuve de acuerdo", dijo Schumer. Sinema se ha enorgullecido de ser una molestia para los líderes demócratas, y su nueva afiliación no partidista la liberará aún más para abrazar un estatus a contracorriente en el Senado, aunque plantea nuevas preguntas sobre cómo ella —y los demócratas de la Cámara Alta— abordarán su reelección en 2024 con los liberales ya meditando un desafío. "No me preocupa que a la gente no le guste este enfoque", dijo Sinema. "Un cubo de Rubik, supongo..." Es poco probable que la salida de Sinema del Partido Demócrata cambie el equilibrio de poder en el próximo Senado. Y hay gente a la que ciertamente no le gusta mi enfoque, oímos hablar mucho de ello. Mientras que Sanders y King se unen formalmente a los demócratas, Sinema se negó a decir explícitamente si haría lo mismo. "Cuando venga a trabajar cada día, será igual", dijo Sinema.

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Image courtesy of "El Tiempo Latino"

Kyrsten Sinema deja al Partido Demócrata y se declara independiente (El Tiempo Latino)

Kyrsten Sinema dijo en su anuncio que declaraba su independencia del sistema bipartidista roto de Washington.

En enero los líderes demócratas de Arizona votaron a favor de censurarla debido a que la consideraron incapaz de “hacer lo necesario” para mantener la democracia. El compromiso bipartidista se considera un último recurso raramente aceptable, más que la mejor manera de lograr un progreso duradero", escribió. Prometí que nunca cedería a la presión de los partidos", "Inscribirme como independiente y presentarme a trabajar con el título de independiente es un reflejo de lo que siempre he sido. La senadora ha insistido siempre en que es independiente y que se compromete a trabajar con cualquiera para lograr resultados duraderos. Según Sinema esta presiones hacen que las voces más ruidosas y extremas determinen las prioridades de sus respectivos partidos.

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Image courtesy of "AZCentral"

Kyrsten Sinema abandona el Partido Demócrata, se registra como ... (AZCentral)

Sinema se convertirá formalmente en independiente, en un movimiento que la sitúa más plenamente en el centro de una cámara estrechamente dividida.

Sinema no asistió el martes a la visita del presidente Joe Biden a las instalaciones de una planta de semiconductores en Phoenix, alegando que el Senado tiene asuntos pendientes. Su estilo centrista, que suele enemistarse con los demócratas y hace recelar a los republicanos, limitó su papel en las elecciones legislativas del mes pasado. La deserción de Sinema también crea la intrigante posibilidad de una carrera a tres bandas en 2024 por el Senado de Arizona, que ya figuraba entre las más vigiladas del país. "No preveo que esto cambie nada para mí en cuanto a mi forma de trabajar", dijo. Sinema mantiene que no piensa cambiar sus hábitos de voto: a menudo se alinea con los demócratas pero apoya a los republicanos en determinadas cuestiones. Sinema planea formar un caucus con los demócratas, lo que daría al partido una ventaja en los escaños del comité, algo que podría resultar especialmente importante para avanzar rápidamente en las nominaciones judiciales.

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Image courtesy of "News/Talk 94.9 WSJM"

What Kyrsten Sinema's party switch means for Senate Democrats (News/Talk 94.9 WSJM)

(WASHINGTON) — Democrats had barely a few days to enjoy their 51-seat majority in the Senate until Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced Friday morning she ...

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Image courtesy of "Democracy Now!"

EE.UU.: La senadora Kyrsten Sinema deja el Partido Demócrata ... (Democracy Now!)

Sinema habló el jueves con el reconocido periodista Jake Tapper de la cadena de noticias CNN. Senadora Kyrsten Sinema: “Ambos partidos han creado este tipo de ...

Sinema también votó en contra de modificar las reglas de obstruccionismo legislativo para aprobar una legislación clave sobre derechos electorales. Su anuncio se produjo pocos días después de que los demócratas obtuvieran una mayoría de 51 escaños en el Senado de Estados Unidos tras la victoria del senador demócrata Raphael Warnock en la segunda vuelta de las elecciones en Georgia. Sinema, quien comenzó con el Partido Verde, se ha ido desplazando gradualmente hacia la derecha.

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Image courtesy of "El Tiempo Latino"

Quién es Kyrsten Sinema, la senadora que eligió apartarse del ... (El Tiempo Latino)

Sinema insistió en que no hará caucus con los republicanos y que planea seguir votando como lo ha hecho desde 2018.

Sinema quería más y en el año 2010 decidió probar en el Senado de Arizona, siendo elegida con un amplio apoyo del 63% de los votantes en dichos comicios. Ahí se mantuvo hasta enero del año 2012, cuando se perfiló a Washington, con la misión de hacer las labores en el Congreso. Corría el año 2002 cuando finalizó en el último puesto en la lucha por un lugar en la Cámara de Representantes de la entidad, con apenas el 8% del apoyo popular; sin embargo, eso no la detuvo.

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Sinema's break with the Democratic Party may not help her as much ... (NPR)

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced she will no longer be a member of the Democratic Party, raising questions about how independent politicians can really be.

It's very likely her candidacy would pull more from the Democratic nominee and open up a path for a Republican to win with a mere plurality. Sanders, Jacky Rosen of Nevada, Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada, Jon Tester of Montana and Joe Manchin of West Virginia all have voted with the party to a lesser degree, albeit slightly, according to a What's true in politics is that you have to start with a base of support. There's a real danger here for both the party and for Sinema. She voted with the party 93% of the time, which is not even the lowest of other Democrats (or those who caucus with them). "Last month, the voters of Arizona made their voices heard loud and clear – they want leaders who put the people of Arizona first," said Rep. there's been no overlap at all between the least liberal Democrats and the least conservative Republicans in the House. When he visited Arizona in 2003, for example, right as the Iraq war was starting – a war he voted for and defended – he was greeted by anti-war protests. Ever since, the gaps between the least conservative Republicans and least liberal Democrats in both the House and Senate have widened – making it ever less likely that there's any common ground to find." The writing was on the wall for a while with Lieberman and Democrats. Raphael Warnock won his runoff election in Georgia, Democrats still have firm control of the chamber, 50-49. (Democrat Al Franken's victory in Minnesota then gave Democrats a filibuster-proof 60-vote majority that helped pass the Affordable Care Act.)

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Image courtesy of "KOSU"

Week in politics: Democrats win Georgia; Kyrsten Sinema defects to ... (KOSU)

A win for Democrats in Georgia followed by a defection from the party, as Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema announces that she's now an Independent.

He needs virtually every Republican to vote for him in order to reach the majority of the whole House. The Republican nominee for speaker, Kevin McCarthy, still lacks the votes he needs to win a majority of the whole House. So it looks like it's going to be a nasty start to the new year. And Sinema was already a hard vote for the Democrats to get on many issues, including the filibuster and Biden's spending bills. ELVING: He did a number of things right - a number of things that ought to be lessons for his party. But while he kept his focus on his core supporters, he was also reaching out to the more moderate voters among the Republicans, making it harder for opponents to demonize him. He focused on turnout in his base in the metro areas of the state, especially the megametro around Atlanta. And it's far from clear just who would be able to pick up the pieces. SIMON: Let's get to the Georgia runoff. ELVING: At this point, the Democrats don't think it needs to change that calculation much. So the AARP in Arizona ran a poll this fall showing Sinema was viewed unfavorably by more Democrats than Republicans or independents. Sinema still appears ready to organize with the Democrats.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Kyrsten Sinema's defection without a difference (CNN)

The recent history of party-switching senators includes stories of moderates feeling abandoned, longtime politicians unwilling to face primary voters or ...

Charlie Crist, a moderate who felt out of place in the GOP, went from being a Republican governor in Florida to Democratic congressman. Sanders’ previous decision to run for president as a Democrat is evidence of how hard it is to be in national politics without a party. Angus King of Maine, a former Democrat, and Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a democratic socialist, as lawmakers who aren’t technically Democrats but give Democrats their majority. McCain tried to fashion himself as a “maverick” who could buck the party system. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, who is the last Democrat standing in a state that during his lifetime was full of them. Sinema will be the first independent senator who isn’t from New England in more than a generation. Joe Lieberman, the moderate Democrat and former longtime senator, lost a Democratic primary in Connecticut in 2006, largely over his support for the Iraq war. Specter’s switch from the Republican to the Democratic Party briefly gave Democrats a filibuster-proof majority and allowed them to pass the Affordable Care Act. Specter left the GOP after realizing he wasn’t going to be able to win a primary. She’s simply exerting independence, as she told CNN’s Jake Tapper in announcing her departure from the Democrats. Bob Smith of New Hampshire left the GOP only to Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania across the aisle]( in 2009.

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Image courtesy of "The Washington Post"

Why Democrats won't punish Sinema's betrayal, at least for now (The Washington Post)

Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is the latest figure to rile up the liberal base, but Democrats will be happy to keep her mostly in the fold.

[formally left the Democratic Party]( [by winning Tuesday’s runoff]( But Connecticut had no sore-loser law, so Lieberman simply [ran as an independent]( in the general election, while many Republicans backed away from their nominee. footprint in Iraq](, just as he had done in his unsuccessful 2004 presidential bid. Chris Murphy (Conn.), had lined up a challenge, and Republicans eventually nominated a billionaire. Lieberman won in the general election by more than 10 percentage points with a coalition of many Republicans, centrists and a few Democrats. Reid, in one of his most prescient moves, figured he could get bigger things done with Lieberman inside the tent, annoying as he might be to some liberals. Lieberman (I-Conn.), the onetime Democratic vice-presidential nominee who had won a tough re [election]( in 2006 as an Iraq War-supporting independent and then supported the GOP presidential nominee. That campaign drew liberal protesters, [including from a young, antiwar Arizonan]( named Kyrsten Sinema. [didn’t represent Democratic]( values. Schumer (D-N.Y.) the day before, but at the same time requested to retain the privileges of being a member of his caucus. “Years of counting votes in the Senate had taught me that you never take a vote for granted.”

Week in politics: Democrats win Georgia; Kyrsten Sinema defects to ... (KOSU)

A win for Democrats in Georgia followed by a defection from the party, as Arizona Senator Kyrsten Sinema announces that she's now an Independent.

He needs virtually every Republican to vote for him in order to reach the majority of the whole House. The Republican nominee for speaker, Kevin McCarthy, still lacks the votes he needs to win a majority of the whole House. So it looks like it's going to be a nasty start to the new year. And Sinema was already a hard vote for the Democrats to get on many issues, including the filibuster and Biden's spending bills. ELVING: He did a number of things right - a number of things that ought to be lessons for his party. But while he kept his focus on his core supporters, he was also reaching out to the more moderate voters among the Republicans, making it harder for opponents to demonize him. He focused on turnout in his base in the metro areas of the state, especially the megametro around Atlanta. And it's far from clear just who would be able to pick up the pieces. SIMON: Let's get to the Georgia runoff. ELVING: At this point, the Democrats don't think it needs to change that calculation much. So the AARP in Arizona ran a poll this fall showing Sinema was viewed unfavorably by more Democrats than Republicans or independents. Sinema still appears ready to organize with the Democrats.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

How Kyrsten Sinema's decision makes Democrats' 2024 Senate ... (CNN)

Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema decided to shake up the political world on Friday by becoming an independent. The former Democrat is still caucusing with the ...

All that said, the Democrats already have a difficult map heading into 2024. What Sinema’s move did accomplish is that it made the electoral math a lot more complicated in Arizona and therefore nationally. Relative to the average Senate Democrat, Lieberman voted with the party 10 points less of the time after becoming an independent than he had in his last term as a Democrat. Republicans also knew that Lieberman, who was an ardent supporter of the Iraq War, was probably the best they could hope for in the deeply Democratic state of Connecticut. Crist, who said he would caucus with the Democrats, split the Democratic vote with then Rep. A question now is whether Sinema’s decision to become an independent will dissuade some of those Democrats from running. She stayed with the party about 69% of the time on votes where at least one half of the Democrats voted differently than half of Republicans. It’s quite possible that Sinema’s percentage of sticking with the party will lower now that she is an independent. The former Democrat is still caucusing with the party in the Senate, so the Democratic caucus still has 51 members. Over the last two years, Democrats have had to almost always make sure that any bill or nomination had Sinema’s support to have any chance of passing. To be clear, Sinema has always been a thorn in the Democrats side during her time in Congress. But that simple math hides a more clouded picture for Democrats and for Sinema herself.

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Image courtesy of "Deadline"

'SNL': Weekend Update Takes Swipes At Joe Biden, Kyrsten ... (Deadline)

It was a highly-political "Weekend Update" on 'Saturday Night Live' with Colin Jost and Michael Che taking swipes at political figures.

“And he’s only got 14 more sleeps until Santa,” Jost added. “Trump plans to terminate the Constitution by asking Herschel Walker to drive it to the clinic,” he quipped. Che then moved on to Vice President Kamala Harris saying that Democrats in the Senate wouldn’t have to rely on her for tie-breakers, adding, “Harris can now focus on her main priority, waiting for a worst bike accident,” as they showed a photo of Biden after he had fallen from his bike.

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Image courtesy of "Them"

Brittney Griner Is Free, Kyrsten Sinema is Now Bi(Partisan), Vicky ... (Them)

Every week in America seems like another wave in an unending tsunami of anti-LGBTQ+ news. So while there are a lot of bad news stories out there this week, ...

[S0276]( was also pre-filed. [SB243]( was pre-filed. [HB384]( was pre-filed in Missouri. [SB134]( would prohibit any school personnel from discussing sexual orientation or gender identity with all students, not just K-5. [SB36](, was introduced in California. [S0072](, sponsored by Senator [Gerald Malloy]( (D), which would add severity to murders committed based on actual or perceived identities, explicitly including gender identity, gender, and sexual orientation. [S0234]( was prefiled, a so-called “parental rights act” which forces schools to alert parents before discussing gender, sexuality, and romantic relationships so that parents can withdraw their children from this content. We will keep an eye on this bill in the coming weeks heading into the 2023 legislative session. [S0274]( is a healthcare ban which would ban transgender people ages 21 and under from receiving gender affirming care. [HB151]( was canceled. Second, [SB29]( is a school sports bill that would ban children from playing on sports teams consistent with their gender identity. The second is [S0296](, sponsored by Senator [Karl Allen]( (D), which is a hate crime protection bill explicitly adding sexual orientation and gender identity or expression as a protected class from assault and property destruction.

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