By using the city's supercomputing superpowers, their goal is to develop a global atlas of healthy cells in the human body that any researchers can access.
I love being part of the effort to contribute to the social impact of what a project of this scale can accomplish.” “I came to Pitt because it is a place with great depth of interest and scientific expertise and people here are open to building collaborations, not only across Pittsburgh but worldwide. “This project has the potential to impact Alzheimer’s and aging research and make a big difference to the direction of medical research going forward. “Creating an ecosystem that can connect all the different pieces of data into a single large knowledge resource is a tough job, but that’s what this team has special expertise in. But instead of collecting genetic information on the whole organism level, HuBMAP goes deeper with the goal of mapping gene expression, proteins, metabolites and other information in different types of cells across various organs and tissues. With the swipe of a finger, we can plan a route to the grocery store, scope out a hiking trail or pick a perfect vacation destination.