
2022 - 9 - 6

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Image courtesy of "Texas Tribune"

How Uvalde prepared to send students back to school (Texas Tribune)

Today, students in Uvalde return to classrooms for the first day of school, just 15 weeks after the deadliest school shooting in Texas history.

At a time when newsroom resources and revenue across the country are declining, The Texas Tribune remains committed to sustaining our mission: creating a more engaged and informed Texas with every story we cover, every event we convene and every newsletter we send. As a nonprofit newsroom, we rely on members to help keep our stories free and our events open to the public. Parents, like Brianna Gonzales, are keeping their kids in the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

After a Summer of Grief, It's Back to School in Uvalde (The New York Times)

Classes resumed on Tuesday in the South Texas community where a mass shooting in May took the lives of 19 students and two teachers.

The Rubios drove him to the front of the buzzing entrance to the high school. “If you are done, you are done,” she said. “She said that every time she talks about that subject, she feels like her heart is going to explode,” she said. Rubio and her husband dropped off Jahleela and Julian at their elementary school, where long lines of cars snaked down the block. Gladys Castillon said her 10-year-old daughter, Kaitlyn, who was a fourth grader at Robb Elementary on the day of the shooting, still wakes up in tears and is afraid to leave the house. The next day, the children in the Rubio household rose before 6:30 a.m. Other parents have said their children were fearful of going to school at all, and have enrolled them in virtual classes. Rubio said that when she met with the superintendent, Hal Harrell, she asked the district to consider adding at least two new people to monitor surveillance cameras during the school day. The committee also found “systemic failures and egregiously poor decision making” on the part of the police officers who waited more than an hour to confront the gunman. “Creating routines and structure can profoundly impact our ability to heal from loss and process grief,” the statement said. Rubio said. “The summer has been kind of hectic.”

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Image courtesy of "Jefferson City News Tribune"

16 Uvalde fourth graders waited an hour with wounded teacher (Jefferson City News Tribune)

UVALDE, Texas (AP) -- Elsa Avila slid to her phone, terrified as she held the bleeding side of her abdomen and tried to stay calm for her students.

Last week, Avila and several of her students met for the end-of-year party they were unable to have in May. Officers arrived to evacuate her students -- the last to be let out in the area, according to Avila. Teachers from across Texas stopped by this summer to pay their respects and reflect on what they would do in the same situation. in the text to her family that she says was meant for the teacher group chat. She was in and out of care until June 18. With her remaining strength, Avila pulled herself up and helped usher students onto chairs and tables and through the window. As Avila lay motionless, unable to speak loud enough to be heard, some of her students nudged and shook her. And when the principal assured her that help was on the way, she replied simply: "Help." UVALDE, Texas (AP) -- Elsa Avila slid to her phone, terrified as she held the bleeding side of her abdomen and tried to stay calm for her students. At 11:45 a.m., she responded to a text from the school's counselor asking if her classroom was on lockdown with: "I'm shot, send help." As she slammed the classroom door so the lock would catch, her students took their well-practiced lockdown positions. A student lined up by the door for recess had just told her something was going on outside: People were running -- and screaming.

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Image courtesy of "PBS NewsHour"

Uvalde school year begins amid fear, unfinished security (PBS NewsHour)

There is new high fencing around the Texas community's public school campuses that still isn't finished and a heavy police patrol that many families don't ...

[fired district police Chief Pete Arredondo](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/uvalde-school-board-fires-police-chief-arredondo-after-mass-shooting-response), who McCraw and the House report accused of failing to take control of the scene and wasting time by looking for a key for a classroom door that was likely unlocked. More than 100 families in Uvalde signed up for virtual school, while others pulled their kids out of the district and enrolled them in private schools. Body camera and surveillance footage showed heavily armed officers, some holding bulletproof shields, stacked in the hallway but not advancing to the classroom. Students began arriving at Uvalde Elementary before dawn Tuesday, walking through newly installed 8-foot (2.4-meter) metal fencing that surrounds the campus and past a state trooper standing guard outside an entrance. “I’m just nervous, scared,” said Morales, whose son was a third-grader last year at Robb Elementary and lost three friends in the May 24 massacre. Ashley Morales is putting her son, Jeremiah, back in class — because she says she has no other choice as a working single mother.

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Image courtesy of "Spectrum News"

Uvalde school year starts amid fear and unfinished security (Spectrum News)

Tuesday marked the first day back in the classroom for Uvalde CISD students since the May 24 mass shooting.

[fired district police Chief Pete Arredondo](https://apnews.com/article/uvalde-school-shooting-police-shootings-texas-6c5ba12b382b5cc42a6e5816dc418383), who McCraw and the House report accused of failing to take control of the scene and wasting time by looking for a key for a classroom door that was likely unlocked. [A damning report](https://apnews.com/article/shootings-texas-education-violence-school-31aa135678f8118ed96d893ea77cf8ea) by a Texas House committee found that nearly 400 officers in all rushed to Robb Elementary after the shooting but hesitated for more than hour to confront the shooter. [who was shot in the abdomen and survived](https://apnews.com/article/us-news-shootings-texas-education-be1e06574072af8ab66f9bc45eaad216), Elsa Avila, will not be greetings students for the first time in 30 years because she is still recovering. The firing has not quieted demands for others to face punishment. During a recent “Meet the Teacher” night, she felt a rush of anxiety walking down the school hall. Ashley Morales is putting her son, Jeremiah, back in class — because she says she has no other choice as a working single mother.

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Image courtesy of "KPRC Click2Houston"

'Everything is going to be okay': Uvalde students return to school ... (KPRC Click2Houston)

For the first time since 19 students and two teachers were gunned down at Robb Elementary, students in Uvalde students at Uvalde Consolidated Independent ...

“I spoke to my kids the whole week,” Celeste Ibarra said. “Our kids weren’t taken into consideration,” she said. “The kids lives’ lost weren’t taken into consideration. “I drilled them on if anything happened again, try to make it out the window, run, don’t scream. “You’ll never completely get over something like this, but I mean we have to keep on going, living and make the best of it. God is here to protect them,” she said. The grand memorial adds color to one of the darkest tragedies in Texas’ history. “I hope you have so much fun. “It very sticks to my stomach, no kid should be treated like this. and Uvalde when I was 10.” Benson Elementary, like Dawson and Flores, is one of the few elementary schools taking in hundreds of students from Robb Elementary. “I was raised here in Uvalde.

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Image courtesy of "KHOU.com"

TSU's Ocean of Soul Marching Band pays tribute to Uvalde students ... (KHOU.com)

Uvalde, Texas: Texas Southern University's marching band paid tribute to Uvalde students and educators over the weekend.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Los alumnos de Uvalde regresan a clases luego de la masacre de ... (CNN)

(CNN) -- Zayon Martinez pasó su última hora de segundo grado escondido debajo de un escritorio mientras las balas volaban por la Escuela Primaria Robb.

Después de meses de indignación pública, el distrito escolar de Uvalde despidió a su jefe de policía, Pedro "Pete" Arredondo. Estoy en todas las reuniones de la junta escolar", dijo. "No hay esgrima en la escuela secundaria a la que iría mi hija. Cross tiene dos hijas de 15 años que han decidido volver a la escuela en persona. Estoy en todas las reuniones del consejo de la ciudad. "No siento que todo se haya hecho para proteger a nuestros niños". "No siento que mis hijos estén a salvo". Los alumnos de segundo y tercer grado de Robb el año pasado irán a la nueva Escuela Primaria Uvalde, ubicada en un complejo educativo existente en la ciudad. Los nuevos estudiantes incluyen 30 de Robb Elementary que recibieron becas para ir a la escuela privada. Y se pondrán a prueba meses de preparación por parte de los padres y administradores escolares. Y él no lo aceptaba", dijo el padre de Zayon, Adam Martínez. Ahora Zayon, quien se supone que comenzará el tercer grado el martes, no quiere poner un pie en otro salón de clases, dijo su padre.

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Image courtesy of "Voz de América"

Con temores y ansiedad, comienza año escolar en Uvalde, Texas (Voz de América)

El Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Texas se ha comprometido a colocar casi una treintena de policías estatales en escuelas en Uvalde, ...

Había policías estatales apostados en cada esquina afuera de la escuela. Los estudiantes comenzaron a llegar a la Primaria Uvalde antes del amanecer el martes, pasando a través de una cerca de 2,4 metros de altura recién instalada que rodea el campus y junto a un policía estatal de guardia a la entrada. Durante un encuentro para conocer a los maestros una noche reciente, ella sintió ansiedad caminando por la escuela.

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Image courtesy of "Azteca America"

Tras mortal tiroteo, así fue el regreso a clases en Uvalde (Azteca America)

Un año escolar nuevo y preocupante comenzó el martes en Uvalde. Hay nuevas cercas altas, aún sin terminar, alrededor de las escuelas públicas en esta.

Había policías estatales apostados en cada esquina afuera de la escuela. Los estudiantes comenzaron a llegar a la Primaria Uvalde antes del amanecer el martes, pasando a través de una cerca de 2,4 metros de altura recién instalada que rodea el campus y junto a un policía estatal de guardia a la entrada. Durante un encuentro para conocer a los maestros una noche reciente, ella sintió ansiedad caminando por la escuela.

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Image courtesy of "Axios"

Parents, students return to Uvalde schools months after mass shooting (Axios)

Robb Elementary, the scene of the Uvalde school shooting, remains permanently closed, but other schools in the district begin classes this week.

[School-based Health Alliance of Arkansas](https://dese.ade.arkansas.gov/Files/20210103191404_AR_School_Based_Health_Center_Guide_2019FINAL.pdf). The Jim D. [Texas Tribune.](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/06/uvalde-back-to-school/) [Twin Cities school districts find more bus drivers](https://www.axios.com/local/twin-cities/2022/09/06/school-districts-twin-cities-hire-bus-drivers) [CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/06/us/uvalde-back-to-school/index.html). [Mercy opens first NWA school health clinic](https://www.axios.com/local/nw-arkansas/2022/09/06/mercy-first-nwa-school-health-clinic) You know, am I doing what’s right?” [Spectrum News.](https://spectrumlocalnews.com/tx/south-texas-el-paso/news/2022/09/05/texas-students--school-staff-encouraged-to-wear-white-and-maroon-tuesday-in-solidarity-with-uvalde) What do I do? [Axios' Sareen Habeshian writes.](https://www.axios.com/2022/08/10/uvalde-school-district-officers-mass-shooting) [Axios](https://www.axios.com/2022/06/04/uvalde-robb-elementary-building-closed). [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/09/03/uvalde-schools-start-after-shooting/?utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social)reports.

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Image courtesy of "Hoy Chicago"

Regreso a clases en Uvalde será distinto después de tiroteo (Hoy Chicago)

Muchos volverán a los campus del distrito escolar de Uvalde, aunque la primaria Robb nunca volverá a abrir.

Profesores de todo Texas acudieron este verano para presentar sus respetos y reflexionar sobre lo que harían en la misma situación. Ofelia Loyola, profesora de primaria en San Antonio, visitó el lugar con su marido, el profesor de secundaria Raul Loyola. El distrito está trabajando para completar nuevas medidas de seguridad, y la junta escolar despidió en agosto al jefe de policía del distrito, Pete Arredondo. Estuvo entrando y saliendo del hospital hasta el 18 de junio. Dijo que otros estudiantes ayudaron a sus compañeros heridos hasta que llegaron los agentes. Según el informe de una comisión legislativa que describió una respuesta policial fallida, casi 400 agentes locales, estatales y federales permanecieron en el pasillo del ala de cuarto grado o afuera del edificio durante 77 minutos hasta que algunos finalmente entraron en las aulas y mataron al agresor. Luego, agarrándose el costado, le dijo a un agente que estaba demasiado débil para saltar ella misma. Luego, a las 11:38, en un mensaje dirigido al subdirector de la escuela. A las 11:45, respondió a un texto del orientador vocacional de la escuela preguntando si su aula estaba cerrada con: “Me han disparado, envíen ayuda”. Mientras cerraba la puerta del aula para que la cerradura quedara bloqueada, sus alumnos adoptaban las posiciones de encierro ya practicadas. UVALDE, Texas — Elsa Avila se arrastró hacia su teléfono, aterrorizada mientras se sujetaba el lado sangrante del abdomen y trataba de mantener la calma para sus alumnos. Muchos volverán a los campus del distrito escolar de Uvalde, aunque la primaria Robb nunca volverá a abrir.

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Image courtesy of "NPR"

Colorado farmers vs. the sawfly; Stuffed animals delivered to Uvalde ... (NPR)

As if drought in the Western part of the country wasn't enough, Colorado farmers are also up against sawflies, pesky insects with a knack for obliterating ...

And, as students return to Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas — the site of a deadly massacre in May where a gunman killed 19 students and two teachers — they'll find a nice surprise. Farmers are trying to stay ahead of the curve and tamp down the impact of these bugs. As if drought in the Western part of the country wasn't enough, Colorado farmers are also up against sawflies, pesky insects with a knack for obliterating crops.

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Image courtesy of "EL PAÍS"

Las imágenes del regreso a clases en Uvalde, Texas (EL PAÍS)

Cientos de alumnos han regresado a las aulas más de tres meses después del tiroteo que se cobró la vida de 19 estudiantes y dos maestras en la escuela ...

En la imagen, dos alumnos se toman de la mano durante su ingreso en la escuela primaria Uvalde.Eric Gay (AP)Una niña corre a saludar a su maestra durante el primer día de clases en la escuela primaria Uvalde. En la imagen, una maestra abraza a un alumno en la entrada de la escuela primaria Uvalde, el 6 de septiembre de 2022.Eric Gay (AP) En la imagen, dos alumnos llegan a una primaria de Uvalde acompañados de una maestra.Eric Gay (AP)Un cartel en una cerca de seguridad que rodea la escuela primaria Uvalde pide a los representantes de los medios no acercarse más al colegio.

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Uvalde students go back to school for first time since attack (Los Angeles Times)

Students in Uvalde, Texas, are going back to school for the first time since a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers in a classroom attack in May.

The shooting put new political pressure on Washington to act. The firing has not quieted demands for others to face punishment. Body camera and surveillance footage showed heavily armed officers, some holding bulletproof shields, stacked in the hallway but not advancing to the classroom. For 10-year-old Gilbert Mata, who was wounded by a ricocheting bullet during the shooting, the sight of many police is a “trigger,” said his mother, Corina Camacho. “Are the police officers going to shoot this time? Winn, a high school in nearby Eagle Pass, with Devon Franklin’s one-handed catch in the end zone with 12 seconds remaining. One teacher who was shot in the abdomen and survived, Elsa Avila, is still recovering. “I’m just nervous, scared,” said Morales, whose son was a third-grader last year at Robb Elementary and lost three friends in the May 24 massacre. Fundraising is underway for the construction of a new elementary campus. She used to believe students their age should not have cellphones, but after a summer of active-shooter drills, she changed her mind. “Nothing is going to make me feel better,” said Michael Martinez. Ashley Morales planned to put her son, Jeremiah, back in class because she has no other choice as a working single mother.

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Image courtesy of "Independent Tribune"

Fear, unfinished security as Uvalde schools reopen (Independent Tribune)

A new and worrisome school year has begun in Uvalde, Texas, where a gunman killed 19 students and two teachers inside Robb Elementary School in May.

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Image courtesy of "The New York Times"

After Uvalde, Texas State Police Revise Training for Mass Shootings (The New York Times)

Five Department of Public Safety officers have been referred for formal investigation over their response to the May 24 school shooting.

At the end of the day, the police, their responsibility is to save lives.” No students returned to Robb Elementary, where an 18-year-old gunman armed with an AR-15-style rifle killed 19 students and two teachers just two days before the end of the last school year. Brian Higgins, a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York and a former police chief in Bergen County, New Jersey, said that there were many things about the police response in Uvalde that demonstrated a need for change. In total, the department had about 90 officers at the school on the day of the shooting. As part of its investigation of the Uvalde shooting, the department conducted an internal inquiry into how its officers had responded. Arredondo has come under harsh scrutiny, including that of many from the Department of Public Safety who arrived early and also did not seek to quickly confront the gunman. “When a subject fires a weapon at a school he remains an active shooter until he is neutralized and is not to be treated as a ‘barricaded subject.’” “We teach stop the killing, stop the dying,” Mr. officers responding to an active shooter at a school will be authorized to overcome any delay to neutralizing an attacker,” Mr. Stories like this are possible because of our deep commitment to original reporting, produced by a global staff of over 1,700 journalists who have all dedicated themselves to helping you understand the world. Minutes after the shooting began inside Robb Elementary school, officers began arriving. The officers face possible suspension, demotion or firing.

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Image courtesy of "Texas Tribune"

Texas DPS officers face an investigation into Uvalde shooting ... (Texas Tribune)

Hundreds of law enforcement officers from several local, state and federal agencies have been heavily criticized for the delayed response in confronting the ...

[See the program.](https://festival-platform.texastribune.org/agenda?promo=site-story-footer&tr=true) Following Arredondo’s firing, residents called for further accountability from public officials, including the [firing of school district employees](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/08/25/pete-arredondo-firing-aftermath/). [mission](/about): creating a more engaged and informed Texas with every story we cover, every event we convene and every newsletter we send. [Arredondo testified](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/20/uvalde-district-chief-arredondo/) before the House committee that he believed the shooter was a “barricaded subject” instead of an “active shooter” after seeing an empty classroom next to the one where the shooter was when the gunman had already fired off more than 100 rounds in less than three minutes. [Texas Tribune Festival](https://festival-platform.texastribune.org/?promo=site-story-footer&tr=true), happening Sept. [responded to the shooting at Robb Elementary](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/17/law-enforcement-failure-uvalde-shooting-investigation/), where a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers. Before the gunman was confronted, Reyes could hear officers outside of his classroom trying to negotiate with the 18-year-old. Arredondo was largely blamed for the delayed confrontation and [was fired last month](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/08/24/uvalde-school-police-chief-pete-arredondo-termination-board-vote/). In June, McCraw said Arredondo was the rightful incident commander and could have transferred command to another agency. “In this sense, the entirety of law enforcement and its training, preparation, and response shares systemic responsibility for many missed opportunities on that tragic day.” He echoed the committee’s report in saying that the situation should have been treated as an “active shooter event.” A Texas House committee that investigated the shooting found that after officers were initially driven back by gunfire, they [waited more than an hour](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/27/uvalde-texas-school-shooting-timeline/) to reengage the gunman, a delay that could have cost lives.

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Image courtesy of "CBS News"

Uvalde students return to school for the first time since mass shooting (CBS News)

The district has put in new fencing and security cameras and has added additional police officers and therapists.

Meanwhile, the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District has put in new fencing and security cameras at Uvalde Elementary, and has added additional police officers and therapists to help families feel safer. Current third and fourth grade students who had attended Robb Elementary last year are now at Uvalde Elementary School. Robb Elementary, the site of the massacre, has been permanently closed — but despite ramped-up security at a new location, some parents and kids say they still don't feel safe.

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Image courtesy of "ABC News"

5 Texas officers on-site at Uvalde school referred to inspector ... (ABC News)

The action or inaction of five DPS officers on-site at Robb Elementary School on May 24 has been referred to the Texas inspector general, ...

[fired last month](https://abcnews.go.com/US/uvalde-school-board-police-chief-pete-arredondos-firing/story?id=88692404) as the community has continued to call for accountability following the deadly school shooting. The inspector general can also refer its findings to the district attorney in Uvalde, who continues to conduct a criminal probe of the school shooting. DPS Director Steve McCraw ordered a top-to-bottom review of what his officers did and did not do during the deadly Uvalde elementary school shooting.

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Image courtesy of "oregonlive.com"

Uvalde students return to school for 1st time since attack (oregonlive.com)

Students in Uvalde are going back to school for the first time since a gunman killed 19 children and two teachers in a classroom attack that shocked the ...

“I wasn’t ready for him to go back to school, but he says he was,” Martinez said. Elsa Avila, a fourth grade teacher who was shot in the abdomen and survived, missed the first day of school Tuesday for the first time in 30 years. Admittedly, Martinez said, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to hear. How are you going to save my kid if something happens?” Martinez said. For Mata’s family, virtual school wasn’t really in the conversation: Gilbert didn’t do well with online classes during the pandemic. Like, how are you going to help? A ricocheted bullet went through his ankle and calf in Room 112. Ibarra’s older daughter, 9-year-old Aubriella Melchor, was in Robb Elementary during the shooting and seemed to drag out Tuesday morning as long as possible, taking longer than usual to get dressed and poking at her breakfast. The referrals are the result of an internal review, spokesman Travis Considine said. The delay infuriated parents and led to a damning report by state lawmakers. I know she was scared.” Security cameras are still in the works.

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

Alumnos de Uvalde vuelven a clases por 1ra vez tras tiroteo (Los Angeles Times)

Los estudiantes de Uvalde, Texas, vuelven a la escuela por primera vez desde que un hombre armado mató a 19 niños y dos profesoras en un ataque que ...

Cuando llegaron las compras para la vuelta a clases, no quiso ir a Walmart, y los lápices brillantes que Ibarra compró para entusiasmar a su hija no funcionaron. El retraso enfureció a los padres de familia y dio lugar a un informe condenatorio de los legisladores estatales. “Todos estamos con ustedes”, tuiteó la primera dama Jill Biden. “Ella como que jugaba con sus cereales”, dijo Ibarra después de dejarla. Las cámaras de seguridad están todavía en proceso de instalación. Mata estaba listo para volver, esta vez con su propio teléfono.

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