The odd-numbered side of the 2300 block of S Street NW, in D.C.'s Kalorama neighborhood, has just two private homes — the one Jeff Bezos (owner of The ...
The living room has several glass French doors that lead to a walled courtyard in the rear. Rather than a traditional garage door, the opening to the garage looks like a set of glass French doors with shutters. Jennifer Gilmer Kitchen and Bath updated the main kitchen on the second floor. Both kitchens — the main one on the second level and the catering one on the first level — were revamped. But several of the home’s original features were not touched, including the sweeping spiral stairway and the wall of windows next to it, both of which span all four levels. For those who don’t want to take the stairs, an elevator runs to all four levels. She resigned her seat in 2009 to join the State Department as a senior arms control adviser to President Barack Obama. Mishal al-Sabah, now crown prince of Kuwait, is listed in the deed records as owning the house from 1983 to 1988. His books include “The Best Congress Money Can Buy” (1988); “The Great Treasury Raid” (1962); and “The Shame of a Nation” (1965). He spent several months in 1974 as a special investigative reporter on the life insurance industry for The Washington Post. But they weren’t the first people to take advantage of the house’s layout. The odd-numbered side of the 2300 block of S Street NW, in D.C.’s Kalorama neighborhood, has just two private homes — the one Jeff Bezos (owner of The Washington Post) reportedly bought in 2020 and this house, both built in 1958. He is credited with coining the term “affirmative action.” Taylor later was director of the Export Import Bank under President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Hugo Alconada Mon es abogado, prosecretario de redacción del diario argentino 'La Nación' y miembro del Consorcio Internacional de Periodistas de ...
En semejante contexto, el objetivo de muchos funcionarios y referentes del kirchnerismo es llegar al 17 de noviembre, cuando comenzará el Mundial de Fútbol en Qatar. Con Lionel Messi en la cancha, se ilusionan con que los argentinos se olvidarán por unas semanas de sus desgracias. Tanto, que es cosa de todos los días hablar de cuántas reservas quedan en esa entidad o sobre el dólar oficial, del dólar “blue” —el informal que se compra y vende en las calles—, del dólar “soja” —para los agricultores que exportan—, del dólar “turista” —para los visitantes extranjeros— y una larga lista de más variantes. Que Argentina no pueda responder con certeza cuál es su cronograma electoral dice mucho sobre su descalabro institucional, que a su vez se retroalimenta con su desbarajuste económico, político y social. “No tenemos que ser ciegos ni culpar a los demás; el Frente de Todos es responsable de algunas cuestiones que han pasado y han afectado a la economía”. El país se sacude al ritmo de una inflación galopante que cada mes se revisa al alza. Pero Argentina y la teoría no se suelen llevar bien: el país está tan revuelto que no sabemos quiénes podrían probarse el traje de candidato; cuáles serían las coaliciones y partidos que competirían; si esa será, en efecto, la fecha para las primarias; y ni siquiera si el presidente Fernández terminará su mandato.
Find out which children's names are most changed and adopted, states with the fewest childless couples and to which cities young adults are most likely to ...
People in low population-density areas, such as the Great Plains, are more likely to move than those who already live in bigger cities. The less mobile Americans are, the fewer opportunities they can access, researchers say. Moving to a higher-opportunity region can propel you up the income ladder faster than almost any other economic move, researchers say.
A record amount of rain fell over South Korea, including in the capital, Seoul, inundating city streets; electoral commission officials count votes at a ...