American flag

2022 - 7 - 4

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Image courtesy of "Los Angeles Times"

American flag belongs to liberals too. It's not a MAGA tool (Los Angeles Times)

A reader says she recently started flying the American flag after putting it away when it was most commonly seen as a far-right symbol.

Most Americans don’t support abortions up to the last minute of birth. The American flag represents the oldest democracy in the world. Now, it’s up to each state to decide. I gave up flying the flag because I didn’t want people to think I supported white nationalism and everything else it had come to represent. The red wave is coming, and it’s coming hard. Don’t cede it to the MAGA crowd

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Image courtesy of "Fox News"

US flag stands for 'GOP's white nationalist agenda,' must be ... (Fox News)

LA Times columnist Jean Guerrero wrote an op-ed on the Fourth of July expressing her resentment toward the American flag and desire to take it back from who ...

The flag should belong to the people carrying the boulder of this country on their backs," she wrote. His Supreme Court paved a path to Gilead," she wrote. Guerrero recalled the time period after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the wave of patriotism after. She even claimed the American flag "has become a stand-in for the GOP’s white nationalist agenda." Disturbed, I took them off." she asked.

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