
2022 - 3 - 16

zelensky speech zelensky speech

Invoking America’s Darkest Days, Zelensky Pleads for More U.S. Aid (unknown)

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine called for a no-fly zone and more weapons to combat Russia's assault and implored President Biden to be “the leader ...

Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace.” “I call on you to do more,” Mr. Zelensky said, describing the conflict raging in Ukraine as an assault on the world’s civilized nations. Speaking directly to Mr. Biden, he added: “I wish you to be the leader of the world.

President Biden approves $800M in military aid after Ukraine President Zelensky appeals to Congress (unknown)

President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday that another $800 million in military aid will be approved for Ukraine; this after President Volodymyr Zelensky ...

But the American people will be steadfast in our support of the people of Ukraine in the face of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s immoral, unethical attacks on civilian populations. In his address, Zelensky directly asked Biden:“I wish you to be the leader of the world. President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday that another $800 million in military aid will be approved for Ukraine; this after President Volodymyr Zelensky made an appeal for assistance before a joint session of Congress.  Biden said the military support will include 800 anti-aircraft systems, 9,000 anti-armor systems, 7,000 small arms, drones and other equipment.

Netflix is streaming the Volodymyr Zelensky series that foreshadowed his presidency (unknown)

Netflix is streaming the TV series that helped make Volodymyr Zelensky a star -- and served as a springboard for his campaign to become president of ...

Netflix said in a tweet Wednesday, announcing the series' return.Zelensky is currently dominating the world stage with his impassioned pleas for help following Russia's invasion of his country. Netflix is streaming the Volodymyr Zelensky series that foreshadowed his presidency Volodymyr Zelensky stars in "Servant of the People," a 2015 series now streaming on Netflix. Before he became president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky was a successful actor and comedian.Now Netflix is again streaming the TV series that helped make him a star -- and served as a springboard for his presidential campaign." Servant of the People" is a political satire featuring Zelensky as a high school teacher who becomes the Ukrainian president after a speech he makes about corruption in the country's government goes viral.Volodymyr Zelensky's acting career prepared him for the world stageThe series debuted in 2015.

Zelensky accuses Germany of putting economy before Ukraine (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, during his virtual address to the Bundestag on Thursday, accused Germany of putting its economic interests ahead of ...

* "Peace is more important than income," he added. * "And again this is something you have failed to see. * "Why does 'never again' not apply?

Jewish lawmakers moved by Zelensky address, mixed on next steps to support Ukraine (unknown)

(March 17, 2022 / JNS) After Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky spoke by video to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday morning, Jewish members were ...

The people of Ukraine, and every democracy on the planet, are counting on America to make that happen.” “My position remains that the United States must use all diplomatic, informational and economic instruments of national power at our disposal to support Ukraine and deter Russia’s aggression. We are providing the material and the money necessary to do that,” he said. He added that the United States should do everything it can to stop the war. “Any moral abdication sends a chilling message to brave freedom fighters in Venezuela and Cuba, where Putin already funds dictators and oppression. And President Zelensky reinforced the moral clarity and urgency of the moment, and he also made specific, actionable requests of Congress, which we do need to follow through on,” Auchincloss said. “It was a battle cry from the frontlines of the free world. “In times of great distress, when innocent lives and our allies are being attacked, we have always done best when we’ve stood together, unified. Sens. [Rob] Portman [(R-Ohio)], [Roger] Wicker [(R-Miss.)] and I urged bipartisan support last night on the Senate floor,” tweeted Blumenthal. “Respond to Zelensky’s plea today with action, not just more words—more anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles, anti-air batteries, drones, planes, and more to fight Russia’s bombing reign of terror. “I support President Zelenskyy’s requests for advanced defensive weaponry and believe the United States must continue to lead the way in bringing international diplomatic and economic pressure to bear on Russia to end this war,” Feinstein posted in a tweet. Zelensky was greeted as a hero during his speech and given multiple standing ovations by the bipartisan audience. We must do all we can to end the suffering and make sure [Russian President] Vladimir Putin understands this is not a war he can win.”

Addressing Congress, Zelensky ‘Knew His Audience’ (unknown)

Ukraine's president must have researched American history before his speech, said Noah (who speculated about how it “could have gone very wrong”).

[imitating U.S. senator] ‘Uh, people of Ukraine, remember the vision of your founder — I want to say Daniel Ukraine?’” — TREVOR NOAH “And by the way, props to him, I mean he knows way more about America than most U. S. senators know about his country. “Yeah, that’s right, Zelensky brought out all of America’s major moments: ‘I have a dream,’ 9/11, Mount Rushmore. You know he was on Wikipedia last night planning this out: [imitating Zelensky] ‘OK, Pearl Harbor, Boston Tea Party — should I mention Hulk Hogan sex tape, maybe?” — TREVOR NOAH

Zelensky addresses Congress, seeks help (unknown)

“Russia has turned the Ukrainian sky into a source of death for thousands of people,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Congress Wednesday in a plea ...

Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace.” “This war has killed thousands and more than 3 million Ukrainians have already fled their country,” Sen. Feinstein said on social media. I wish you to be the leader of the world. “Putin is inflicting appalling, appalling devastation on Ukraine, bombing apartment buildings, maternity wards, hospitals.” Just like the same dreams you have, you Americans, just like anybody else in the United States.” He played a graphic video showing the devastating impact Russia’s invasion has had on the people of his country. And this is my main issue as the leader of my people, brave Ukrainians. And as the leader of my nation, I am addressing President Biden. You are the leader of your great nation. “I am committed to working with my colleagues in Congress and President Joe Biden to secure the additional aid that President Zelensky asked for today: helping Ukraine acquire the military capabilities it needs to clear its airspace of threats, providing additional humanitarian and security assistance, and implementing more crippling sanctions to continue defunding Russia’s war effort,” Rep. Carbajal said. “Enforcing a ‘no-fly zone’ would mean sending American and NATO pilots into direct confrontation with the Russian military — something I think we can all understand is an escalatory outcome that should be avoided after we spent a large portion of last century facing that same risk,” Rep. Carbajal said in a statement to the News-Press. “Whether it’s boots on the ground or boots in the air, sending American armed forces into Ukraine is an escalatory step in this war that I do not support at this time.” “The brutality of Russia’s unjustified assault on Ukraine is clear, and the U. S. and our partners can and must do more to support Ukraine and bring an end to this war,” he said. Rep. Carbajal is a member of the House Armed Services Committee who visited Ukraine in December and met with military and government officials. President Zelensky gave an impassioned speech to Congress Wednesday morning, invoking previous tragedies in the U. S. such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941.

Russia invades Ukraine (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made explicit reference to the Holocaust in an address to German lawmakers Thursday. “Every year politicians say never ...

Russian troops detained Mayor Alexander Yakolev, his deputy Alexander Grischenko and the city council secretary Yuri Palyukha on Wednesday morning, the citizen said. On March 5, at least one protester was shot in the leg in the eastern town of  Novopskov in such an instance. Yakolev was released, according to a video he posted on Telegram, but the fate of his deputy and the city council secretary is not known.

Zelensky’s scathing speech to Germany (unknown)

The most oft-cited remark involved Zelensky talking about Russia erecting a wall in Europe between freedom and oppression, and urging German Chancellor Olaf ...

Zelensky wants the West to feel more of a sense of responsibility and accountability than it currently feels for what’s happening in his country, even as he knows he’s asking for things the West has been united in resisting, like a no-fly zone. He invokes things like Nord Stream 2 and NATO to reinforce that its decisions today — and the areas in which it declines to act — will be judged accordingly in the future. But it’s important to note that his challenge to President Biden on Tuesday was very much in line with how he has talked about these issues with other Western leaders. Zelensky’s address to Biden was also followed Thursday by a bit of counterprogramming from his chief of staff. “This is the wall now, and it will grow ever taller … Chancellor Scholz, tear down this wall.” “We asked you: What should Ukraine do to become a member of NATO and get the security guarantee?” Zelensky said.

The right man at the wrong moment (unknown)

If ever there is a moment which today's members of Congress will never forget, it is likely to be that of watching Zelensky demonstrate what leadership ...

And he and his advisers – using the tools of modern communications – have changed the ways in which future wars will be prosecuted, watched and perhaps won or lost. Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace.” Churchill was a unique master of the English language and the delivery of words, which Zelensky is not. Afterward, the comparisons of Zelensky to Churchill were immediate and predictable, if a bit strained. Despite being a creature of TV, Zelensky still may have surprised Capitol Hill’s lawmakers when he played a video chronicling the war to this point. "Is this a lot to ask for, to create a no-fly zone over Ukraine to save people? Watching this unprecedented virtual address, many viewers and listeners undoubtedly felt a palpable sense of foreboding; perhaps Zelensky felt it too, but he never showed it. Negotiations appear to be going nowhere; Putin will probably never accept defeat — nor will Zelensky, even if that ultimately costs him his life. Zelensky surely knows, too, that his time may be running out. I wish you to be the leader of the world. What made Zelensky's remarks so raw and compelling were the circumstances that the 44-year-old president faces. He wore a green military shirt while making an impassioned plea to the world, and especially to President BidenJoe Biden Irish PM tests positive for COVID-19 during visit to DC CNN anchor breaks down talking to Ukrainian father whose family was killed Graham introduces resolution urging Biden to help send jets to Ukraine MORE, to help Ukraine stand up to the insidious Russian president, Vladimir PutinVladimir Vladimirovich PutinRussian journalist explains why she staged anti-war protest on live TV CNN anchor breaks down talking to Ukrainian father whose family was killed Overnight Defense & National Security — Presented by AM General — More weapons but no planes for Ukraine MORE.

Zelensky’s Inspiring Leadership (unknown)

When Ukrainians elected former comedian and entertainer Volodymyr Zelensky as their president in 2019, we joined in welcoming him, even as we recognized his ...

And he has become the voice and the face of a victimized people. Zelensky also spoke to and for his nation — with emotional yet forceful reassurance — helping to rally confidence and determination in the face of overwhelming force and odds. With the unshaved face of an everyman and the worn camouflage T-shirt of a fighter, the comedian cum politician was transformed. Following Vladimir Putin’s Russia invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, it didn’t take long to see that Zelensky is a serious player, focused on leading and defending his people. Early on, Zelensky told European leaders that he was Russia’s No. 1 target — and that they might not see him again alive. There was also an element of pride in our embrace — Zelensky is Jewish, even if that was not a defining aspect of his life before his entry into politics.

Zelensky urges Congress to "remember 9/11" as he pleads for more aid for Ukraine (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky summoned some of the darkest days in U.S. history in a virtual address to Congress, pleading for America to do more ...

Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace." That's why today the American people are helping not just Ukraine, but Europe and the world to keep the planet alive," he said. The video concluded with a request to "close the skies." Today, my age stopped when the heart of more than 100 children stopped beating. * Addressing President Biden directly, Zelensky said, "I wish for you to be the leader of the world. * "Our country is experiencing the same every day, right now, at this moment,” he said.

March 16, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is delivering a virtual address to the US Congress Wednesday as Russian forces inch toward the capital of Kyiv, ...

"Of course, we would like it all to happen much faster, this is such a sincere desire of the Russian side. Medinsky added that the Russia-Ukraine talks are ongoing, but are “difficult” and “slow.” Zelensky emphasized the importance of persevering with the talks as "any war must end in agreement," but added that "we need more time to achieve decisions that serve the interests of Ukraine."

Theater where hundreds had sheltered wrecked in airstrike, say Ukrainian officials (unknown)

The number of civilian casualties is yet unknown after the potentially catastrophic airstrike in Mariupol, one of Ukraine's hardest-hit cities.

Therefore, we have much confidence that we will have a cease-fire in coming days.” “I think he’s a war criminal,” Biden said of the Russian leader, the first time he had publicly made such a characterization. In Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov agreed that a “business-like spirit” had begun to mark the talks. “For years we heard about the apparently open door but have already also heard that we will not enter there, and these are truths and must be acknowledged.” On Tuesday, he said he accepted that his nation would not join the transatlantic alliance. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Biden was “speaking from his heart” about televised scenes of “barbaric actions,” but did not specify a particular incident that had prompted the president’s remark. Earlier, the Mariupol City Council said in a post on the messaging app Telegram that it was “still impossible to estimate the scale of this horrific and inhumane act.” He also suggested that Russians were more likely to negotiate because of Ukrainian counteroffensives. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, meanwhile, kept up his string of appeals to allies around the world for more forceful action and more weaponry. Several floors became engulfed in flames, and the top floor was destroyed. Jake Sullivan, the White House national security advisor, talked by phone Wednesday with Gen. Nikolai Patrushev, head of Russia’s security council, and a spokeswoman said Sullivan warned against any Russian use of chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine. Mariupol, under heavy bombardment, was already the venue for some of the war’s most harrowing reports of suffering.

The Clever Way Zelensky Changed His Message to America (unknown)

After failing to shame the U.S. into stronger action against Russia, Ukraine's president shifted tactics in his speech before Congress on Wednesday.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday that there was “hope for reaching a compromise.” However, around the same time, in another long, rambling televised speech, Putin seemed less than ready for peace, doubling down on his false claims that “the pro-Nazi regime in Kyiv” is committing “genocide” in the Donbas, preparing an attack on Russia, and plotting with the West to build biological and nuclear weapons, among other deeds. In that spirit, he pleaded, “in the darkest time for our country, for the whole Europe, I call on you to do more.” As Biden said in his speech, “This could be a long and difficult battle,” adding, “The American people will be steadfast in our support of the Ukrainian people. In the past week or so, the U. S. and other countries have sent hundreds of shoulder-fired Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine. But Stingers are good mainly for shooting down helicopters; by contrast, S-300s are radar-guided, have a more powerful explosive device, and can reach the altitudes of the highest-flying Russian combat jets. Pressure has been mounting on Capitol Hill for Biden to do more, and Zelensky’s speech, which Biden called “convincing and significant,” will probably play into that pressure. In a Facebook speech earlier this month, the Ukrainian president harshly criticized the NATO nations for not imposing a no-fly zone over his country, slamming them as “weak” and urging them to think about “all those people who will die because of you.” Perhaps because someone briefed him that shame and scolding wouldn’t appeal to an American audience, Zelensky was more restrained on Wednesday, saying his country is “grateful to the United States for its overwhelming support,” for its “weapons and ammunition, for training, for finances, for leadership in the free world.” He appealed to Americans on their own terms, asking them to remember the horrors of Pearl Harbor and 9/11 and to reflect that Ukraine has experienced those sorts of catastrophes every day and night for the past three weeks. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin arrived in Brussels on Tuesday for a meeting of NATO defense ministers. These systems would improve the Ukrainians’ ability to shoot down Russian airplanes, which have been bombing civilian and military targets. A White House fact sheet, released shortly after the speech, indicated that all 800 would be Stinger missiles. Biden said that the new arms deliveries would include 800 anti-aircraft weapons. In recent days, Zelensky has beseeched previous Western audiences to impose a no-fly zone above his country. This would involve U. S. or NATO jets shooting down any Russian plane that flies over Ukrainian territory.

Addressing Congress, Ukrainian President Zelensky pleads for military aid (unknown)

President Zelensky cited the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the rhetoric of Martin Luther King Jr. in seeking to roust ...

While there is widespread support for Ukraine in the United States, there is also great reluctance to become involved in another war. That is especially true of Republicans who have sought to cast Biden as feckless for insisting on acting in concert with European allies, and several said after Zelensky’s speech that Biden simply needed to do more. He called on them to layer potent air-defense systems and new Russian financial sanctions on top of the military transfers, humanitarian aid and economic salvos that the United States has already delivered since Russia began bombarding Ukrainian cities last month.

March 16, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is delivering a virtual address to the US Congress Wednesday as Russian forces inch toward the capital of Kyiv, ...

“We are ready to take people out and send humanitarian aid. Five Ukrainians were injured, two of them children, he said. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said evacuation corridors did not work Wednesday as the Russian military did not stop shelling.

Zelensky comedy 'Servant of the People' will be available on Netflix (unknown)

The series is back on streaming platforms worldwide, as Zelensky has become the face of the resistance to Russia.

It has now found its way back on several streaming platforms worlwide, as Zelensky became the face of the resistance amid Russia's unprovoked attack of Ukraine. * "Servant of the People" won best feature series at the Teletriumph Awards in Ukraine and also the Gold Remi Award for Television Comedy at the 2016 WorldFest in Houston, per AP. "Servant of the People," a comedy series featuring now Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, is once again available on Netflix, the streaming service announced on Wednesday.

Zelensky’s address to Congress was a dramatic appeal in three acts (unknown)

Using his performer's instincts, the Ukrainian president captivated an American audience with plain talk and moving images.

The triumph of a leader giving the performance of his life — and given the dire circumstances, maybe for his life. Appearing in what has become his customary wartime attire — an olive-colored T-shirt imprinted with the insignia of the Ukrainian Armed Forces — the president took on a folk-hero guise. The gesture, though, looked hollow and pro forma via television, especially in light of a guest speaker, facing real danger and exhibiting real courage. Acts 1 and 3 were Zelensky speaking directly to an American audience, reminding us of the plight of a desperate nation. It was a lobbying of Congress on a global stage, and Zelensky evinced an actor’s acumen in performing it. Here, it seemed, was a figure uniquely built for the moment, a young man with the chops of an entertainer and the gravity of a wartime executive.

March 16, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is delivering a virtual address to the US Congress Wednesday as Russian forces inch toward the capital of Kyiv, ...

US President Joe Biden plans to detail US assistance to Ukraine in a speech of his own later in the day Wednesday. While there is widespread bipartisan support for aid to Ukraine, many lawmakers also believe the US should be careful not to be drawn into any kind of direct, armed conflict with Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is delivering a virtual address via video to members of the US House and Senate.

Volodymyr Zelensky’s Dream Life (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on a screen addressing the U.S. Congress. J. Scott Applewhite-Pool / Getty. March 16, 2022, 3:50 PM ET.

Resigned to his own death, he has become the mythical leader who has placed his people’s interests ahead of his own. When he ended his speech, his last chance to extract help from the U. S., he returned to a familiar theme: mortality. I see no sense in life if it cannot stop the deaths.” By calling attention to his own age, however inadvertently, he was offering a final contrast to the politicians on the other end of the screen, the world’s most powerful gerontocracy. The man who might not live to see the next week, who really just needs a few more airplanes to get through the day, is also the only global leader to have expressed a vision of what the future might look like. He proposed creating new global institutions to replace the inert postwar ones that have failed in the face of Russian aggression. Perhaps this proposal was a strategic gambit, setting up a negotiated settlement with Russia that will lean on some new international body to protect Ukraine’s security in lieu of NATO. But the passage had a haunting irony. The same you feel when you hear the words ‘I have a dream.’” By adding that rhetorical question, he wrapped his righteousness in self-awareness, which meant that he never conveyed ingratitude. While members of Congress greeted him rapturously, Zelensky put his hand over his heart, but he must have also thought to himself: It would have been nice to have received this love a bit sooner. The telling moment in his congressional address came when he invoked—but never cited by name—Martin Luther King Jr.: “‘I have a dream.’ These words are known to each of you today. Despite having every reason to hate Russians, he uses his videos to reason with them. The Ukrainian president styles himself as a general defending democracy’s eastern front against the onslaught of authoritarianism.

Zelensky Invokes Pearl Harbor and 9/11 as He Pleads for More from Washington (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy raises his hand and speaks to the U.S. Congress by video while. Volodymyr Zelensky, who addressed the U.S. Congress on ...

He proposed a new “U-24” of “responsible countries” that have the “strength and consciousness” to provide assistance—from weapons to humanitarian support—within the first twenty-four hours of a crisis. “And we’re going to continue to have their backs as they fight for their freedom, their democracy, their very survival.” He later called Putin a “war criminal” for the first time. At the end of his speech, Zelensky made a direct appeal to Biden, in English. “Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace,” he said. Yet, even as U. S. officials have expressed the need to rethink the global security infrastructure, the prospect of new institutions—in the midst of war, or even in the event of peace—seems remote, at least in the near future. “We will fight in the forests, on the shores, in the streets.” And he echoed Shakespeare: “The question for us now is to be or not to be.” Next week, Zelensky is scheduled to speak to the Knesset. He has also addressed mass rallies in public squares, as he did on Saturday, to thousands in Florence. Zelensky has even managed to get European leaders to visit him. The undercurrent of his remarks, however, was disappointment in NATO and other international institutions that he believes have failed Ukraine. The world needs to “create new tools”—including institutions and alliances—“to respond quickly” to stop the current war and to deal with future conflicts, natural disasters, humanitarian crises, and pandemics. Despite the dangers, the Prime Ministers of the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovenia took a train to Kyiv to meet with Zelensky on Tuesday. Speaking directly to the Prime Minister, he said, “Justin, can you imagine you and your children hearing all these severe explosions, the bombing of the airport, the bombing of the Ottawa airport?” On March 1st, Zelensky made a speech to the European Parliament. “We have proven our strength,” he told representatives from its twenty-seven countries. On March 8th, Zelensky addressed the British Parliament, invoking the language of Churchill. “We will continue fighting for our land, whatever the cost,” Zelensky said. In a concise eighteen minutes, Zelensky outlined an ambitious wish list of actions both to help Ukraine and punish Russia. He once again called for the West to create a no-fly zone—to “close the skies” and to limit the ability of Russian warplanes to strike Ukraine’s cities. “I call on you to do more!” he said. “I have a need,” Zelensky, dressed in a khaki-colored military T-shirt, said about his nation’s quest to survive.

Your data. Your experience. (unknown)

Meta removed an altered video falsely depicting Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky ordering troops to surrender Wednesday. The video is the latest ...

You can select 'Manage settings' for more information and to manage your choices. You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. Click here to find out more about our partners. * Information about your device and internet connection, including your IP address

Facebook and YouTube say they removed Zelensky deepfake (unknown)

Facebook and YouTube said Wednesday that they removed uploads of a deepfake video of Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky that purported to show him ...

March 16, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is delivering a virtual address to the US Congress Wednesday as Russian forces inch toward the capital of Kyiv, ...

US President Joe Biden plans to detail US assistance to Ukraine in a speech of his own later in the day Wednesday. While there is widespread bipartisan support for aid to Ukraine, many lawmakers also believe the US should be careful not to be drawn into any kind of direct, armed conflict with Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is delivering a virtual address via video to members of the US House and Senate.

Why Zelensky won't get what he wants most from Biden (unknown)

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky gave a stirring virtual speech to Congress, and called on President Joe Biden to become the leader of the free world.

This is the first time in the history of the world where we'll have a trilateral nuclear situation," the Rhode Island Democrat said. Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace." And what is the possibility of this war if Ukraine will fall, in case Ukraine will?" I'm not going to comment now on anything other than what I've told you today," he said to reporters.Besides Zelensky's eloquence, even through a translator, in appealing directly to Americans' sense of democracy and freedom, I was particularly interested in his proposal for a new world order." (Putin) wants to control Ukraine so it doesn't become a vibrant democracy, so it doesn't become part of the European family of nations," Daalder said, arguing that is the real threat to Putin.Ironically, Putin's invasion has resulted in a more unified Europe, but at the expense of so much in Ukraine.Sen. Jack Reed told CNN's John King that we are entering uncharted geopolitical territory, something more complicated than the '80s or '90s, since China and Russia will both be significant nuclear powers. In addition, he said it could help react to "natural disasters" (earthquakes?), "man-made disasters" (climate change?) and epidemics like Covid-19.If Russia's invasion has essentially broken the old world system -- it has at least tested the sovereignty of nations -- Zelensky's idea is indeed interesting.Big ideas don't happen overnight, however, especially during a war. Read that here.Zelensky read off a list of things Americans can do to stand up for his democracy -- and democracy in general.One need is a nonstarterNo-fly zone. Bookmark this one to see if people are still talking about it in the future.So much of the reporting on Putin's motivations around Ukraine has revolved around NATO. But we may come to learn that Putin's opposition to Ukraine joining NATO was a smokescreen. It is not enough to be the leader of the nation," he said. "Today takes to be the leader of the world. "President Biden needs to make a decision TODAY: either give Ukraine access to the planes and anti-aircraft defense systems it needs to defend itself, or enforce a no-fly zone to close Ukrainian skies to Russian attacks," Scott said in a statement.Other needs are works in progress Missile defense systems. It's not going to happen, since American officials say it would trigger world war III. And military experts question whether it will actually help in the war, as most of Russia's attacks are from the ground.

Zelensky's speeches have made him a folk hero (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky's virtual appearance before the U.S. Congress was just the latest in a series of rousing addresses.

As for the prospect of surrender: “Haven’t even thought about it for a second,” he told Congress. The president’s wartime speeches are notable for their displays of raw emotion, but at the same time, he is capable of evoking piteous scenes without asking for pity. The struggle is always placed in the context of being far bigger than one country, portrayed as a fight for universal democratic values. Zelensky stresses that Ukrainians are willing to fight for themselves, lauding the courage of outgunned compatriots. For Canadians, a reminder of that country’s 1.4-million-strong Ukrainian diaspora. He has an everyman’s earnestness and a charisma that pops; he is beleaguered but not bowed.

‘Hacked’ Ukrainian TV Station Transmits Fake Zelensky Surrender Announcement (unknown)

TV station Ukraine 24 falsely reported Wednesday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had announced his country would surrender to Russia, ...

Though Russian government-backed outlets like RT and Sputnik have been banned by platforms like YouTube in areas including the U.S. and the EU, they continue to operate on Twitter, where they downplay Russian aggression and amplify claims of discord between Ukraine and the West. In February, Twitter announced it would label tweets linking to Russian state-backed media and would limit their reach. In the weeks leading up to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the Russian government launched cyberattacks against Ukrainian banking and defense websites, the Council on Foreign Relations, an American think tank, reported. Triolan, a major Ukrainian internet provider, reported being hacked in February and again March 9, resulting in widespread internet outages.

Five Takeaways From Zelensky Virtual Address To US Congress – OpEd (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky brought a moment of enormous drama to Washington Wednesday, when he gave a virtual address to Congress.

Zelensky did suggest a slightly less emphatic option — the provision of warplanes and air defenses. Whatever the desirability of such an idea, there is no real chance of it being created amid the current crisis, when there is plenty of other international activity going on. The Ukrainian president is not budging from his demands for the imposition of a “no-fly” zone. Biden is headed to Brussels next week for an extraordinary meeting of NATO members. Sympathy for the plight of Ukraine is widespread but so too is wariness about getting sucked into a wider conflict. Is this too much to ask for?” he demanded.

Defenders of democracy (unknown)

The Ukraine crisis is the story of two power couples.

The difference between the onslaught of COVID-19 in early 2020 and the Russian invasion is we have a cook in the White House who knows to mix the ingredients and bring the meal to the table without burning it or starting a fire in the kitchen. Trump was completely unsuited to deal with crises, including the COVID-19 crisis that arguably ended his failed presidency. He pulled out all the stops in his address to Congress, the American public and friends of democracy everywhere. Putin, the Russian dictator, wants to revive the Soviet Empire by force. Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, represents the millions of brave people who fiercely resist Russian aggression. The Ukraine crisis is the story of two power couples.

President Biden approves $800M in military aid after Ukraine President Zelensky appeals to Congress (unknown)

President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday that another $800 million in military aid will be approved for Ukraine; this after President Volodymyr Zelensky ...

In his address, Zelensky directly asked Biden:“I wish you to be the leader of the world. But the American people will be steadfast in our support of the people of Ukraine in the face of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s immoral, unethical attacks on civilian populations. To create a no-fly zone over Ukraine, to save people, is this too much to ask?

Zelensky prods Biden to pledge more Ukraine aid in emotional speech to Congress (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urgently asks Congress for air defense to combat the Russian invasion. Biden announces more aid.

The question he asked the Congress and the United States government is, will we have the courage of ours?” Sasse added. The last time Zelensky was mentioned so frequently on Capitol Hill was in then-President Trump’s first impeachment in 2019 and 2020. Congress pushed the White House to ban the importation of Russian oil, a prohibition Biden announced only after it became clear Congress would have done so without him. “Zelensky has the courage of his convictions. “They need more Javelins. They need more ammo. All he’s ever asked for is: ‘Give us an opportunity to defend ourselves.’” “This could be a long and difficult battle,” he noted. “...They need more airplanes. He addressed the Canadian Parliament on Tuesday. The White House so far has ruled out any direct military confrontation with Russia. A video graphically depicted destroyed Ukrainian buildings and the escalating civilian suffering, much of it by children. Zelensky “should be taking a maximalist position.

Zelensky invokes Pearl Harbor, 9/11 while asking US for no-fly zone, anti-aircraft weapons (unknown)

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky pleaded with America for more help Wednesday in fending off the brutal Russian invasion of his nation, referencing the ...

“Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace.” I see no sense in life if it cannot stop the deaths,” he said. At one point, Zelensky even invoked Martin Luther King Jr.’s 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech. Later in his remarks, Zelensky played a video interspersing images of Ukraine’s cities in peaceful times with graphic footage of Russian airstrikes and harrowing evacuations. “Russian troops have already fired nearly 1,000 missiles at Ukraine, countless bombs,” Zelensky said. “I remember your national memorial … the faces of your prominent presidents who laid the foundation of the United States of America as it is today,” he said.

Tear Down Wall Dividing Free and Unfree Europe (unknown)

Invoking the fall of the Berlin Wall, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Thursday urged German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to tear down what he called a ...

Support freedom, support Ukraine, stop this war, help us to stop this war,” he added. “And this wall is getting bigger with every bomb that falls on Ukraine, with every decision that is not taken,” he added.

Pundit Peter Schiff slammed for criticizing Zelensky’s Congress address attire (unknown)

I understand times are hard, but doesn't the President of the #Ukraine own a suit?” former GOP Senate candidate Peter Schiff said on Twitter.

I’m sure he had a clean suit hanging in the same closet as his t-shirts. And Jimmy Stafford, former guitarist for the band Train, wrote, “Seriously? He’s at war fighting for his country. “I don’t have much respect for current members of the U. S. Congress either, but I still wouldn’t address them wearing a t-shirt.

Zelensky cites Holocaust slogan in address to Germany (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky invoked the well-known slogan "never again" in reference to the Holocaust while addressing German lawmakers on ...

"This is the foundation for the new wall. What is behind this wall?" "This is a country that brought to Europe the wall.

Zelensky says peace talks "more realistic" as Russian forces bombard Kyiv (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Wednesday peace talks were beginning to "sound more realistic," as the war entered its third week with Russian ...

* A U.S. defense official told AP that Russian forces were about nine miles outside Kyiv and their long-range missiles were striking civilian targets in the capital "with increasing frequency." The destruction of bridges by Ukrainian forces has also played a key role in stalling Russia’s advance," the Defense Ministry added. * "It's a truth and it must be recognized," he added. The big picture: Russian airstrikes on Kyiv Wednesday morning destroyed several residential buildings and killed at least two people, Ukraine's state emergency services said. * The Kremlin "is redeploying forces from as far afield as its Eastern Military District, Pacific Fleet and Armenia. It is also increasingly seeking to exploit irregular sources such as Private Military Companies, Syrian and other mercenaries," the update added. "Any war ends with an agreement," added Zelensky, who thanked the U. S. ahead of his congressional address later Wednesday for a $13.6 billion aid package.

'We need you right now' as he invokes Pearl Harbor and 9/11 (unknown)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky appealed to Congress for help on Wednesday in a historic speech, telling US lawmakers "we need you right now" as he ...

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