Ketanji Brown Jackson

2022 - 2 - 24

Joe Biden -- President Biden Joe Biden - President Biden

Biden nominates Ketanji Brown Jackson to be first Black woman to sit on Supreme Court (unknown)

President Joe Biden nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court on Friday, setting in motion a historic confirmation process for the first Black ...

Though Biden has said that he'd pick a nominee with bipartisan appeal who is "worthy of Justice Breyer's legacy of excellence and decency," his decision to name the first Black woman to the court is already facing Republican opposition. But Graham, who had expressed support for Childs, suggested Jackson does not have his approval, saying in a tweet that the choice of Jackson "means the radical Left has won President Biden over yet again." "Justice Breyer, in particular, not only gave me the greatest job that any young lawyer could ever hope to have, but he also exemplified every day, in every way, that a Supreme Court justice can perform at the highest level of skill and integrity, while also being guided by civility, grace, pragmatism and generosity of spirit," Jackson said. In addition to my brother, I had two uncles who served decades as police officers, one of whom became the police chief in my hometown of Miami, Florida." She also previously clerked for Breyer and served as a federal public defender in Washington -- an experience that her backers say is fitting, given Biden's commitment to putting more public defenders on the federal bench. She was a member of the debate team at Miami Palmetto Senior High School before earning both her undergraduate degree and law degree at Harvard. She looks people in the eye -- lawyers, defendants victims and families -- and she strives ensure that everyone understands why she made a decision, what the law is, and what it means to them. It's common for Supreme Court nominees to meet with the leadership on both sides, then members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The President will hope that Jackson can garner bipartisan support, but Democrats will need all their members in Washington to ensure her confirmation. Biden's pick is a chance for him to fire up a Democratic base that is less excited to vote in this year's midterm elections than it has been over the past several election cycles. Jackson received and accepted Biden's offer in a call Thursday night, a source familiar with the decision told CNN, yet was present for DC Circuit Court hearings Friday morning. The court is already poised to continue its turn toward the right with high-profile cases and rulings expected from the court in the coming months on abortion, gun control and religious liberty issues.

As a Public Defender, Supreme Court Nominee Helped Clients Others Avoided (unknown)

Ambitious lawyers usually become prosecutors. Ketanji Brown Jackson worked on behalf of criminal defendants and Guantánamo detainees.

It was in that job that Mr. Kramer assigned Ms. Jackson to help with the habeas corpus litigation for several Guantánamo detainees. Mr. Kramer recalled her as a friendly colleague who was considerate and never complained about the heavy workload. Ms. Jackson appealed his conviction on several grounds, including because the trial judge had asked potential jurors questions in a way that could have masked whether some had relatives who were police officers and might be biased. The case turned on a complex dispute over the production of papers that the court ruled violated his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. “And it also gave her a chance, I think, to work with human beings involved in the system.” But another was Miami’s chief of police, a third uncle was a sex crimes detective, and her brother worked as a police officer in Baltimore — before he took a job as an investigator in the same federal public defender’s office where she had mostly handled appeals, Mr. Kramer said. During her 2021 confirmation hearing, Senator Tom Cotton, Republican of Arkansas, challenged her about some of that work. Judge Jackson served as an assistant public defender from February 2005 until June 2007, before returning to corporate law. She has also had to navigate the politics of having represented unpopular clients. If confirmed, Judge Jackson would be the modern court’s first justice with experience as a public defender. Ms. Jackson, who went on to become a federal trial judge and then an appeals court judge, is now President Biden’s Supreme Court nominee. During her 2021 confirmation to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Senator Ben Sasse, Republican of Nebraska, asked Judge Jackson in writing whether she ever worried that her time as a public defender “would result in more violent criminals — including gun criminals — being put back on the streets?”

President Biden’s Historic Nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson Will Put a Strong Voice for Workers on the Supreme Court (unknown)

By nominating Judge Jackson, President Biden is fulfilling his campaign promises to protect workers' rights and to ensure that the Supreme Court is ...

As one of our nation’s brightest legal minds, Judge Jackson has already been confirmed by the Senate with bipartisan support three times. She is exactly the kind of champion we need to break the chokehold that wealthy and powerful special interests have had on the legal system. Judge Jackson is an eminently qualified, fair minded, and brilliant jurist with a proven track record of defending the rights of working people over corporations and powerful special interests.

Joe Biden nombra a Ketanji Brown Jackson a la Corte Suprema (unknown)

El presidente estadounidense Joe Biden nomina a la jueza federal de apelaciones Ketanji Brown Jackson a la Corte Suprema.

Jackson, de 51 años, trabajó una vez como asistente jurídica de Breyer a inicios de su carrera legal. Eligió a una abogada que sería la primera exdefensora pública en el máximo tribunal, aunque también con el historial de élite de otros jueces supremos. Jackson sería la segunda juez de raza negra en la corte actual —el conservador Clarence Thomas es el otro— y apenas tercera en la historia.

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Image courtesy of "Dallas Morning News AldiaDallas"

Ketanji Brown Jackson es nominada por Biden para la Corte Suprema (Dallas Morning News AldiaDallas)

Este artículo se actualizó el 25 de febrero a las 2:52 p.m. con la confirmación de la nominación del presidente.

Asimismo, Jackson se uniría a la minoría liberal de un tribunal dominado por conservadores que está sopesando recortes al derecho al aborto y considera restringir el derecho al voto. Jackson será la segunda integrante de la corte de raza negra, junto con el juez conservador Clarence Thomas —la tercera persona de raza negra en formar parte de la corte en la historia. Con la nominación de Jackson, Biden cumple la promesa de campaña de hacer el nombramiento histórico y diversificar aún más una corte que durante casi dos siglos estuvo conformada totalmente por hombres blancos.

Hoyer Statement on the Historic Nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court (unknown)

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today on President Biden's historic nomination of Judge Ketanji ...

“Judge Jackson was confirmed unanimously by the Senate when chosen to serve as Vice Chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission. When President Obama nominated Judge Jackson to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in 2013, the Senate confirmed her by voice vote, a sign of strong bipartisan support. Last March, President Biden nominated her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, replacing Attorney General Merrick Garland, and she was confirmed by the Senate in less than three months. “Judge Jackson was confirmed unanimously by the Senate when chosen to serve as Vice Chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission. When President Obama nominated Judge Jackson to the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in 2013, the Senate confirmed her by voice vote, a sign of strong bipartisan support. Last March, President Biden nominated her to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, replacing Attorney General Merrick Garland, and she was confirmed by the Senate in less than three months. “Not only would Judge Jackson be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court; she is the first Black nominee to the Court in more than three decades and would only be the third Black justice and fifth woman to serve on the nation's highest bench. “Not only would Judge Jackson be the first Black woman to serve on the Supreme Court; she is the first Black nominee to the Court in more than three decades and would only be the third Black justice and fifth woman to serve on the nation's highest bench.

Biden taps Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson as first Black woman on the U.S. Supreme Court (unknown)

President Joe Biden will nominate Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the U.S. Supreme Court.

“Not only will Jackson make history as the first Black woman to serve on the Court, her nomination will be a breakthrough moment in the effort to bring professional diversity to all levels of the judiciary,” he said. “With that said, I look forward to carefully reviewing Judge Jackson’s nomination during the vigorous and thorough Senate process that the American people deserve.” “Stated simply, the primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that Presidents are not kings,” she wrote. “I’ll make my determination based on the experience, qualifications, temperament and judicial philosophy of the nominee.” Biden said that he is confident the Senate can confirm Jackson on a bipartisan vote, as they have done in the past for her current position. “It is an attempt to hide that for over three months Biden refused to levy sanctions against Russia or send military assistance to Ukraine.” “I have no doubt that Judge Jackson would make an outstanding Supreme Court Justice,” Schumer said. He argued that Demand Justice has lobbied to get Jackson nominated to the Supreme Court. While New Mexico Sen. Ben Ray Luján has been absent recovering from a stroke, he is expected to return in time for the floor vote. If confirmed by the Senate, Jackson, 51, will be the first Black woman and first former federal public defender to serve on the court. Her husband, Patrick, and one of her daughters, Leila, attended the White House’s announcement. “I do know that one can only come this far, by faith,” she said.

La madre de Ketanji Brown Jackson agradece el apoyo de la comunidad (unknown)

Cuando era adolescente, el fiscal estatal del condado de Palm Beach, Dave Aronberg, se enfrentó a Jackson en concursos de debate, y luego fue su compañero ...

Jackson aseguró que fue su padre, Johnny Brown, quien la inició en el camino de la ley. Ellery Brown, su madre, directora jubilada de la New World School of the Arts, estaba radiante de orgullo. El orgullo de Miami Palmetto surge después de la nominación de Ketanji Brown Jackson “Todos los que hicimos debates en la escuela secundaria [en los años 80] conocíamos y respetábamos a Ketanji Brown y algunos de nosotros la temíamos porque si sabíamos que alguna vez competíamos con ella, saldríamos con una gran ‘L’ porque ella era la superestrella del debate en la escuela secundaria en el condado de Miami-Dade”, dijo Aronberg. Cuando era adolescente, el fiscal estatal del condado de Palm Beach, Dave Aronberg, se enfrentó a Jackson en concursos de debate, y luego fue su compañero de clase en la Universidad de Harvard y posteriormente en la Facultad de Derecho de Harvard. Jackson también es sobrina del exjefe de policía de Miami, Calvin Ross, integrante de la clase de Palmetto Panther de 1988 y es recordada en Miami Palmetto Senior High School como una estudiante motivada que se destacó en el equipo de debate.

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

Primero en CNN: Biden postulará a Ketanji Brown Jackson como la ... (CNN)

Jackson, de 51 años, será la primera mujer negra en sentarse en la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos, el tribunal más alto del país.

Aunque Biden dijo que elegiría a un candidato con atractivo bipartidista que sea "digno del legado de excelencia y decencia del juez Breyer", su decisión de nombrar a la primera mujer negra en la corte ya enfrenta oposición republicana. Aún así, los republicanos tienen una capacidad limitada para bloquear a un candidato a la Corte Suprema, y Jackson puede ganar el apoyo de algunos senadores republicanos. Biden se comprometió por primera vez a nominar a una jueza negra de la Corte Suprema de EE.UU. cuando se postuló para presidente en 2020. La corte ya está lista para continuar su giro hacia la derecha con casos de alto perfil y fallos esperados de la corte en los próximos meses sobre temas de aborto, control de armas y libertad religiosa. La elección de Biden es una oportunidad para él de animar a una base demócrata que está menos emocionada por votar en las elecciones intermedias de este año que en los últimos ciclos electorales. Jackson trabajó para Breyer y se desempeñó como defensora pública federal en Washington, una experiencia que sus patrocinadores dicen que es apropiada, dado el compromiso de Biden de poner más defensores públicos en el tribunal federal.

Supreme Court Nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson (unknown)

On February 25, 2022, President Joe Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to become the 116th Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

President Biden sought a candidate with exceptional credentials, unimpeachable character, and unwavering dedication to the rule of law. Prior to serving as a judge, Judge Jackson followed in the footsteps of her mentor Justice Breyer by working on the U.S. Sentencing Commission. The Commission, which President Biden fought to create as a member of the U.S. Senate, is bipartisan by design. President Obama nominated Judge Jackson to serve as the Vice Chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission in 2009, and she was confirmed with bipartisan support in 2010. He studied the histories and case records of candidates and consulted legal experts. Judge Jackson comes from a law enforcement family, with two uncles who were career law enforcement officers: one was a Miami-Dade County sex crimes detective, and the other rose through the ranks of the City of Miami Police Department to become the Chief of Police. Her brother served as an undercover officer in a drug-sting unit in Baltimore after graduating from college, so she should know quite well the difficulties and dangers our officers face in the line of duty every single day … From our analysis of Judge Jackson’s record and some of her cases, we believe she has considered the facts and applied the law consistently and fairly on a range of issues. With multiple law enforcement officials in her family, she also has a personal understanding of the stakes of the legal system. As the longtime Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, the President took seriously the Constitution’s requirement that he make this appointment “by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate,” seeking the advice of Senators in both parties. Judge Jackson represented defendants who did not have the means to pay for a lawyer. In a 2017 lecture, Judge Jackson traced her love of the law back to sitting next to her father in their apartment as he tackled his law school homework—reading cases and preparing for Socratic questioning—while she undertook her preschool homework—coloring books. And the President sought an individual who is committed to equal justice under the law and who understands the profound impact that the Supreme Court’s decisions have on the lives of the American people. Judge Jackson was one of President Biden’s first judicial nominees. Since Justice Stephen Breyer announced his retirement, President Biden has conducted a rigorous process to identify his replacement.

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