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Access Denied (unknown)

Western defense officials questioned the progress of the invasion, while new comments from Vladimir Putin reinforced the idea that Russia could be growing ...

President Joe Biden spoke with Zelenskyy earlier on Friday and “conveyed ongoing economic, humanitarian, and security support being provided by the United States,” according to a White House readout. Russian officials also signaled openness to talks to end hostilities on the condition that Ukrainian forces lay down their arms only to subsequently hedge on the offer. New comments from Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday seemed to reinforce the idea that obstacles are present. Kirby later told reporters that the U.S. is “continuing to provide ways to defend themselves,” referring to Ukrainians, but declined to go into detail on what the support might entail. Separately, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace was quoted by Reuters as saying the “Russian army has failed to deliver, on Day One, its main objective.” He added that Russia had lost some 450 personnel in just about a day of fighting. “We certainly have seen indications that the Russians are not, in every case, making the progress that they thought they were going to make,” Kirby told reporters.

‘Almost not possible’ for Ukraine to win without West's help, Ukraine official says (unknown)

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Shoot us an email at [email protected] or [email protected] to be featured in the next edition of the newsletter. Mississippi is home to shipyards that build destroyers and amphibious ships and he has backed the Navy's yearslong goal of reaching over 355 hulls,” Morning D wrote. “As we seek to impose maximum costs on Putin, there is more that we can and should do. “In a February email to AIA Chief Operating Officer PETER PROWITT, representatives from the three companies wrote that they were not receiving an adequate return on investment from the trade association to tackle industry-wide problems, and instead are relying on other groups such as the National Defense Industrial Association and Professional Services Council to better represent their interests,” the two reported. That effort, which comes as lawmakers also aim to wrap up a full-year funding package for the Pentagon, could amount to billions in new funding. “Operational testing has found several significant challenges, including the ship’s ability to defend itself if attacked and failure rates of mission-essential equipment.” “The debate partly centers on the legal basis of a U.S. president’s war power authorities and underscores how concerned U.S. national security planners are that Ukraine’s government could swiftly fall.” After one diplomatic exchange in December, U.S. officials got intelligence showing Beijing had shared the information with Moscow, telling the Russians that the United States was trying to sow discord — and that China would not try to impede Russian plans and actions, the officials said,” Wong wrote. Ukraine’s Computer Emergency Response Team warned in a Facebook post Friday that a Belarus-based hacking group known as “UNC1151” is carrying out a campaign to target Ukrainian military personnel and related individuals with malicious phishing emails. Earlier in the day, Zelenskyy appealed to Israel to both host and mediate a potential discussion. Should Russia deploy more of its military power, it is “almost not possible” for Ukraine to win, she said in a response to NatSec Daily’s question. “Kyiv is fully under control,” Ukraine’s ambassador to the U.S., OKSANA MARKAROVA, said during a press conference today.

Street fighting begins in Kyiv; people urged to seek shelter (unknown)

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russian troops stormed toward Ukraine's capital Saturday, and street fighting broke out as city officials urged residents to take ...

Fragments of a downed aircraft smoked amid the brick homes of a residential area. Residents of a Kyiv apartment building woke to screaming, smoke and flying dust. Zelenskyy was urged early Saturday to evacuate Kyiv at the behest of the U.S. government but turned down the offer, according to a senior American intelligence official with direct knowledge of the conversation. Zelenskyy’s whereabouts were kept secret after he told European leaders in a call Thursday that he was Russia’s No. 1 target — and that they might not see him again alive. It was not clear how quickly the aid would flow. They estimate that up to 4 million could flee if the fighting escalates. The 11-1 vote, with China, India and the United Arab Emirates abstaining, showed significant opposition to Russia’s invasion of its smaller, militarily weaker neighbor. U.N. officials said millions could flee Ukraine. Sports leagues moved to punish Russia, and even the popular Eurovision song contest banned it from the May finals in Italy. Skirmishes reported on the edge of the city suggested that small Russian units were probing Ukrainian defenses to clear a path for the main forces. U.S. officials believe Russian President Vladimir Putin is determined to overthrow Ukraine’s government and replace it with a regime of his own. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy offered renewed assurance Saturday that the country’s military would stand up to the Russian invasion. By Saturday morning, when the small Russian units tried to infiltrate Kyiv, Ukrainian forces controlled the situation, Zelenskyy adviser Mykhailo Podolyak said.

Former Indiana Basketball Player Stuck in Ukraine Amid Russia-Ukraine Crisis (unknown)

Creek, who played for both Indiana and George Washington, had been playing professionally in Ukraine for the past few years.

He has been able to contact his family back in the Washington D.C. area. Creek claims his team, Municipal Basketball Club Mykolaiv, hasn’t offered to help him leave the country. Creek played for Indiana from 2009 to ’13 and George Washington in the ’13-’14 season.

US to impose sanctions on Putin (unknown)

Bloody battles have taken place nationwide on the second day of the Russian attack. Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for Ukraine's military to remove ...

“Blinken thanked the Baltic states for their steadfast support of Ukraine and for hosting US and NATO forces. The possibility of cutting Russia from SWIFT “is still on the table. But for Washington, use of the veto would show Russia’s “isolation”, the sources said. Oleksandra Shustik urged the “whole world” to stop Russia from advancing. The adviser to Ukraine’s interior minister wrote on the Telegram messaging service that a nine-storey residential building was on fire. The overall mood is one of horrendous fear of what’s going to happen next.” “That is not just in the air but on the ground as well – there are armoured [Russian] columns heading towards the city,” he said. Let’s sit down at the negotiation table to stop the people’s deaths,” Zelenskyy said in a video message to the nation. “I would like to address the President of the Russian Federation once again. “The city has gone into a defensive phase. Diplomats said on Thursday it appeared at least 11 of the 15 member council would vote in favour, while it was unclear how China, India and the United Arab Emirates would vote. “The people of Ontario will always stand against tyranny and oppression.

February 25, 2022 Russia-Ukraine news (unknown)

Russia has used its veto power to block a United Nations Security Council resolution condemning its invasion of Ukraine.

"Canada is announcing our third set of severe, coordinated sanctions," Trudeau said. Russian forces have attacked by land, sea, and air, and are currently battling for control of Ukraine's capital, Kyiv. "First, we will be imposing sanctions on President Putin and his fellow architects of this barbaric war, his chief of staff and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov."

Russian invasion of Ukraine enters third day (unknown)

Reports of artillery blasts in Kyiv as Ukrainian President Zelenskyy warns of impending Russian assault on the capital.

… A nuclear power, a great country; who have you decided to play with?” Zakharova said in televised remarks. The overall mood is one of horrendous fear of what’s going to happen next.” Russia vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution on Friday demanding that Moscow immediately stop its attack on Ukraine and withdraw all troops. There was no immediate word on a timetable for an assembly vote. Zelenskyy wants everyone to fight,” he reported. There are armoured [Russian] columns heading towards the city,” he said. These countries also eased their usual border procedures, including COVID-19 testing requirements. The pope broke protocol with an in-person visit on Friday to the Russian embassy to “express his concern about the war” in Ukraine. “Furthermore, there are a number of places in the city where people can get a gun of their choice, particularly an AK-47, to defend themselves and that is the policy of the presidency. The Russian military on Friday said it had encircled the cities of Sumy and Konotop in northeastern Ukraine but was “taking steps to ensure civilians’ safety”. But on Friday, Zelenskyy released a video of himself and his senior aides outside the presidential office in Kyiv to reassure Ukrainians that he and other top officials would stay in the capital. The invasion of Ukraine began early on Thursday with missile attacks on cities and military bases, followed by a multipronged ground assault that rolled troops in from separatist-held areas in the east; from the southern region of Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014; and from Belarus to the north.

Russia’s Assault in Ukraine Slows After an Aggressive Start (unknown)

The invading forces have faced stiff resistance, but President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia could quickly send in more troops, Pentagon officials said.

U.S. military officials said it could be that efforts to safeguard Ukraine’s communications in anticipation of a major Russia attack were helping. He said the Russian forces had a list of Mr. Zelensky’s leadership team, and would seek to kill or capture those officials if targeted airstrikes did not accomplish Mr. Putin’s aim of eliminating the government. But the official warned that more of those troops would flow quickly to the cities — particularly Kyiv — if the forward elements break the Ukrainian troops who have held them up. That said, Pentagon officials warned that Russia had sent in only one-third of the 150,000 to 190,000 troops it had massed at Ukraine’s borders, so Moscow could intensify pressure at any time. As some Russian troops entered a northern district of Kyiv, missile strikes hammered the city and rockets crashed into residential buildings. We’re just a couple of days into this, and it could go on a long time.” The Russian military, with its decisive edge in cyberwarfare, tanks, heavy weaponry, missiles, fighter planes, warships and sheer numbers, dwarfs that of Ukraine. Thousands of Russian naval infantry are coming ashore there, with military officials assessing that the plan is to move toward the city. Within a day of entering Ukraine, Russian forces lost some momentum, senior American and British officials said, as Ukrainian fighters mounted a resistance. It is another thing entirely to lay siege to cities and an army populated by people willing to put their lives on the line to protect what they view as their sovereign right to self-determination. It is one thing to cross the border of another country with tanks and artillery, protected by warplanes above, Pentagon officials and analysts say. On the first day of President Vladimir V. Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, his generals and troops followed a textbook strategy for land invasions.

The real and imagined history of Ukraine (unknown)

Vladimir Putin says Ukraine isn't a country. Yale historian Timothy Synder explains why he's wrong.

The civilians suffer more in Ukraine than in Russia. But during the war, because the Germans are trying to control Ukraine, Stalin praises Ukraine. But when it’s over, that all turns around again, and the fact that Ukraine was occupied by the Germans is turned against Ukraine. Now, Ukrainians are suspected of being collaborators. It has to build a state, it has to build an economy, it has to build a political system. But when Brezhnev takes control from the late ’60s and especially from the early ’70s forward, you have a policy of a very deliberate Russification in Ukraine. Grain is confiscated from Ukrainians in 1932 and even into 1933, when it’s clear that hundreds of thousands of people or even millions of people are going to die. The back-and-forth of how the Ukrainian question is treated continues after the Second World War, if in a less violent way. And an essential part of that was to get agriculture away from private farmers, from smallholders, who were very common in Ukraine, and get it under control of the state because that would allow the state to control a source of capital, which you could then divert toward industrialization. And the idea was that this would allow the state to divert resources to what it really wanted to do, which was build up the cities, build up the mines, build up the factories. So the famine is not treated as real or it’s treated as the fault of the Ukrainians. When they set up the Soviet Union in 1922, the initial idea is: We’re going to win over Ukraine. And the way we’re going to win over Ukraine is we’re going to have policies of affirmative action where we will recruit Ukrainian elites into the Soviet Union by promoting them, by opening up Ukrainian culture, by opening up jobs in the bureaucracy. In 1931 and especially in 1932, there’s a transition to collectivization in Ukraine; there is a bad harvest. So in that sense, it would be truer to say, “Ukraine created the Soviet Union,” because without the general acknowledgment of a Ukrainian question, the Soviet Union wouldn’t have been set up the way that it was. So Ukraine is allowed to rise in a certain way, and then it’s crushed.

NATO activates Response Force for first time in response to Russia (unknown)

U.S. officials believe President Vladimir Putin is attempting to install his own regime in Ukraine. Ukrainians wait at the Slovak-Ukrainian border crossing in ...

The assessment came amid signs that Russia has struggled to move on the capital, Kyiv, as outgunned Ukrainian forces dig in and put up a fight. Russian forces have blocked Kyiv’s access from the West with paratroopers and assault teams, according to a spokesman with Russia’s defense ministry. “Defend yourselves the way we defend ourselves.” They have to fight and have to protect their home.” Lucky for Nézet-Séguin that the programs are all music that has long been familiar to him, as are many of the musicians he’ll be working with. The resolution’s failure paves the way for backers to call for a swift vote on a similar measure in the U.N. General Assembly. There are no vetoes in the 193-member assembly. We just hope it going to be end soon and everything is going to be all right.” … I hope it’s going to end soon and it’s going to be peace in both countries. It came as a military battle ensued for control of the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. And the Russian leader seems to have misjudged the level of resistance his army will meet from civilian volunteers. A Russian man apologized to the crowd. Ukraine nonetheless remains “ready to discuss a cease-fire and peace,” said Zelensky spokesman Sergii Nikiforov.

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