Putin declares war

2022 - 2 - 23

russia declares war russia declares war

Putin launches attacks across Ukraine (unknown)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has drawn swift condemnation from President Biden and other world leaders after announcing a "special military operation" ...

That message appeared to be aimed not at the separatist republics where Putin had already deployed troops, but to the country as a whole and its leaders in Kyiv. He argued on Monday thatUkraine has no right to existas an independent country. - Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky said military installations around the country were under attack and declared martial law. I hope you hear me," Putin said. - French President Emmanuel Macron, who helpedsecure an "in principle" agreementfor Biden and Putin before Russian troops moving into eastern Ukraineput an end to the deal, tweeted: " France strongly condemnsthe decision of Russia to start a war with Ukraine. Russia must immediately put an end to its military operations." Russian President Vladimir Putin has drawn swift condemnation from President Biden and other world leaders after announcing a "special military operation" in Ukraine, in a speech that appeared to serve as a declaration of war.

Russia’s Putin announces military operation in Ukraine (unknown)

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday announced a military operation in Ukraine, claiming it's intended to protect civilians.

Putin declares war on Ukraine (unknown)

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared de facto war on Ukraine shortly before 10 p.m. EST on Wednesday.

This challenge to the post-WWII international order must be met with the full diplomatic and economic force that can be mustered. Ukraine must be enabled with the fullest range of targeting intelligence and lethal means of defense. France should follow through on its pledge to deploy ground forces to Romania. The Biden administration, with allied support, should immediately introduce sanctions targeting the full gamut of Russian energy, financial, and export industries. This rhetoric is designed to exploit Western fears over Russian escalation and widen existing fissures over the measure of sanctions response to his aggression. And he warned NATO that Russia was ready for any interference in the conflict. Absurd as it is, this is Putin's moment of existentialism and destiny.

Putin announces Russian troops to be sent to Donbas (unknown)

In a televised speech, Putin accused the U.S. of refusing to negotiate and crossing Russia's "red line" by expanding NATO.

Russia has repeatedly rejected U.S. allegations that Putin intends to invade Ukraine as “hysteria” and propaganda. “President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering,” Biden said in a statement. Treasuries, the dollar, gold and crude oil all gained. He appealed to Ukrainain soldiers to lay down their weapons and go home. Stocks were down across Asia Thursday, with equities declining in all major markets. Vladimir Putin decided to conduct a special operation to “protect” the Donbas region of Ukraine, saying the U.S. crossed Russia’s “red line” by expanding NATO.

Battles flare across Ukraine after Putin declares war (unknown)

KYIV — Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday launched an all-out assault on Ukraine with missiles, warplanes and tanks that threatens to push Europe ...

“President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering,” he said in a statement. In this regard, no one should have any doubt that a direct attack on Russia will lead to defeat and dire consequences for a potential aggressor.” In his early morning address, Putin called on members of the Ukrainian army to lay down their arms and go home to their families. We are working, the army is working, the whole security apparatus of Ukraine is working.” Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called for “devastating” sanctions on Russia and for weapons’ deliveries to the Ukrainian military. “The people’s republics of Donbass turned to Russia with a request for help … I decided to conduct a special military operation,” he said. The authorities in Kyiv reported a pincer movement attack on its troops from Belarus to the north, potentially attempting an encirclement of Kyiv, and from Crimea to the south.

Putin declares war on Ukraine as deadly missile strikes plunge country into bloodshed (unknown)

Russian President Vladimir Putin declared war on Wednesday night, ending weeks of diplomatic stalemate and plunging Eastern Europe into a nightmare of ...

“Who in the Lord’s name does Putin think gives him the right to declare new so-called countries on territory that belonged to his neighbors?” Biden said. Washington has also sent millions of dollars worth of military equipment to Ukraine to counter the Russian threat. The European Union Aviation Safety Agency issued an alert saying there is a risk of “both intentional targeting and misidentification” of civilian aircraft. “Madness.” Pentagon press secretary John Kirby backed that assessment, telling reporters that “we believe that they are, they are, they are ready. The world will hold Russia accountable.” “Strikes continue on peaceful Ukrainian cities,” Kuleba said. The world can and must stop Putin. It’s time to act — just now.” Ukraine imposed martial law as Russian forces launched offensives across the country. Later, Ukrainian authorities described ground invasions in multiple regions, and border guards released security camera footage Thursday showing a line of Russian military vehicles crossing into Ukraine’s government-held territory from Russian-annexed Crimea. Ukraine’s military said six Russian planes and one helicopter were shot down amid the ongoing aerial assault. Putin claimed Russia was undertaking a “special military operation” to demilitarize and “denazify” the country under the pretense that Russia was defending itself.

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