
Nevada primary

Nevada Primary Showdown: Biden Triumphs While 'None of These Candidates' Stuns in GOP Race

President Biden secures victory in Nevada primary as 'None of These Candidates' outperforms major contenders in the Republican race. Find out the shocking results here!

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South Carolina primary

Trump vs. Haley: Showdown in South Carolina's GOP Primary

Former President Trump and Nikki Haley go head-to-head in the South Carolina primary. Who will come out on top? Find out more!

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Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley's Iowa Adventure: Beating Trump, Eyes on New Hampshire

Discover how Nikki Haley shook up the Iowa caucuses and plans to dominate in New Hampshire against tough competition!

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Nikki Haley

Unlocking the Secrets of Nikki Haley's Rise: From Iowa Polls to Presidential Hopes

Delve into the whirlwind of Nikki Haley's campaign, from leading in Iowa polls to challenging Trump in 2024!

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Vivek Ramaswamy

Vivek Ramaswamy: The GOP Underdog Making Headlines

Discover why Vivek Ramaswamy's unconventional ad strategies and absence from the GOP debate are sparking curiosity and speculation. Is his presidential bid in jeopardy?

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Nikki Haley

Nikki Haley's Unexpected Rise: Closing in on Trump in New Hampshire

Is Nikki Haley poised to dethrone Donald Trump in the Granite State? The latest polls show a surprising surge for the former ambassador.

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Texas election results

Texas Election Drama: From Defying Restrictions to Winning Primaries

From salon owner to primary winner, the Texas election scene is heating up! Read the exciting details here.

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