
Wendy's surge pricing

Is Wendy's Surge Pricing the Future of Fast Food?

Get ready for fluctuating burger prices! Wendy's is piloting surge pricing similar to Uber, changing costs based on demand.

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20 minimum wage California fast food

California Fast Food Workers Celebrate $20 Minimum Wage Increase

California fast food workers rejoice as the $20 minimum wage kicks in! Learn more about the impact and exemptions.

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Fast food workers minimum wage increase

California's Fast Food Minimum Wage Boom: Impacts, Cheers, and Concerns

Fast food workers in California are now earning a minimum of $20 an hour. What are the effects of this wage increase on schools and the economy?

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Morgan Spurlock

Morgan Spurlock: Legacy of the 'Super Size Me' Filmmaker

Breaking news on the legendary Morgan Spurlock - His impact on the documentary world will be remembered forever. #MorganSpurlock #SuperSizeMe #Documentary

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McDonald's $5 meal deal

Unveiling the Secret Behind McDonald's $5 Meal Deal Phenomenon

Discover the magic of the $5 fast food industry's game-changer. Find out how McDonald's is revolutionizing meal deals with the $5 offer!

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